Repugnant Gateway

Chapter 87: Hit someone in the face


In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

An Zheng lowered his head and looked at him: "There is something you may not know very well. The reasons why I entered the martial arts academy are different from others. Most candidates think that their biggest wish is to enter the martial arts academy, and for this wish they shed their blood on the frontier. They don’t hesitate to get hurt. They think that the only chance to change their lives is to study in a martial arts academy and become a general. But I am different. I can live well regardless of whether I enter a martial arts academy.”

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

An Zheng asked why. Li Sihai pushed up his reading glasses and said, "All the selected candidates signed up within the specified time, but you didn't. You are not on the roster, so you are naturally not qualified."

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

When he was walking back from Deyue Tower, An Zheng was stopped and interrogated by several police officers from Fang Gu Mansion. The interrogation was very careful, and they were released only after confirming that An Zheng was a martial arts college candidate. An Zheng walked not far and was about to turn into a smaller street when he was stopped and interrogated by a group of unknown people, who were even more careful than the people in Fang Gu Mansion.

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

An Zheng suddenly moved forward and said, "Do you know why I laughed just now?"

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

An Zheng felt a little annoyed. It seemed that Xu Zhengsheng, the magistrate of Fang Gu Mansion, was also from the Queen Mother's side.

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

An Zheng smiled and replied: "In order to protect its own face, the Wuyuan has to deal with internal mistakes no matter what mistakes its internal members make, while maintaining a strong posture externally... It's really disappointing."

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

This teacher said this without asking why.

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

An Zheng suddenly moved forward and said, "Do you know why I laughed just now?"

Since they didn't pass through Fang Gu Mansion, Li Yannian didn't need to worry at all. Moreover, even if Li Yannian was discovered, he might not be able to recognize him. These people are looking for people with portraits, and the's weird that they look like them. Even if Li Yannian only grew his beard, he would be far different from the person in the portrait.

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

He stretched out his hand: "Come on, you follow your rules and you still want to punish me for my sins. Where are the shackles?"

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

However, An Zheng was worried that the power of the Hou clan had almost controlled the entire Fanggu City. So far, the yamen that An Zheng has identified without the intervention of descendants seem to have only one military department.

However, An Zheng was worried that the power of the Hou clan had almost controlled the entire Fanggu City. So far, the yamen that An Zheng has identified without the intervention of descendants seem to have only one military department.

However, An Zheng was worried that the power of the Hou clan had almost controlled the entire Fanggu City. So far, the yamen that An Zheng has identified without the intervention of descendants seem to have only one military department.

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

An Zheng picked up Li Sihai's reading glasses from the ground and looked at them: "This thing seems simple, but not many people have the money to buy one. To use good crystal to make lenses, the best craftsman needs to polish half a It takes months to complete the first step, and then you have to adjust the thickness and curvature of the lenses according to your eyesight. With a position like yours, you can’t afford such glasses with a salary of twenty years.”

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

An Zheng lifted Li Sihai up, rounded his arms and slapped you several times: "I can obviously kill you with one punch, but why should I slap you?"

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

However, An Zheng was worried that the power of the Hou clan had almost controlled the entire Fanggu City. So far, the yamen that An Zheng has identified without the intervention of descendants seem to have only one military department.

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

This teacher said this without asking why.

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

Li Sihai still answered calmly: "No matter what this person has gone through, no matter whether he worked hard or not, but he is late and has not registered, of course he is not qualified."

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

Not long after, many inspectors and captains rushed out from the martial arts academy. Their identity was to maintain the discipline of the martial arts academy. They are not captains at the actual level, but they have great authority.

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

An Zheng asked why. Li Sihai pushed up his reading glasses and said, "All the selected candidates signed up within the specified time, but you didn't. You are not on the roster, so you are naturally not qualified."

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

An Zheng smiled: "So you crossed out all the names you wrote down in the book yesterday?"

Li Sihai leaned forward and said in a low voice, saying in a tone that I would not feel good if you offended me: "Because even if you report for duty today, you will still not be on the roster tomorrow."

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

Li Sihai leaned forward and said in a low voice, saying in a tone that I would not feel good if you offended me: "Because even if you report for duty today, you will still not be on the roster tomorrow."

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

This teacher said this without asking why.

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

An Zheng said: "It is not as serious as your crime of deleting the candidates' names without authorization."

Not long after, many inspectors and captains rushed out from the martial arts academy. Their identity was to maintain the discipline of the martial arts academy. They are not captains at the actual level, but they have great authority.

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

When he was walking back from Deyue Tower, An Zheng was stopped and interrogated by several police officers from Fang Gu Mansion. The interrogation was very careful, and they were released only after confirming that An Zheng was a martial arts college candidate. An Zheng walked not far and was about to turn into a smaller street when he was stopped and interrogated by a group of unknown people, who were even more careful than the people in Fang Gu Mansion.

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

An Zheng lowered his head and looked at him: "There is something you may not know very well. The reasons why I entered the martial arts academy are different from others. Most candidates think that their biggest wish is to enter the martial arts academy, and for this wish they shed their blood on the frontier. They don’t hesitate to get hurt. They think that the only chance to change their lives is to study in a martial arts academy and become a general. But I am different. I can live well regardless of whether I enter a martial arts academy.”

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

These people came over and scolded An Zheng, asking An Zheng to put Li Sihai down.

An Zheng groaned: "So you think you can change someone's life. It's really satisfying."

Li Sihai leaned forward and said in a low voice, saying in a tone that I would not feel good if you offended me: "Because even if you report for duty today, you will still not be on the roster tomorrow."

Since they didn't pass through Fang Gu Mansion, Li Yannian didn't need to worry at all. Moreover, even if Li Yannian was discovered, he might not be able to recognize him. These people are looking for people with portraits, and the's weird that they look like them. Even if Li Yannian only grew his beard, he would be far different from the person in the portrait.

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

These people came over and scolded An Zheng, asking An Zheng to put Li Sihai down.

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

An Zheng groaned: "So you think you can change someone's life. It's really satisfying."

An Zheng looked at the instructor, and then at Chen Zaiyan, the Minister of War: "I am no longer interested in such a martial arts academy."

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

Li Sihai still answered calmly: "No matter what this person has gone through, no matter whether he worked hard or not, but he is late and has not registered, of course he is not qualified."

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

Li Sihai shook his head: "How can you change someone's life? It's obviously just a few of you."

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

"I know this guy!"

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Li Sihai still answered calmly: "No matter what this person has gone through, no matter whether he worked hard or not, but he is late and has not registered, of course he is not qualified."

An Zheng groaned: "So you think you can change someone's life. It's really satisfying."

"I know this guy!"

An Zheng suddenly moved forward and said, "Do you know why I laughed just now?"

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

"So, I don't know how many candidates were embarrassed by you and had to give you some money to continue their dreams. But what you took away may be their few ration money. Those candidates from the border, only The fees paid by the military are just enough if you live frugally. If they give you the money, you will go hungry, maybe for more than a day or two. When the time comes for the assessment, the only people who fail will be because they have no strength. I’m afraid it’s not just one or two.”

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

An Zheng walked up to Li Sihai: "How many people go to the streets to perform in exchange for food in order not to starve? And once the Ministry of War discovers that soldiers are performing entertainers, they will be removed immediately... On one hand, those who have no money to eat will be eliminated, and on the other If you violate military rules, you will be eliminated, and you won’t even have a chance to survive.”

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

An Zheng said: "It is not as serious as your crime of deleting the candidates' names without authorization."

Li Sihai shook his head: "How can you change someone's life? It's obviously just a few of you."

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

An Zheng smiled: "So you crossed out all the names you wrote down in the book yesterday?"

These people came over and scolded An Zheng, asking An Zheng to put Li Sihai down.

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

An Zheng nodded: "You haven't answered my question yet."

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

Li Sihai was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, An Zheng grabbed him out from behind the table and threw him five meters away. Li Sihai was already in his fifties, he didn't do much exercise, he was a drunkard, a womanizer, and his health was not good, so he almost lost half his life after the fall.

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

These people came over and scolded An Zheng, asking An Zheng to put Li Sihai down.

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

An Zheng said: "It is not as serious as your crime of deleting the candidates' names without authorization."

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

An Zheng picked up Li Sihai's reading glasses from the ground and looked at them: "This thing seems simple, but not many people have the money to buy one. To use good crystal to make lenses, the best craftsman needs to polish half a It takes months to complete the first step, and then you have to adjust the thickness and curvature of the lenses according to your eyesight. With a position like yours, you can’t afford such glasses with a salary of twenty years.”

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

The teacher replied: "If you hit someone because you are reckless, the Wuyuan will not want you. If you hit someone because he has done something wrong, the Wuyuan will not want you. Because even if he is wrong, it is the Wuyuan who will discipline him, not you." . So whether you are wrong or right, I can give you this result.”

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

"So, I don't know how many candidates were embarrassed by you and had to give you some money to continue their dreams. But what you took away may be their few ration money. Those candidates from the border, only The fees paid by the military are just enough if you live frugally. If they give you the money, you will go hungry, maybe for more than a day or two. When the time comes for the assessment, the only people who fail will be because they have no strength. I’m afraid it’s not just one or two.”

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"

The teacher replied: "If you hit someone because you are reckless, the Wuyuan will not want you. If you hit someone because he has done something wrong, the Wuyuan will not want you. Because even if he is wrong, it is the Wuyuan who will discipline him, not you." . So whether you are wrong or right, I can give you this result.”

An Zheng walked up to Li Sihai: "How many people go to the streets to perform in exchange for food in order not to starve? And once the Ministry of War discovers that soldiers are performing entertainers, they will be removed immediately... On one hand, those who have no money to eat will be eliminated, and on the other If you violate military rules, you will be eliminated, and you won’t even have a chance to survive.”

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

An Zheng hummed, "If you don't ask, I can't even pretend to be cool."

An Zheng said: "It is not as serious as your crime of deleting the candidates' names without authorization."

"So, I don't know how many candidates were embarrassed by you and had to give you some money to continue their dreams. But what you took away may be their few ration money. Those candidates from the border, only The fees paid by the military are just enough if you live frugally. If they give you the money, you will go hungry, maybe for more than a day or two. When the time comes for the assessment, the only people who fail will be because they have no strength. I’m afraid it’s not just one or two.”

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"

An Zheng smiled and replied: "In order to protect its own face, the Wuyuan has to deal with internal mistakes no matter what mistakes its internal members make, while maintaining a strong posture externally... It's really disappointing."

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

An Zheng groaned: "So you think you can change someone's life. It's really satisfying."

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

An Zheng lowered his head and looked at him: "There is something you may not know very well. The reasons why I entered the martial arts academy are different from others. Most candidates think that their biggest wish is to enter the martial arts academy, and for this wish they shed their blood on the frontier. They don’t hesitate to get hurt. They think that the only chance to change their lives is to study in a martial arts academy and become a general. But I am different. I can live well regardless of whether I enter a martial arts academy.”

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

An Zheng lifted Li Sihai up, rounded his arms and slapped you several times: "I can obviously kill you with one punch, but why should I slap you?"

Li Sihai put down his pen, took off his reading glasses, and then looked at An Zheng and replied in a very official tone: "You go back and wait for the news. Once we have verified your identity, we will naturally notify you."

An Zheng picked up Li Sihai's reading glasses from the ground and looked at them: "This thing seems simple, but not many people have the money to buy one. To use good crystal to make lenses, the best craftsman needs to polish half a It takes months to complete the first step, and then you have to adjust the thickness and curvature of the lenses according to your eyesight. With a position like yours, you can’t afford such glasses with a salary of twenty years.”

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

He stretched out his hand: "Come on, you follow your rules and you still want to punish me for my sins. Where are the shackles?"

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

In the crowd, more and more people were shouting, and in the end they all turned into denunciations of Li Sihai. At this time, Li Sihai was curled up on the ground, as scared as a trembling dog.

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

An Zheng smiled: "So you crossed out all the names you wrote down in the book yesterday?"

An Zheng looked at the instructor, and then at Chen Zaiyan, the Minister of War: "I am no longer interested in such a martial arts academy."

In the crowd, more and more people were shouting, and in the end they all turned into denunciations of Li Sihai. At this time, Li Sihai was curled up on the ground, as scared as a trembling dog.

Not long after, many inspectors and captains rushed out from the martial arts academy. Their identity was to maintain the discipline of the martial arts academy. They are not captains at the actual level, but they have great authority.

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

Li Sihai saw a kind of coldness in An Zheng's eyes, and he suddenly regretted that he should find out where this student came from. However, there is still no room for change in this matter, because the deadline has not yet arrived. If he found out the origin of this person today, he would probably just fill in his name. Being an official means nothing more than being able to bend and stretch.

At this time, Li Sihai was lifted high by An Zheng. When he heard the inspector's shout, An Zheng threw Li Sihai aside with a shout.

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

When he was walking back from Deyue Tower, An Zheng was stopped and interrogated by several police officers from Fang Gu Mansion. The interrogation was very careful, and they were released only after confirming that An Zheng was a martial arts college candidate. An Zheng walked not far and was about to turn into a smaller street when he was stopped and interrogated by a group of unknown people, who were even more careful than the people in Fang Gu Mansion.

These people came over and scolded An Zheng, asking An Zheng to put Li Sihai down.

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

Another person also shouted: "I was bullied by him back then, but I didn't dare to speak out, so I could only give him the money and then starved for four days. If it weren't for a colleague who was from a better family, after knowing Help me, maybe I will starve to death before the test, or I will become a thief!"

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

A teacher from the martial arts academy subconsciously asked: "Do you know this person?"

An Zheng said: "It is not as serious as your crime of deleting the candidates' names without authorization."

At this time, Li Sihai was lifted high by An Zheng. When he heard the inspector's shout, An Zheng threw Li Sihai aside with a shout.

An Zheng looked at the instructor, and then at Chen Zaiyan, the Minister of War: "I am no longer interested in such a martial arts academy."

An Zheng lowered his head and looked at him: "There is something you may not know very well. The reasons why I entered the martial arts academy are different from others. Most candidates think that their biggest wish is to enter the martial arts academy, and for this wish they shed their blood on the frontier. They don’t hesitate to get hurt. They think that the only chance to change their lives is to study in a martial arts academy and become a general. But I am different. I can live well regardless of whether I enter a martial arts academy.”

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

Li Sihai struggled to sit up: "You will never want to enter the Wuyuan again in your life. Those who beat up the people in the Wuyuan, just wait to be dealt with by military law. Not only you, but your friends will also never want to enter the Wuyuan again."

An Zheng smiled: "So you crossed out all the names you wrote down in the book yesterday?"

This teacher said this without asking why.

An Zheng felt a little annoyed. It seemed that Xu Zhengsheng, the magistrate of Fang Gu Mansion, was also from the Queen Mother's side.

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

An Zheng suddenly moved forward and said, "Do you know why I laughed just now?"

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng groaned: "So you think you can change someone's life. It's really satisfying."

A teacher from the martial arts academy subconsciously asked: "Do you know this person?"

A teacher from the martial arts academy subconsciously asked: "Do you know this person?"

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

Li Sihai shook his head: "How can you change someone's life? It's obviously just a few of you."

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

Since they didn't pass through Fang Gu Mansion, Li Yannian didn't need to worry at all. Moreover, even if Li Yannian was discovered, he might not be able to recognize him. These people are looking for people with portraits, and the's weird that they look like them. Even if Li Yannian only grew his beard, he would be far different from the person in the portrait.

This teacher said this without asking why.

An Zheng laughed loudly: "Why do I always meet people like you? If I were a person without any background, my life might really be stuck in the hands of a little person like you who only has such a little power. I don’t know how many people who have worked hard on the frontier to qualify for the martial arts academy have lost their only chance over the years.”

An Zheng walked to a higher place and told Li Sihai's story loudly. At this time, more and more students came around, most of them were from military backgrounds. Some are just about to take the assessment this year, and some are already students of the martial arts academy. More and more people gathered, and at least hundreds of people filled the area.

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

Li Sihai leaned forward and said in a low voice, saying in a tone that I would not feel good if you offended me: "Because even if you report for duty today, you will still not be on the roster tomorrow."

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

An Zheng walked up to Li Sihai: "How many people go to the streets to perform in exchange for food in order not to starve? And once the Ministry of War discovers that soldiers are performing entertainers, they will be removed immediately... On one hand, those who have no money to eat will be eliminated, and on the other If you violate military rules, you will be eliminated, and you won’t even have a chance to survive.”

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

Another person also shouted: "I was bullied by him back then, but I didn't dare to speak out, so I could only give him the money and then starved for four days. If it weren't for a colleague who was from a better family, after knowing Help me, maybe I will starve to death before the test, or I will become a thief!"

In the crowd, more and more people were shouting, and in the end they all turned into denunciations of Li Sihai. At this time, Li Sihai was curled up on the ground, as scared as a trembling dog.

At this time, Li Sihai was lifted high by An Zheng. When he heard the inspector's shout, An Zheng threw Li Sihai aside with a shout.

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

An Zheng asked, and of course Li Sihai couldn't answer because his mouth was almost beaten to pieces.

A teacher from the martial arts academy subconsciously asked: "Do you know this person?"

An Zheng picked up Li Sihai's reading glasses from the ground and looked at them: "This thing seems simple, but not many people have the money to buy one. To use good crystal to make lenses, the best craftsman needs to polish half a It takes months to complete the first step, and then you have to adjust the thickness and curvature of the lenses according to your eyesight. With a position like yours, you can’t afford such glasses with a salary of twenty years.”

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

This teacher said this without asking why.

At this time, Li Sihai was lifted high by An Zheng. When he heard the inspector's shout, An Zheng threw Li Sihai aside with a shout.

Li Sihai returned to his calm tone: "If I say no, I won't. I watched everyone sign up with my own eyes, but I have never met you."

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

He lowered his head and looked at Li Sihai, whose face was twisted in pain: "By the way, I'll tell you after I beat you. I laugh... The first is because I finally found a reason to make things big. The second is because If I get rid of you, those candidates from the border will not face scum like you."

When he was walking back from Deyue Tower, An Zheng was stopped and interrogated by several police officers from Fang Gu Mansion. The interrogation was very careful, and they were released only after confirming that An Zheng was a martial arts college candidate. An Zheng walked not far and was about to turn into a smaller street when he was stopped and interrogated by a group of unknown people, who were even more careful than the people in Fang Gu Mansion.

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

An Zheng answered himself: "Because it's more fun to slap the face. If you don't slap the bad guy in the face, half the fun will be lost."

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

Since they didn't pass through Fang Gu Mansion, Li Yannian didn't need to worry at all. Moreover, even if Li Yannian was discovered, he might not be able to recognize him. These people are looking for people with portraits, and the's weird that they look like them. Even if Li Yannian only grew his beard, he would be far different from the person in the portrait.

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

Li Sihai was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, An Zheng grabbed him out from behind the table and threw him five meters away. Li Sihai was already in his fifties, he didn't do much exercise, he was a drunkard, a womanizer, and his health was not good, so he almost lost half his life after the fall.

The teacher replied: "If you hit someone because you are reckless, the Wuyuan will not want you. If you hit someone because he has done something wrong, the Wuyuan will not want you. Because even if he is wrong, it is the Wuyuan who will discipline him, not you." . So whether you are wrong or right, I can give you this result.”

The inspectors and lieutenants will arrest people when they come up, because in their view, no matter what the reason is, the people who attacked the martial arts academy must be arrested first.

Li Sihai shook his head: "How can you change someone's life? It's obviously just a few of you."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

An Zheng lifted Li Sihai up, rounded his arms and slapped you several times: "I can obviously kill you with one punch, but why should I slap you?"

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

However, An Zheng was worried that the power of the Hou clan had almost controlled the entire Fanggu City. So far, the yamen that An Zheng has identified without the intervention of descendants seem to have only one military department.

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

Another person also shouted: "I was bullied by him back then, but I didn't dare to speak out, so I could only give him the money and then starved for four days. If it weren't for a colleague who was from a better family, after knowing Help me, maybe I will starve to death before the test, or I will become a thief!"

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

The teacher replied: "If you hit someone because you are reckless, the Wuyuan will not want you. If you hit someone because he has done something wrong, the Wuyuan will not want you. Because even if he is wrong, it is the Wuyuan who will discipline him, not you." . So whether you are wrong or right, I can give you this result.”

"I know this guy!"

An Zheng lifted Li Sihai up, rounded his arms and slapped you several times: "I can obviously kill you with one punch, but why should I slap you?"

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

An Zheng smiled and replied: "In order to protect its own face, the Wuyuan has to deal with internal mistakes no matter what mistakes its internal members make, while maintaining a strong posture externally... It's really disappointing."

The teacher replied: "If you hit someone because you are reckless, the Wuyuan will not want you. If you hit someone because he has done something wrong, the Wuyuan will not want you. Because even if he is wrong, it is the Wuyuan who will discipline him, not you." . So whether you are wrong or right, I can give you this result.”

At this time, two teachers from the martial arts academy accompanied Chen Zaiyan, the minister of war, and were about to leave. When he heard the noise outside the gate, Chen Zaiyan's expression changed: "Who is this person who dares to cause trouble at the gate of the martial arts academy. "

Li Sihai was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, An Zheng grabbed him out from behind the table and threw him five meters away. Li Sihai was already in his fifties, he didn't do much exercise, he was a drunkard, a womanizer, and his health was not good, so he almost lost half his life after the fall.

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

An Zheng: "It turns out that the martial arts academy is a place like this. Fortunately, I didn't come in."

A teacher from the martial arts academy subconsciously asked: "Do you know this person?"

Not long after, many inspectors and captains rushed out from the martial arts academy. Their identity was to maintain the discipline of the martial arts academy. They are not captains at the actual level, but they have great authority.

An Zheng walked to a higher place and told Li Sihai's story loudly. At this time, more and more students came around, most of them were from military backgrounds. Some are just about to take the assessment this year, and some are already students of the martial arts academy. More and more people gathered, and at least hundreds of people filled the area.

He stretched out his hand: "Come on, you follow your rules and you still want to punish me for my sins. Where are the shackles?"

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

Li Sihai was stunned for a moment. Before he could react, An Zheng grabbed him out from behind the table and threw him five meters away. Li Sihai was already in his fifties, he didn't do much exercise, he was a drunkard, a womanizer, and his health was not good, so he almost lost half his life after the fall.

Li Sihai asked: "Why are you laughing? Is this a question?"

The teacher frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"I know this guy!"

An Zheng said: "As far as I know, the registration deadline is tomorrow, so what reason do you have for me to give up today?"

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

Chen Zaiyan said: "The An Zheng you mentioned comes from the border."

After the inspector captain carried Li Sihai and escorted An Zheng over, Chen Zaiyan's expression became complicated: "Why is it you?"

So An Zheng was full of respect for Hao Ping'an. In the current environment, it is not easy for Hao Pingan to still ensure that everything related to the Ministry of War is treated in a fair manner. But this kind of fairness is what Hao Pingan thinks of as fairness.

A student from the martial arts academy shouted loudly: "Ding Cheng and I came from the southwest frontier together last year. Because this man wanted filial piety money, Ding Cheng had to give him the few money he had. He still didn't think it was enough. In the end, Ding Cheng was not even qualified to participate in the assessment. He was late! The qualifications that Ding Cheng had earned through sixteen military merits when he was at the border were lost for nothing because being late violated military regulations. I no longer have the qualifications to return to the border army, so I have no choice but to go home!”

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"

An Zheng thought this person was interesting, so he didn't ask. An Zheng asked, "Sir, why did you decide my outcome so easily?"

Another person also shouted: "I was bullied by him back then, but I didn't dare to speak out, so I could only give him the money and then starved for four days. If it weren't for a colleague who was from a better family, after knowing Help me, maybe I will starve to death before the test, or I will become a thief!"

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

The instructor's expression also changed, and then he looked at An Zheng carefully. This is a man who looks to be about forty years old. He has a fair face and no beard, but he is not feminine. In a place like Wuyuan, his temperament seems a bit inconsistent. He is more like a literati, with a bit too much bookishness about him. His walk, speech, and temperament are all gentle.

"So, even if Lord Shangshu treats someone who beats up the martial arts academy differently, he cannot be accepted."

An Zheng looked at the instructor, and then at Chen Zaiyan, the Minister of War: "I am no longer interested in such a martial arts academy."

Li Sihai also laughed: "Don't slander a court official. This is a serious crime."

An Zheng picked up Li Sihai's reading glasses from the ground and looked at them: "This thing seems simple, but not many people have the money to buy one. To use good crystal to make lenses, the best craftsman needs to polish half a It takes months to complete the first step, and then you have to adjust the thickness and curvature of the lenses according to your eyesight. With a position like yours, you can’t afford such glasses with a salary of twenty years.”

This teacher said this without asking why.

He stretched out his hand: "Come on, you follow your rules and you still want to punish me for my sins. Where are the shackles?"

When An Zheng went to the Wuyuan Academy the next morning, he was told by Li Sihai that he was no longer qualified to stand for election.

An Zheng walked up to Li Sihai: "How many people go to the streets to perform in exchange for food in order not to starve? And once the Ministry of War discovers that soldiers are performing entertainers, they will be removed immediately... On one hand, those who have no money to eat will be eliminated, and on the other If you violate military rules, you will be eliminated, and you won’t even have a chance to survive.”

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

In the evening, An Zheng went to Deyue Tower to have dinner with Wang Kaitai, without mentioning a word about what happened during the day. Because An Zheng knew what the occasion was, and he could talk about the past or his feelings. Drinking a large bowl of wine and eating a large piece of meat ruined the good atmosphere of the family, which was an immoral act. Even though Wang Kaitai asked a few questions, An Zheng just explained it with one word.

The inspectors and lieutenants of the martial arts academy looked at each other and then at Chen Zaiyan, not knowing what to do.

In the crowd, more and more people were shouting, and in the end they all turned into denunciations of Li Sihai. At this time, Li Sihai was curled up on the ground, as scared as a trembling dog.

An Zheng felt a little annoyed. It seemed that Xu Zhengsheng, the magistrate of Fang Gu Mansion, was also from the Queen Mother's side.

In the crowd, more and more people were shouting, and in the end they all turned into denunciations of Li Sihai. At this time, Li Sihai was curled up on the ground, as scared as a trembling dog.

However, An Zheng didn't worry too much, because the house he bought for Li Yannian was not registered at Fang Gu Mansion at all. According to the rules of the court, the purchase and sale of real estate must be reported to Fanggu Mansion, and Fanggu Mansion must charge a certain fee. Therefore, many people buy and sell real estate privately, without going through the government. Just hand over the land deed, take the money and leave. Once you have the title deed, the house belongs to you, because the title deed only states where the house is located and how big it is, but not who owns it.

After returning to Tianqi Sect, An Zheng, Du Shoshou and the others once again entered the Heaven-defying Seal to practice. With the existence of the Heaven-defying Seal, An Zheng and the others would spend many times more time practicing than others. So most of the time, it seems that people in Tianqi Sect are very free during the day.

An Zheng lowered his head and looked at him: "There is something you may not know very well. The reasons why I entered the martial arts academy are different from others. Most candidates think that their biggest wish is to enter the martial arts academy, and for this wish they shed their blood on the frontier. They don’t hesitate to get hurt. They think that the only chance to change their lives is to study in a martial arts academy and become a general. But I am different. I can live well regardless of whether I enter a martial arts academy.”

An Zheng asked why. Li Sihai pushed up his reading glasses and said, "All the selected candidates signed up within the specified time, but you didn't. You are not on the roster, so you are naturally not qualified."

"Make a fuss... make a fuss... what do you want to do!"