Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 308: Really


"Sister, will someone rescue us?" The little boy muttered with big black eyes. As soon as he climbed up, he discovered that there was no exit from this place.

"Don't worry, Uncle PLA will rescue us safely. Do you miss your parents?" Su Mian asked.

The little boy lowered his head, "It's all my fault. I was playful and took my sister to hide cats in the cellar. Unexpectedly, there was an earthquake and the exit was blocked."

"You took good care of your sister. Your parents will forgive you when they see you." Su Mian comforted him. He was really a man who had the courage to admit his mistakes.


"Of course." After the disaster, what else is more important than living.


"Oops, the entrance to the cave is blocked, what should we do?"

There had just been an aftershock, and when the platoon leader opened his eyes again, the hole that Su Mian had entered was completely blocked.

"Then let's start digging again. Why are you standing still?" the platoon leader said, grabbing the shovel and going to dig.

"First platoon leader, we know how you feel, and our battalion commander is also inside. But aftershocks continue, we can't be anxious, otherwise a second landslide will be even more dangerous."

"Should we dig or not?" My sister-in-law was still inside, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, and the platoon leader's eyes turned red.

"hold on!"

Still have to wait? The platoon leader didn't have time to chat with them, so he ran out. He felt sorry for the battalion commander, and he shouldn't have asked his sister-in-law to rescue people.

The platoon leader was running all the way. He knew the disaster relief location of his troops today, but he couldn't run for an hour on just two legs. He was at a loss when a tractor happened to drive by the roadside.

As soon as they found out that they were going to the area where Wei Zhenhui and his colleagues were providing earthquake relief, the queue leader squeezed into the driver's seat without saying a word and let the fellow man sit in the back pocket.

The tractor was emitting thick black smoke. Even though the tractor was running at full speed, it was not moving very fast. When it finally reached the place, the entire face of the tractor was blackened.

After getting off the tractor, a platoon leader shouted at the top of his voice, "Batalion Commander, Battalion Commander, my sister-in-law is stuck in the rubble, go and save her!"

Wei Zhenhui was directing the soldiers to dig up rubble. He didn't even need to turn around to know who the voice was. But when he turned around, he was startled when he saw a row of long faces.

A platoon leader hugged Wei Zhenhui and said, "Battalion Commander, go and save my sister-in-law. I'm sorry for you!"

When Wu Feng saw that it was a platoon leader, he stepped forward and kicked him, "What are you yelling about, you brat? You don't want to clean up the household garbage and are deliberately looking for trouble. Didn't sister-in-law let Zhenhui send her away?"

The platoon commander wiped his face and sweated. This time, his face was stained. "It's true, instructor. One of their battalion commanders was hit when he entered the ruins this morning. He needed a doctor. I happened to see my sister-in-law, so I went to talk to her." Went. The place in the ruins was small, so my sister-in-law went in alone. I waited outside. Just after the aftershock, the passage was blocked and my sister-in-law was trapped in the ruins. Everything I said is true, Battalion Commander You have to believe me, how can I joke with my sister-in-law’s life?”

When he looked up at Wei Zhenhui again, Wei Zhenhui's face was as dark as water, "Where is she?" His voice was extremely cold.

The platoon leader was trembling with fear. Outsiders may not know how Wei Zhenhui got the title of Big Demon King, but he did.

The calmer Wei Zhenhui behaves, the more a sign of the coming storm.

If he had known that his sister-in-law would be trapped in the ruins, even if he had a hundred courages, he would not have dared to take her to rescue people! Although their battalion commander may look cold on the outside, he is actually a doting wife maniac on the inside. Now the wife is trapped, and she has to peel off his skin when she comes back!

"It's a ruins not far from the army. I'll lead the way, battalion commander." The platoon leader felt guilty. If this damn sister-in-law had any shortcomings, he would die!

"Batalion Commander, we are going with you too!"

"Wu Feng, I'll leave this to you." Wei Zhenhui stepped into the jeep with a cold look.

Wei Zhenhui was driving a jeep, and he was driving the jeep into the sky!

A platoon leader was sitting in the passenger seat, his eyes tightly closed and his right hand tightly holding the handle. Who told him to talk too much? His life today was left to the battalion commander.