Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 108: Let’s get started!


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This scene can be said to have taken place in a flash of lightning. The two masters were subdued and thrown into the pond.

Such a crazy thing is shocking to hear.

Grandmaster, who is not a proud person? Now he has become a drowned rat and is in a miserable state.

Chu Xun flicked his fingers, and the thread of reincarnation disappeared.

The two masters were freed and jumped up from the ground, a mist rising from their bodies. Their wet clothes were evaporated by the inner breath, leaving only wrinkles.

With shame on their faces, the two of them knelt down on one knee in front of the old man and said in unison: "My apprentice is useless, I have disgraced my master."

Both of them are the old man's apprentices, and after they have successfully cultivated, they are responsible for protecting the No. 1 leader.

The old man stroked his beard with one hand, and said calmly like an eminent monk: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military strategists. He is not something you can compete with. There is no shame in losing. Don't be too entangled. Don't be discouraged. Practice hard..."

"Misleading disciple!" Chu Xun muttered, but his voice was just enough for everyone to hear.

"Boy, do you think I misled someone?" the old man asked.

Chu Xun ignored him, turned to look at the two kneeling masters, smiled and said, "How many years did it take for you two to reach the master realm?"

The two of them were confused and didn't understand why Chu Xun asked this, but the master is the teacher and the strong is respected. They did not dare to neglect. One of them answered: "The two of us practiced with the master at the same time, and it took us thirty years to reach the master level." arrive."

He was slightly proud, because some people never reach the threshold of the Grandmaster realm in their entire lives. It only took them thirty years. It is not an exaggeration to call them geniuses.

"So long?" Chu Xun curled his lips, turned to look at the old man and said, "It's not a mistake to say that it takes thirty years for the disciples to reach the grandmaster realm. If it were me, it would only take five years for them to set foot in the grandmaster realm."

The old man's expression froze slightly, and his face sank, very angry.

Chu Xun ignored him, looked at the two grandmasters, and said with a smile: "Why don't you follow me? I can let you break through a level every year and set foot in the human emperor realm in less than ten years. How about it?"

Human Emperor.

These two words have some endless temptation for warriors, the emperor among men.

There is an old saying: All people under the emperor are ants!

If you can reach the human emperor realm, where in the world can you go? Moreover, in the Human Emperor realm, one's lifespan reaches five hundred years.

Who can resist such temptation

The two grandmasters swallowed with their throats rolling.


A cold snort woke them both up.

The two of them were suddenly covered in cold sweat, secretly cursing themselves for their unstable minds in cultivation. The master said that cultivation is about cultivating the mind. If the mind is unstable, it will be difficult to achieve great results.

"Master, apprentice, please leave first." The two of them said in unison. After receiving the old man's response, they saluted Chu Xun and then respectfully withdrew.

Chu Xun curled his lips. Sure enough, Nengda Grandmaster was a determined person who was difficult to seduce.

Two masters, I really need such people around me now. He watched the two people leave helplessly, feeling really regretful.

"My little friend, please!" the old man said with a smile, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Chu Xun was not polite and walked over to sit down.

Chief No. 1 poured tea for Chu Xun. With Chu Xun's cultivation level, he could afford his cup of tea.

As the saying goes, tea is worth seven points and wine is eight points, tea is poured out for seven points, and the remaining three points are favors.

In addition, if you pour the tea half full, the tea will not overflow and burn your hands.

Chief No. 1 was deep in tea ceremony, so of course he knew this.

Chu Xun took it and took a sip, just to moisten his lips, then put it down with a dull look.

Leader No. 1 understood that putting on airs in front of someone with unpredictable cultivation like Chu Xun was just to make him feel uncomfortable, so he didn't care.

"Little friend, what do you mean when you come here?" the old man said from the side.

Chu Xun glanced at him sideways, his eyes slightly sarcastic, and he said nothing. His meaning was very clear, I will just watch you pretending to be cool.

The old man and Chief No. 1 looked at each other without any embarrassment and said with a smile: "Whatever you want to ask, little friend, just ask, and I promise to tell you everything."

"Why did you give me the rank of major general?" Chu Xun got straight to the point.

Chief No. 1 cleared his throat, took the opportunity to organize his vocabulary, and then said: "My friend, don't be angry. We didn't ask for your opinion on this matter. It's our fault to make the decision without permission. But we couldn't contact you at all at that time, and we were really helpless. "

"Helpless?" Chu Xun's tone was playful.

The No. 1 leader's face was not red, and his heart was not beating. He looked directly into Chu Xun's eyes and continued: "At that time, you were traveling alone to the Yue Kingdom. If there was no legitimate reason, it would probably cause international disputes. We gave you the rank of major general, which will benefit you without any harm. …”

Chu Xun's eyes were full of amusement, looking at him with a half-smile

Chief No. 1 was made uncomfortable by being stared at. The more he spoke, the more guilty he sounded. He lacked confidence and finally couldn't speak any more.

"Forget it, I told you earlier that this kid just doesn't have long hair, and his long hair is better than that of a monkey." The old man said with a wry smile.

The corner of Chu Xun's mouth curled up with a hint of sarcasm. Did these two people really regard him as a young boy? Ever since he entered this courtyard, the two of them had been acting together.

Just now, I saw Chief No. 1 yelling at him to teach him a lesson, but he tried his best to stop him. This scene was so fake that it was outrageous.

The old man's cultivation level is higher than him. The No. 1 leader is just an ordinary person. Ten thousand of him can't stop the old man. Besides, the old man, whose cultivation is unfathomable, rolls up his arms and sleeves like a gangster when he yells at him to teach him a lesson. Is there anything more fake than this

Chu Xun couldn't figure out for a moment what the hell these two people were doing singing together. But there is definitely a plan.

Therefore, he struck first and acted decisively to disrupt their plans.

"Little friend Chu Xun, believe it or not, we never meant to harm you from the beginning to the end." Chief No. 1 said this dryly.

Chu Xun looked indifferent and remained silent.

The old man sighed bitterly: "Little friend, to be honest, we gave you the rank of major general for two purposes. First, to use your skills to scare other countries and let them know how powerful our Chinese soldiers are. Second, we want to use this to bind you. I will keep you here and let you always remember that you are Chinese."

"Little friend Chu Xun, it's not that we are worried, it's just that people like you are too powerful and difficult to restrain..."

"What are you worried about? Is it possible that a grand master is treason?" Chu Xun interrupted Chief No. 1.

The old man and Chief No. 1 looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

"Really?" Chu Xun raised his eyebrows.

Chu Xun's words broke the seal of history, making the old man's eyes instantly as dark as a deep pool, bottomless, with a look of pain on his face.

After a long time, the old man took a deep breath, as if to let out a long-standing sadness, and said sadly: "That was more than seventy years ago, when the country was being invaded by foreign enemies, and the land was full of smoke. The enemy invaders burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. The family could not If we live there, the fields cannot be cultivated and the people cannot make a living.”

"Among the invaders at that time, there was a team composed of warriors. They rushed all the way, robbed and killed our military generals, which had a huge impact on the war at that time. They were unstoppable along the way, and ordinary people could not resist it."

"Faced with such a situation, we Chinese warriors rose up in anger and voluntarily formed a huge team of warriors to fight against the invaders."

"You are one of the organizers, right?" Chu Xun asked.

The old man nodded and said: "At that time, led by Brother Du Zifei and I, there were more than a hundred masters, and the total number of innate masters and acquired masters was five hundred."

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to remember something terrible, and even his body began to tremble.

"Mr. Long, let me tell you!" Chief No. 1 took over.

But the old man waved his hand and said in a low voice: "No need."

Chu Xun could feel that he was trying his best to suppress the thoughts churning in his body.

"At that time, after the Warriors Alliance was established, they defeated the invaders one after another. You must know that their so-called martial arts are just side branches flowing out from China. How can they be compared with the authentic ancient martial arts of China? They are incomparable. Attack and fight to the death." The old man said this, paused, and continued: "One day, our people discovered the hiding place of the invaders. Everyone was very happy because they could finally annihilate them. But..."

The old man's voice began to whimper and his eyes began to turn red, "But when we arrived, we found that there were no intruders at all. I sensed something was wrong and it was too late to retreat..."

The old man couldn't talk any more, sobbed several times and burst into tears.

Finally, Chief No. 1 continued.

The old man and the others were deceived. To be precise, they were betrayed by their own people. The place was full of explosives.

With a "boom", the mountains shook and the ground shook, flames shot into the sky, and the ground collapsed. Except for the old man who escaped with his life, no one else survived.

This incident became the old man's nightmare, tormenting him all the time. He vowed to find the person who betrayed them no matter what.

Chu Xun was indifferent, not knowing what to say? He doesn't understand this feeling, because in another world, he has never joined a sect gang. He has always been independent, doing everything by himself.

He once envied those disciples of famous sects who had a lot of resources to enjoy, but due to his personality and his experiences on earth, it was difficult for him to trust others.

"Is there any news about the traitor?" Chu Xun asked.

The old man calmed down a little and said slowly: "His name is Wan Qingming. He appeared once in the Japanese country ten years ago, and then disappeared."

"If we meet him, I will kill him easily." Chu Xun picked up the tea cup, took a sip and said casually.

But the old man shook his head, looked at Chu Xun seriously, and said sincerely: "If he falls into your hands, please spare his life."

Chu Xun looked confused, then understood, and said: "I know, I will spare his life."

The old man thanked him and said that he would kill Wan Qingming with his own hands in order to pay homage to the innocent souls who died in vain.

Chu Xun tapped his fingers lightly on the stone table, turned to look at the old man, his eyes were piercing, and he suddenly said: "I want to see him."

Chu Xun really wanted to see the immortal cultivator behind the old man.

The old man didn't even think about it. He shook his head and said, "Not now, your cultivation level is too low."

Chu Xun's fingers tapping on the stone table paused, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, and with a flick of his finger, the white jade teacup in his hand whizzed out and went straight to the old man's face.

The old man stretched out his hand, and the inner breath emanated from the palm of his hand, forming a small tornado. The teacup was sucked in, spinning in the air.

Chu Xun made a fist seal with his hand and suddenly blasted it out.

The old man said twice in a row that his cultivation level was not enough and that it would be useless to talk more. The easiest way was to just do it, simple and crude.

The old man stretched out his hand, and the tea cup landed smoothly on the table. Then he shook his palm lightly, and the palm prints formed by the inner breath burst out with a scream.


The fist and palm prints intersect, like small bombs exploding, and the fierce energy explodes from mid-air and spreads rapidly.

Chu Xun waved his hand, and the barrier stood up, protecting the No. 1 leader who turned pale with fright inside. Then the stone slab exploded under his feet, and the person rushed out of the hall. He was as light as a swallow, standing on a blooming lotus.

The old man hummed softly, turned his palm into a sword, slashed it down in the air, and the sword energy burst out.

Chu Xun's body was like a stream of light, passing over another blooming lotus.


The lotus that was standing before was chopped into pieces by the sword, and an unlucky red carp was cut into sashimi by the sword.

Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed brightly.

Any move of the old man has such power, it is indeed terrifying.

However, these... are not enough.