Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 248: A quarter of revenge


If Class 3 and 5 hadn't had a student with a sports specialty in the second half of last year, huh, they would have won first place. That student with this specialty would have won two first places at once, and she was first in all the relays she participated in.

It is said that this student's name is Yang Qian. Her parents are both national-level athletes. She not only has a good foundation but also has talent. Under the influence of her parents, she has been involved in track and field since she was a child.

Before you know what a track is, people have already started training.

Hey, it’s useless to say all this, but later on he won the first place!

I thought I would never get a chance to avenge this grudge, but I didn’t expect that this year’s senior year I would be able to participate in the sports meeting and score points for the competition. The enthusiasm of the students suddenly increased.

The matter of the three Liu brothers was also temporarily put aside.

Before Wu Yumei finished speaking, sports committee member Guo Lei had already sat next to monitor Hao Dongmin.

"I said monitor, our class has to study hard this time. If the girls hadn't fallen behind last time, we would have definitely beaten them." Guo Lei actually said that in Wei Min's words, his emotional intelligence has grown. When he said this , completely unaware of how many pairs of girls in the class stared at him, wanting to kill him with their eyes.

As soon as he said this, the girls immediately became unhappy, "Silly big guy, what the hell, who among us girls fell behind last year? It's because you and the monitor didn't arrange a good person."

"That is, if there was no one left in the 800 meters and everyone was squeezed into the 100 and 200 meters, how could we have lost so many points?"

"To be honest, it was your class leaders who failed to arrange a good candidate last year!"

Guo Lei immediately silenced him, what could he say

What the girls said is true. It was true that they did not make good arrangements last year.

Sun Ying was good at the 800 meters, but that day she had a fit and had to run the 100 meters. Originally, I could finish first in the 800-meter race and easily score 7 points. However, the aunt said that she had never run over 100 meters and wanted to challenge the difficulty. As a result, Sun Ying finished fourth and didn't get a single point.

The school sports meeting clearly stipulates that the first place in each event will be awarded 7 points, the second place will be awarded 4 points, and the third place will be awarded 1 point. There will be no results for other places, and each person is limited to two items. Relays will not be counted.

Guo Lei shut up sarcastically. He and the squad leader did have responsibilities. They should have done a good job in Sun Ying's ideological work at that time and solved her problems that came up one after another. There was no sense of collective honor at all.

Later, when the results were announced, their class ranked second. Many people cried. They were like eggplants beaten by frost, looking stupidly at Class 3 and 5 who were celebrating and cheering for victory.

They were regretful and aggrieved. If Sun Ying hadn't been fooling around, the championship would have definitely been theirs!

They are not willing to accept it, they are not convinced! Moreover, this is the last time to participate in the sports meeting, and there is no chance to win against them again.

That scene... Guo Lei is still unforgettable when he thinks about it. It was the most tragic sports meeting he had participated in in so many years since he was a child.

He will never forget the scene of all the boys in Class 3 and 5 hugging each other and cheering. Some of them also shed tears. It was exciting and thrilling, unlike them.

"Guo Lei, what are you thinking about? Don't be discouraged. Let's plan carefully now." The squad leader held Guo Lei's hand tightly. Both of them were holding back their energy!

In the afternoon self-study class, the class was all excited, discussing which project to apply for.

Guo Lei also went to the physical education teacher specifically to ask his class to meet the standards for various events this semester.

It didn't matter, he and Hao Dongmin almost hugged each other and cried!