Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 117: A killing spree!


"Where is Tang Rou?" Chu Xun said calmly.

Liu Xiaobai gritted his teeth and refused to answer, his eyes fierce.

Chu Xun looked indifferent, took a palm print and took a photo from the air.


The stone bricks on the ground exploded into powder, and a huge palm print appeared on the ground.

The palm print did not hit Liu Xiaobai, but it scared her to death.

The old man was stunned. He couldn't believe that Chu Xun was actually a grandmaster at such a young age, and he was also a senior grandmaster. Even if he could do it at his peak, he was not so casual.

Liu Xiaobai's beautiful eyes were filled with fear, and her whole body was shaking like chaff. She didn't dare to look, and she didn't dare to think that if that slap fell on her, she would probably end up like these bricks, turning into dust.

A reincarnation thread snaked out, seemingly slowly, but it instantly wrapped around Liu Xiaobai's neck and lifted her into the air like a rag doll.

Chu Xun's fingers contracted, and the reincarnation thread wrapped around Liu Xiaobai's neck also contracted.

Scarlet blood flowed out of Liu Xiaobai's slender neck, his face was purple, and his beautiful eyes were bulging, but there was no trace of beauty.

"Where is Tang Rou?"

Same question, but different responses. Liu Xiaobai nodded desperately, she was about to expire.

The corners of Chu Xun's mouth curved imperceptibly. How can there be anyone in this world who is not afraid of death? His fingers suddenly spread out, and Liu Xiaobai fell from the air, splashing dust with a "bang" sound.

She grasped the duckweed like a drowning person, breathing greedily.

"Tang Rou is at the Ghost King Gate." She was lying on the ground, her voice hoarse.

"Ghost King Sect!" Leader No. 1 jumped up directly.

The old man's expression also changed suddenly, and he struggled desperately.

Chu Xun waved his hand and removed the reincarnation thread.

The old man was free. His withered hands clenched the armrests of the wheelchair. Veins popped up on the backs of his hands. The armrests creaked when he squeezed them!


Chief No. 1 was full of anger and kicked Liu Xiaobai several times.

"Evil!" the old man screamed, trembling all over, and blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Chu Xun was curious about their reactions, but he had no intention of gossiping at this time because Tang Rou was still waiting for his rescue.

"Where is the Ghost King Gate?" Chu Xun asked.

Liu Xiaobai hurriedly got up, crawled on the ground, and replied: "In Fenglin Mountain."

Chu Xun pointed out, and a white light shot out.

Liu Xiaobai screamed, her eyes showing despair, her cultivation was destroyed by Chu Xun.

Chu Xun turned around and left.

"Master Chu, please wait a moment!" the old man said urgently.

Chu Xun stopped and turned to look at him.

The old man sighed bitterly, his voice a little sad, and said sadly: "Master Chu, do you know why I ended up like this?"

Chu Xun raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes were thoughtful, and he pondered: "Could it be related to the Ghost King Clan?"

The old man calmed down his emotions, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and spoke softly.

Fenglin Mountain, named after the maple trees that cover the mountain, is a level 4 scenic spot one hundred kilometers south of the capital.

No one would have thought that the Ghost King Sect would be hidden here, it can be said that it is hidden in the forest.

The tourists in the scenic area have been dispersed urgently. At this time, Chu Xun was the only one walking slowly in the huge scenic area.

It was autumn at this time, and the maple leaves all over the mountain were like blood-stained red, blowing in the wind. The entire mountain was covered in red, and it was a dazzling blood red to the eyes.

Chu Xun held his back with one hand, as if strolling in a leisurely garden. He did not climb a mountain, but came to the mouth of a naturally formed canyon at the foot of the mountain.

The ground here is full of thorns, and most of the plants have fallen leaves, leaving only branches and stems with sharp thorns, which are natural roadblocks. Compared with other places, this place seems very bleak, and no tourists usually want to come here.

There is a large warning sign next to it, which reads: Danger ahead, tourists stop.

Chu Xun chuckled, then stepped in, going straight a hundred meters deep.

"For what?"

Two men wearing the costumes of scenic area administrators flashed out of the woods nearby.

"Didn't you see the sign at the door? This place has not been developed yet and is very dangerous. Tourists should stop and leave quickly." One of them shouted impatiently.

"Excuse me, is the Ghost King Gate ahead?" Chu Xun asked.

The two of them froze suddenly, their eyes showing vigilance.


Blood splattered, the two men's eyes became distracted, and they fell down unwillingly.

"Thanks for the guidance."

Chu Xun whispered, and then took another step.

Fifty meters deeper again.


Blood sprayed.

He left two bodies in his wake.

Along the way, no less than ten corpses had fallen behind him.

Until three hundred meters, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly brightened.

The climate in the valley is mild, and the leaves outside are withering and the flowers are fading, but here it is already green and full of flowers.

Chu Xun looked fifty meters away. It was a group of buildings located in a lush dense forest, like a paradise.

Chu Xun was in a trance for a moment. The buildings here presented an ancient style, which made him feel like he had returned to another world.

"This place is nice, I want it."

Chu Xun whispered, and the next moment it turned into a stream of light and swept out, covering more than ten meters in one step.


The huge and towering wooden door exploded with Chu Xun's punch.

This also alarmed the people inside.


Someone rushed out and shouted when they saw Chu Xun.

What answered them was several blasts of reincarnation threads, which then sliced through their throats like sharp blades.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack"

Some people were so frightened that more than a dozen people died in the blink of an eye, and they screamed desperately.


Next to the door was a huge natural stone with the words "Ghost King Gate" written on it. It was smashed into pieces by Chu Xun with a punch from the air.

A large number of disciples from the Ghost King Sect arrived. These people's cultivation levels varied from the first level to the ninth level, but to Chu Xun, they were all the same.

Threads of reincarnation, chains of impermanence, sent to reincarnation.


Blood sprayed out, and the sky was filled with blood rain. The silk of reincarnation was more terrifying than a blade, like white snakes swimming in the air, and corpses fell everywhere they passed.

Chu Xun put one hand behind his back and moved forward step by step without haste or slowness, ripples surging all over his body and no blood touching him.

Someone rushed to Chu Xun, slashing him with a long knife in his hand and looking ferocious.


The long knife was cut by the ripples that emerged. Before he could recover, the thread of reincarnation cut his neck, and blood spurted out half a meter high.

"Kill! Defend the Ghost King Sect to the death. The Ghost King is invincible. Long live the Ghost King."

Someone rushed towards me with a knife raised, his eyes crazy, and he was not afraid of death. It's a pity that he failed to rush over and was cut off by the reincarnation thread halfway.

"The Ghost King is invincible, long live the Ghost King!"

Everyone shouted, raised their knives and charged wildly, their eyes crazy and hot, like crazy believers.

Chu Xun raised his hand and pressed it down with one finger.

Kill the demon with one finger and destroy all living beings!

The air twisted in mid-air, the air exploded, and a huge fingerprint of about ten meters crushed down with destructive power.


The ground exploded, dust covered the sky and the sun, and a ten-meter-long ravine appeared on the ground. The inside was stained red with blood, and corpses were everywhere.

With one finger, twenty or thirty people died, and the ground was stained with blood, leaving a trail of blood.

The mountain wind howled, and countless blood-red maple leaves fell from the top of the mountain. The scene was completely silent, and everyone was horrified.

"Demon devil!" "Everyone, run away, he is here from the devil king asking for his life."

There was an explosion of frightened shouts.

Some people threw away their long knives and ran wildly, hating their parents for having two legs.

Dozens of people fled out of the valley like frightened birds.

Chu Xun pursed his lips and did not stop him.

The old man told him that the people of Guiwangmen are not afraid of death. He didn't believe it. There might be people in this world who were really not afraid of death, but they would definitely not be these monsters.

He turned around and went deeper, and intensive gunshots rang out from the valley mouth behind him.

"Stop coming, why are you breaking into my Ghost King's gate?"

There were more than ten people blocking the road, and their cultivation levels were generally at the acquired level.

What answered them was a big handprint falling from the sky.

The demon-slaying hand is extinct!


The ground collapsed and the mountains shook.

Half of the more than ten people were beaten to a pulp, and the rest coughed up blood and hurt their lungs.

Everyone was afraid and the chill spread.

Someone was watching from a distance, their eyes were horrified and their legs were weak when they saw this scene.

Their cultivation level is not much higher than these people. If this palm falls on them, the fate is probably not much different, either dead or disabled.


Blood spurted out, and the few people who survived were all beheaded by reincarnation threads.

Several people in the distance were almost paralyzed with fear. Where could these cruel people come from? He just fought his way in without saying anything.

"Senior, I don't know how I, the Ghost King Clan, have offended you? Please make it clear so that I can serve you tea and apologize." Someone from a distance boldly shouted.

Chu Xun looked calm and acted calmly as he walked forward.

When he takes a step forward, those people take a step back.

"Senior, please forgive me for being stupid, but can you please clarify where I have offended my senior?" Someone asked with a trembling voice and the courage to ask.

Chu Xun raised his hand, and the real energy in his palm exploded into a chain, blasting towards those people in the distance.

"Run away!"

Those people were so frightened that they fled. A few unlucky ones who reacted slowly were penetrated by real energy through their chests, and their blood spilled into the air.


The white chain that condensed the true energy hit a simple and exquisite wooden house in the distance and exploded, disintegrating on the spot.

Those who finally survived were so frightened that they went straight to slaughter without saying a word. Cruel man, devil, king of hell, these are not enough to express the image of Chu Xun in their hearts at this moment.

They only have one thought at the moment, escape! The further away the better! This person is invincible even if he is not a master.


The reincarnation threads were much faster than them, hovering in the air, meandering, as if mocking them for running too slowly, and then shot out fiercely, piercing their throats.

Chu Xun just went deeper step by step, killing people with a snap of his fingers, leaving rivers of blood and heads rolling behind him.

Deep in the building complex, a stone altar stood high, and several figures looked at Chu Xun who was coming to kill them, their eyelids twitching.

"Who is this person?" Someone said, his voice hoarse.

"I don't know. He showed up without any warning and just started killing people."

"It's impossible for him to attack our Ghost King Gate for no reason. Who provoked such a ruthless person?"

"Whoever he is, if he dares to come to my Ghost King's Gate, then send him to be a ghost. I don't think he is more than a second-grade master. I can kill him by myself." The man who spoke was short in stature and not impressive in appearance, but he had strong energy and blood, and his voice was strong. Ru Lei, whose name is Lei Gang, is the elder of the Ghost King Sect.

Several others nodded and looked at the middle-aged man at the front with an elegant expression. He was the person with the highest cultivation level here, a third-grade grandmaster.

"Go ahead, remember, the lion fights the rabbit." The middle-aged man reminded.

Lei Gang nodded, raised his eyebrows and headed towards Chu Xun.

Chu Xun took one step, and those people with acquired skills took two steps back, with frightened expressions on their faces. They also wanted to escape, but with Chu Xun in front of them and the senior officials of the Ghost King Sect behind them, they would not survive if they retreated without a fight. They were in a dilemma and felt so embarrassed that they wanted to cry.