Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 93: aggressive


"Fuck you, Su Jinbiao is my son, I don't understand? If no one encouraged him, he wouldn't do such a thing as slandering others if he was beaten to death! Magnolia, listen to me, and take good care of Su Hong from now on. Don't do anything like this again." Let her embarrass herself again, lest she be expelled from the army!"

Su Jiangtao had never been so angry before, and this time he was really pissed off by Su Hong.

For the sake of his own selfishness, he completely ignored family ties. No matter what, Su Jinlong was still her cousin, and he and she had the same roots as her grandfather.

He felt even more sorry for Su Jianghai's family.

If what happened today was on Su Jinlong's head, no matter how good his physical fitness was, he would not even think about becoming a soldier.

What made him even more disheartened was that Su Hong, who tried to persuade Bai Yulan to go to the Wei family to propose marriage but failed, actually gave Bai Yulan advice and tacitly agreed to allocate more land to the old Wei family every year under his banner!

Who gave her the courage to trade state land? His face was so embarrassing to her!

How will he behave in front of the villagers in the future

If Wei Zhenhui hadn't revealed it to him intentionally or unintentionally, he would still have been kept in the dark.

The crowd walked back sparsely, with Su Mian walking at the back.

She knew that after what happened today, her relationship with Su Hong's mother and daughter was sealed, and Su Hong must have made a note of her in her notebook again.

But she has no regrets. In order to protect Su Jinlong, she must teach them a lesson.

It also made Su Jinlong understand that not everyone deserves his sincere treatment.

Su Jinlong followed Su Mian closely. The person he admired most now was Su Mian, don't ask why.

Her sister is pissy!

Just by relying on the red mud on a few people's feet, her sister solved the case. Not only did she catch the real culprit, she also helped him clear away the suspicion!

As soon as Su Mian walked to the west corner of the village and turned the corner, she saw Wei Min looking around.

When he saw her, his eyes immediately lit up and he waved to her vigorously, "Su Mian, I've been looking for you for a long time. They said you went to work on a case. Li Yajun fainted. Come and have a look."

Li Yajun fainted, how could it be possible

He had figured it out that day and promised her that she would take her medicine on time. Logically speaking, she should be mostly healed in the past few days.

Su Mian didn't have time to think too much and followed Wei Min into Li's house.

Father Li was frowning and sitting on the threshold smoking. When he saw Su Mian come in, he hurriedly put out his cigarette and stood up, "Su Mian, please show Li Yajun quickly. What's wrong with him? He was fine two days ago. I fainted after taking medicine today."

"Wait a minute!" Mother Li heard the voice, opened the door curtain and walked out from the opposite room, passed through Su Mian, and stopped at the door of Li Ya's military room. She stretched out her arm and pressed against the door frame, saying aggressively: "Whoever asked her to come, she will kill me. My son is dead! The runner-up drank her medicine and fainted this morning!"

She would not let Su Mian treat Li Yajun today even if she wanted to.

Zhang Jie is right. Apart from being good-looking, her daughter-in-law is good for nothing. She is at the bottom of her class in academic performance. Now she is still practicing medical treatment and swindling everywhere.

I just went to the field with a group of big men to solve the case! How is this what a serious girl waiting to be married should do

"Aunt Li, what are you doing? Su Mian is here to see the monitor!" Wei Min wanted to break Li's mother's arm off the door frame and let Su Mian in.

Unexpectedly, she used too much force. Mother Li blocked the door with her whole body, and her tone became even more unkind, "Wei Min, please take her away quickly. This is the only son in our family. If you let her see him again, your life will be at stake!"

Su Mian knew something was wrong. Li Yajun was her patient, and she had to take responsibility to the end. "Aunt Li, let me take a look at Li Yajun. I think what went wrong. If you don't let me in, how can I find it?" Any reason?"

Su Mian was still very confident in the prescription she prescribed, but without seeing Li Yajun, she couldn't find out the reason.

"Yes, Aunt Li, Su Mian will go in and take a look. She can't do it without prescribing medicine. Look, she didn't even bring her medicine box!" It's strange that she just came back from the fields. Wei Min looked at Li for help. father.

"Let Su Mian go in and take a look again. What else can we do?" After this happened, Li's father had no doubts about Su Mian's medical skills, but there was nothing he could do.

Doctor Ma doesn't understand Chinese medicine, and the fastest way to the county town is tomorrow. Father Li also wants to give Su Mian another chance.