Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 6: Enter the medicine tower


Su Mian walked in. The furnishings were simple, including an Eight Immortals table and an Eight Immortals chair. Books from different eras were placed on the bookshelves next to them.

It looks like it should be a place where the owner entertains guests and handles daily affairs.

Su Mian was looking at it when a row of golden fonts suddenly flashed in front of her.

If you enter this medicine tower, you will become a disciple of my sect.

Please remember: Be kind to the world and study hard in medical skills.

Su Mian finished reading in a low voice, and the golden font disappeared.

That’s it? Didn't say how to use the medicine tower

The first floor was simply furnished. Su Mian wanted to take a look at the upper floors. When she reached the stairs, she found that the door to the second floor was locked. It says that you need 20 benevolence points to get to the second floor.

Is benevolence a thing

Su Mian couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She was guarding the medicine tower and couldn't use it. Wasn't this a return to the treasure mountain in vain

The books on the bookshelf were covered with thick dust. It seemed that the medicine tower had not had an owner for a while. Su Mian picked up the top one, blew the dust, and the four words "Newcomer's Notes" came into view.

Su Mian was pleasantly surprised. She was worried about how to use the medicine tower! When I opened it, I found that the usage methods and rules of the medicine tower were recorded inside.

There were several dense pages written on it, and Su Mian summarized it in one sentence: Everything in it must be exchanged for benevolence.

Su Mian also gained a skill. She can now check her body data at any time.

Su Mian immediately checked her body.

The physical strength value is 15, the mental strength value is 0, and the benevolence value is 0.

Su Mian almost vomited blood and her benevolence value was only 0, so she couldn't change anything now.

Fortunately, as a disciple, Su Mian will have to come in every day to complete daily tasks. Not only can he gain benevolence points, but he will also receive task rewards.

Su Mian instantly felt that she also had a cheating life.

At this time, a golden light flashed before his eyes, and a line of small words appeared.

The first task: unknown seeds.

Although Su Mian was a little confused, suddenly there was a handful of seeds in her hand. They were white, small and round, and it was hard to tell what they were.

Looking at the small medicinal field in front of the medicine tower, it is not as big as the yard where Su Mian's family grows vegetables.

There are all kinds of farming equipment placed next to the medicine field.

It would be nice if there was a cow, Su Mian thought, then picked up the pickaxe and dug a small ditch.

The space is like spring all year round and the soil is moist, so it is not difficult to dig.

Su Mian had never done farm work at home. He Qin and Su Jianghai had always held her in their hands and were not willing to let her do this.

So before a small ditch was dug, two big blisters appeared on Su Mian's right hand.

Su Mian returned to the hall and after searching for a long time, she found a roll of gauze on the shelf in the corner. Although it had been left for a long time, luckily it was still usable. Wrap it around your palm a few times and continue working.

She can no longer be as spoiled and ignorant as she was in her previous life.

In this life, she will live a different life and change the fate of her family through her own efforts.

There was only a handful of medicinal seeds, which was probably only enough to grow one line. Although she didn't know what herbs could grow, Su Mian thought that this was a gift from her ancestor. It could reduce inflammation and stop bleeding.

After digging, Su Mian sprinkled the medicinal seeds, then gently pressed it with her feet, and finally covered it with a thin layer of soil.

There is a stream not far from the medicine field. Su Mian picked up a bucket, poured water on it, and you were done.

Su Mian tiredly wiped the sweat from her forehead with her hand. At this moment, a golden light flashed across her eyes, leaving behind a line of words:

The physical strength value is increased by 2, the vision value is increased by 1, and the ear strength is increased by 1. The current physical value is 17.

Su Mian was delighted. Farming the medicinal fields can increase physical strength!

Her hearing and vision also increased by 1, and Su Mian couldn't help but look down the mountain.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Su Mian felt that she could see every leaf on the tree clearly, and she could hear the leaves rustling when the wind blew.

Oh my god, the trees at the bottom of the mountain are at least fifty meters from the top of the mountain where she is!