Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 22: The ranking is too low!


The man in black's eyes were cruel and ferocious, like a poisonous snake.

Even though Sun Ying was carrying a life-saving jade medal, he couldn't help but feel a chill and shudder subconsciously.


The figure of the man in black disappeared in a flash.

When he appeared again, he was standing in front of Sun Ying and slapped him with his palm.

Ripples were created out of thin air, and the life-saving jade tablet showed its power. The man in black's palm failed to hit Sun Ying and was blocked.


There was a muffled sound, the man in black's eyes suddenly changed, and his body fell over.

After landing, the man in black's eyes were gloomy but horrified, and his arms were shaking slightly.

Sun Ying wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He had been frightened just now. The man in black's skills were so terrifying that he didn't even have time to react.


The man in black's voice was hoarse, and his eyes began to heat up with salivation.

He had discovered Sun Ying's weirdness in secret before, and the palm just now was just a test.

It seems that his guess is right, Sun Ying is carrying a treasure.

Such a rare treasure should be owned by oneself.


The figure of the man in black moved again, this time the target was Chen Hanlong.

After catching Chen Hanlong, he didn't believe that Sun Ying wouldn't hand over the treasure obediently.

"Brother Long, be careful!"

Sun Ying roared anxiously and ran towards Chen Hanlong, trying to stop him.

But the man in black was so fast that he appeared in front of Chen Hanlong in the blink of an eye.

Chen Hanlong's hands and feet were cold, and he had no power to resist when facing the man in black.

The other members of the Dragon Eagle Society didn't react at all.

The man in black turned his hands into claws and grabbed at Chen Hanlong's neck like lightning.


Sun Ying's eyes were about to burst and he roared with all his strength.

The man in black turned to look at him with deep disdain.

Chen Hanlong's face turned pale, and he knew that he might not be able to escape this time.

The palm of the man in black has been pressed against Chen Hanlong's neck.

At this moment, a white palm appeared and pointed like a knife, swiping lightly.


Like the sound of a knife cutting tofu.

The man in black felt that his hands were out of control, and he couldn't feel his hands.


A broken palm fell to the ground with a soft sound.

The man in black stared blankly at the broken hand on the ground, and then looked at his wrist. His hand was gone.

The broken palm on the ground belongs to you

How did you break your hand

Why can't I feel pain and why can't I bleed

Before he could figure it out.

The unbearable pain spread all over his body from the broken wrist, making his whole body twitch like a penis.

"ah… "

The man in black couldn't help but let out a scream.

Following the screams, blood spurted out from the broken wrist, spraying directly all over Chen Hanlong.

Chen Hanlong was shocked by the spray of blood. He turned his head and looked over his shoulder, and suddenly said in ecstasy: "Mr."

Sun Ying also shouted with ecstasy: "Mr."

Chu Xun nodded slightly, then lightly clapped his hand.


The man in black felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer, coughing blood and flew backwards, falling more than ten meters away.

All members of the Dragon Eagle Club were petrified on the spot.

They have all seen Chu Xun, and they have also seen Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying treat Chu Xun with great respect.

They didn't understand it before.

Now I finally understand.

In their eyes, men in black are like demons, invincible.

But Chu Xun beat this demon they thought was unbeatable into a dead dog with just a few moves.

What kind of existence is this

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Chu Xun, becoming respectful and fearful.

"Are you okay?" Chu Xun asked.

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying shook their heads at the same time, their eyes drifting towards the dead members of the Dragon Eagle Society with sad expressions.

"Who are they?" Chu Xun asked, looking at the dead man in white.

"They are from the Bai family." Sun Ying said harshly.

Chu Xun's eyes flashed sharply, he was careless this time. He thought that the Bai family would not give in easily, but he did not expect that they would attack the headquarters of the Dragon Eagle Society.

"Who is he?" Chu Xun looked at the man in black.

If he had arrived a little later, I'm afraid Chen Hanlong would have died long ago.

Chen Hanlong shook his head and recounted what happened after the man in black appeared.

After hearing this, Chu Xun fell into deep thought.

At this moment, the man in black, who had fallen more than ten meters away, suddenly bounced up and rushed towards the door.

No one thought that the man in black could escape

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying were even more unbelievable. Not to mention breaking their wrists, they could still escape after receiving a palm from Chu Xun

However, Chu Xun seemed to have expected it, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his figure disappeared instantly.


The man in black who was escaping quickly flew back.

Chu Xun's figure appeared next to the man in black, with mocking eyes.

"Let me ask you an answer, don't think about escaping, that will only make you die faster."

The man in black looked horrified, and the blood from his broken wrist was still flowing.

He has always been confident in his speed, but what happened just now

He didn't see how Chu Xun appeared in front of him

The man in black understood that he was far behind compared to the young man in front of him.

Hearing Chu Xun's words, the man in black nodded. He had given up the idea of escape, and just begged in his heart that after answering the question, the other party could spare his life.

"Who are you?" Chu Xun asked.

"Black Lotus." The man in black replied, with a hint of pride in his tone.

Chu Xun looked confused.

"Are you Black Lotus?"

"The Black Lotus ranked tenth on the dark list?"

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying exclaimed one after another.

Noticing Chu Xun's eyes, Chen Hanlong hurriedly explained:

"Sir, you don't know. This Black Lotus is a killer, ranked tenth on the dark list."

"What is the secret list?" Chu Xun asked in confusion.

"The Dark List is our country's killer ranking list. To put it bluntly, it is a tool for the rich... "

Chen Hanlong explained carefully.

After listening to it, Chu Xun understood that this dark list was actually a website on the Internet that specialized in solving problems for rich people.

Of course, this website is not public, only a few people know about it, and these people are all rich and powerful people from all walks of life. Ordinary people cannot afford bonuses, which are huge remunerations.

Chu Xun shook his head disdainfully and said, "You said this person is ranked tenth on the secret list?"

Chen Hanlong didn't understand why Chu Xun asked that? But he nodded.

Chu Xun sneered and said: "It seems that the ranking on this secret list is too low. Can such a person be ranked tenth?"

Originally, he was very interested in this secret list, but after hearing what Chen Hanlong said, he lost interest.

The man in black's eyes twitched. He, the tenth on the dark list, had no water whatsoever. It's just that I had bad luck today and met the pervert Chu Xun.

Chu Xun didn't ask again.

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying also fell silent.

There is no need to ask more about the matter. Hei Lian is a killer, and of course he received the mission when he took action.

It seems that someone posted a mission to kill them on the dark list website.

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying looked a little ugly. It was not fun to be targeted by the assassins on the secret list.

Sun Ying motioned to his men to get the laptop.

"Brother Long, don't you know this website? Go up and have a look." Sun Ying said.

Chen Hanlong nodded, turned on the computer, and entered the website address.

The screen flashed, and a blood-red word "kill" came into view.

The website is very simple, with only killer rankings and mission options.

Chen Hanlong clicked on the task and almost threw the computer away when his hands shook.

"Sir." Chen Hanlong exclaimed.

Chu Xun also saw it.

The first task in the task bar turned out to be to hunt Chu Xun, with a bonus of up to 100 million.

Name: Chu Xun.

Age: 21.

Height: 180 cm.

The other party seems to know Chu Xun very well. In addition to cultivating immortals, Chu Xun is described in detail in the book. Even his recent release from prison is written on it, including the half-assed killer he killed on the way after he was released from prison.

In the end, the risk column says ----Unknown.

Moreover, someone has already taken up this task.

Chu Xun's face was expressionless, but his heart was far less calm than he appeared. It seemed that the man behind the crime that framed him and imprisoned him had taken action again.

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying were shocked. Chu Xun, whom they respected like a god, had actually been in prison

This news is bullshit because they think it is so ridiculous.

Who is so capable as to put a god in jail

Chu Xun didn't speak, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Chen Hanlong continued his quest to assassinate him and Sun Ying.

Sure enough, at the end, someone offered 5 million for his and Sun Ying's lives.

"Sir, look." Chen Hanlong pointed to the date under the task.

Without Chen Hanlong's pointing, Chu Xun had already seen it.

The mission to assassinate him and Chen Hanlong, Sun Ying, was released on the same day.

Chu Xun suddenly understood that the mastermind behind this was trying to cut off his wings.

All in all, Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying were almost killed tonight, and it was entirely because of him.

Chu Xun's heart surged with anger.


With one punch, the ground exploded.

Everyone present gasped.

Chu Xun's punch directly penetrated the body of the man in black, and a crater was created along with the ground.

The hostility in Chu Xun's heart continued to gather, and he had the urge to kill like crazy.

Since you are seeking death, I will personally send you to hell.

Chu Xun's aura was sharp and terrifying.

Bai family, let’s start with you!

"Bring Bai Ze here." Chu Xun said.

Soon, two members of the Dragon Eagle Society brought Bai Ze over.

At this time, Bai Ze was as miserable as a beggar, his eyes were dull, five fingers on his right hand were missing, and his wounds were randomly wrapped in white gauze.

After the two members of the Dragon Eagle Society let go, Bai Ze knelt on the ground and scratched his forehead, crying randomly: "Please... let me go! I will give you whatever you want. I will give you money, a lot of money." , please let me go..."

Bai Ze was obviously having a mental breakdown.

Chu Xun put his palm against Bai Ze's shoulder, and the true energy in his palm condensed, forming a ball the size of an egg in a short time. And was punched into Bai Ze's body.

The people around me were completely ignorant of all this.

"Let him go," Chu Xun said with his hand back.

Bai Ze suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Xun in disbelief.

Tai Tan took two steps forward and moved his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Chen Hanlong and Sun Ying looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

But they wouldn't have any objection to Chu Xun's words.

"Get out of here." Sun Ying kicked Bai Ze.

Bai Ze's body shook, and then his face was full of ecstasy. He never dreamed that these people would let him go

"thanks, thanks… "

Bai Ze kept kowtowing around him, kowtowing in a circle until his forehead was bruised, and then he got up and ran wildly.

I didn’t expect that after being tortured like this, I could still run so fast? Everyone was surprised.

As everyone knows, Bai Ze now only hates his parents for giving birth to two legs for him.