Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 40: Let's find Dr. Su


Several apprentices heard the master's ridicule and laughed at Su Jinlong.

Su Jinlong, however, acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He watched the jeep going further and further away. He felt anxious and ran away in the direction of the jeep.

"You brat, what are you doing?" Su Jianghai shouted behind him. In fact, he was not worried about Su Jinlong doing whatever he wanted.

In the past month, Su Jinlong has really grown up. He no longer runs around the mountains with Su Jinbiao and the others. Instead, he and he stay in the house making furniture every day, and they still make decent work.

Su Jinlong ran straight towards the jeep like an arrow from the string, shouting as he ran, "I'm going to join the army, the jeep is here to pick me up!"

"You brat!" Su Jianghai cursed in a low voice as he watched Su Jinlong running further and further away. This kid was so obsessed with the idea of becoming a soldier that he might as well go and have a look.

The jeep was driving slowly on the mountain road. Su Jinlong ran a straight distance in the fields. He had been exercising during this period and followed all the way to the entrance of the village without letting the jeep fall behind.

The platoon leader had already seen the strong figure in the rearview mirror. If he saw it correctly, that boy would be ten miles behind them. "Instructor, you see that little comrade has followed us all the way."

Wu Feng jumped out of the passenger seat, turned around and looked back.

At this time, Su Jinlong also ran up to him. After standing still, he gave a military salute and said, "Hello, uncle, I'm catching up with you."

Wu Feng looked him up and down, and finally patted his shoulder, "Little comrade, why are you following us?"

"I want to be a soldier!"

"how old are you?"

"I'm 15!"

"Exercise well and you can sign up to join the army when you turn 18!"

"Yes, Uncle People's Liberation Army." Su Jinlong couldn't help but think how beautiful he was. Uncle People's Liberation Army didn't dislike him!

The platoon leader parked the car. They got the news that the miracle doctor lives at the east end of the village, which should be nearby. "Little comrade, are you from this village?"

Su Jinlong nodded.

"Do you know there's Dr. Su in Xingcun?"

"Why, are you looking for her?"

The platoon leader nodded, "We have something urgent to do with her!"

Su Jinlong immediately became energetic, "Then you have found the right person. I know her best. Come with me."

Su Jinlong led the way and ran into his yard, "Sister, sister, come out quickly, there are two uncles from the People's Liberation Army looking for you!"


Wu Feng and the platoon leader were both stunned. The Dr. Su they heard was an old man and his legs and feet were not very agile. They even had someone prepare a stretcher.

Su Mian was helping He Qin prepare dinner in the kitchen when she heard shouting and went out.

I saw Su Jinlong leading the two People's Liberation Army soldiers to the door.

"Are you looking for me?" Su Mian wiped her hands that had just finished burning firewood with her apron.

"Are you Divine Doctor Su?"

Even though he had been mentally prepared, the platoon leader was still almost frightened. The miracle doctor who is famous for hundreds of miles around is actually a girl who is only eighteen or nineteen years old.

The girl has an oval face, fair skin, a pair of big, clear eyes, and two braids hanging on her chest. She stands there slim and graceful. How come she is so beautiful.

Ahem, Wu Feng coughed twice when he saw the platoon leader staring at the girl without blinking for a long time, and then the platoon leader scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

This girl is so handsome. Even the beauty of their military district art troupe is not as good-looking as this girl!

"Just call me Su Mian. Please tell me more inside. It's cold outside." Su Mian invited them into the house.

The platoon leader was stunned by Su Mian's beauty just now, but now he was awake and whispered to Wu Feng: "Instructor, have we found the wrong person? This girl is not even 20 yet. Can she really cure the soldiers? The doctor at the county hospital But there’s nothing we can do!”

Su Mian was young and did not look like a miracle doctor, but Wu Feng smelled a faint smell of herbs as soon as he entered the room, so he was sure that this was the one they were looking for.