Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 195: No


"Can't you just take medicine and get an injection? These are eyes!" Mrs. Su originally thought that Su Mian would prescribe some medicine and take it back for a few days to recover, but she didn't expect that she would need surgery.

"Yes, Xiao Mian, your eyes are not as good as the others. If this operation fails, your uncle's life will be over." Aunt Su Mian is also worried that if he becomes blind, the third child will be disabled in the future.

Su Mian knew that everyone was worried, so she had to carry Director Li out, "Don't worry, I will take my uncle to the county hospital tomorrow and let Director Li perform an operation on him. Did you know that Director Li just performed surgery on him some time ago?" The liver cancer resection operation was particularly successful. He has good medical skills. I will be there to help when the time comes, so don’t worry."

Su Mian's aunts all live in the county town, especially my younger aunt's house is quite close to the county hospital. "I heard about this. I heard that the teacher recovered very well and is about to be discharged from the hospital."

Even though the sister-in-law said this, Mrs. Su was still worried. The third child didn't even have a wife yet, "Xiao Mian, does your brother-in-law have to have surgery on his eyes?"

Su Mian knew what everyone was worried about and didn't hide it from them, "Grandma, just keep your heart in your stomach. I promise that after the operation, not only will my uncle's cataracts be cured, but his eyesight will be restored. By then, maybe in a few days I will get you a daughter-in-law in a month!"

"Now that Third Brother is watching, maybe Third Sister-in-law, whom we have been waiting for for 20 years, will come to our house!"

"No, third brother is handsome, but it's just his eyes that have delayed the business!"

"Third brother, when the time comes, you can't marry a wife and forget your mother!"

Not to mention, even though my uncle couldn’t cure his eyes in his previous life, he still found a wife in the end. It's just that my wife also has problems, her legs are disabled, she likes to gossip, and she has a bad temper with Magnolia. The two sisters-in-law come together to stir up trouble in the Su family.

This time Su Mian cured her uncle's eyes, so she probably won't marry her third aunt who had a disabled leg in her previous life.

Uncle Su Mian is introverted and has never spoken to me, but he is willing to undergo this operation. As soon as he heard about marrying a wife, even the almost 40-year-old man became very embarrassed.

Old Mrs. Su was happy when she heard this, and the wrinkles on her face smoothed out a lot, "That relationship is great. There is someone to take care of him and live with him. I won't have any regrets when I go to see the old man!"

The failure to find a wife for the third child in recent years has always been a worry for Mrs. Su. But the third child’s eyesight is not good. When he was young, many matchmakers failed. Now he is 40. If he can marry a wife and have a child, regardless of male or female, he will have a wife. When he grows up, he can be a married couple. Just one bite of food is enough.

Su Mian also told her uncle to go back to wash his hair and take a bath at night, and to eat less tomorrow morning, so that he would not be nervous and stay in a comfortable mood.

The family was discussing tomorrow's surgery and which piece of land to plant first, when Wei Youshan, his wife and Wei Min came.

Zhang Jie followed Wei Youshan and when she saw Su Mian, she grabbed Su Mian's hand. The more she looked at her, the more she liked her.

She knew that she liked petty gains. If her eldest sister hadn't warned her, she would have been deceived by Magnolia. Thinking about it now, she was really a bastard at that time. If she really married Su Hong, she would never be able to hold her head high in the village for the rest of her life just because she lied about asking for leave last time.

"Let me see if Xiao Mian has lost weight." Zhang Jie pulled Su Mian over affectionately, held her little hand and touched her twice. This daughter-in-law was really getting more and more pleasing to her eyes.

"Aunt, I'm fine." This warmth made Su Mian somewhat uncomfortable, and she went straight to Wei Min behind Zhang Jie for help. Wei Min narrowed her big almond eyes and asked Su Mian, "Mom, you and dad are not I still need to talk to Uncle Su about business, and Su Mian and I still have something to talk about."

Zhang Jie originally wanted to say a few more words to Su Mian, but was pulled away by Wei Min. She stamped her feet angrily, "You damn girl, you haven't said enough at school, and you still fight with me when you get home."