Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 43: Disaster is coming!


Kill the sick man with one move and silence all the members of the Viper!

"Black Scorpion, come out!"

Chu Xun shouted loudly, and the power of true energy swept out, making the surrounding buildings tremble.

The poisonous scorpion members were even more dizzy from the shock, and some even fainted from the shock.

Black Scorpion is the real leader of the Poison Scorpion organization. In a nearby room, a mysterious aura is dormant. But he couldn't escape Chu Xun's spiritual lock.

As Chu Xun shouted loudly, the black scorpion that had been dormant could no longer hold it in any longer. He broke through the window and jumped out of the courtyard. His speed did not slow down and he flew towards the outside of the wall.

Chu Xun didn't stop him and watched him run away coldly.


Black Scorpion jumped onto the wall. Unexpectedly, a barrier appeared out of thin air outside the wall. Black Scorpion accidentally bumped into it and was knocked back.

"Can you escape?"

Chu Xun said indifferently. He has set up an isolation circle around him, so no one can escape.

Black Scorpion landed on the ground and shook his head, dizzy, and looked at Chu Xun with sinister eyes. He was a master of the seventh level of innate ability, yet he was in such a mess.

Chu Xun snorted coldly, his body suddenly rose up, like an eagle striking the sky, and he struck the black scorpion with a palm on his head. The power of true energy swept out, and the cultivation in the later stages of Qi training was fully unleashed.


The ground exploded, like a thunderstorm exploding deafeningly, and the ground trembled even more.

When the dust cleared, the members of the Poisonous Scorpion were so frightened that their gall bladder and liver were about to burst.

Their heads and necks were seen sinking into the ground, and their whole bodies were beaten into mud with a palm. They were so dead that they could no longer die.

"Jiuyou, kill without mercy!"

Chu Xun's voice was cold and emotionless.


A roar resounded throughout the sky, and Jiuyou fell to the ground and transformed back to his original form.

The head swept across, and dozens of poisonous scorpion members were knocked away. After falling to the ground, their tendons were broken, their internal organs were displaced, and they lost all breath.

The huge tail was raised, like swatting flies, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

His body rolled, like a steamroller running over him, blood spraying out and staining the ground red.

The entire courtyard has completely turned into a living hell. With the magic circle blocking it, even escaping is a luxury. Facing a prehistoric monster like Jiuyou, they even lost the courage to escape and could only wait to die.

In an instant, the ground was covered with wreckage, blood stained the ground red, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood!

Chu Xun's expression remained unchanged, the murderous aura on his body remained concentrated, and his spiritual thoughts swept across to make sure that no one was left alive. Then he waved his hand to remove the magic circle and left with Jiuyou in the night.

On the other side, Gui Lao returned to the Zizhulin Club after disposing of the bodies of the Poison Scorpion members and found that Chen Hanlong was still there.

"Brother Chen, please say a nice word for me in front of my husband about this matter. I'm very grateful, brother. From now on, your business will be my business." Zheng Guangyi held the wine in one hand and held his hand enthusiastically. Chen Hanlong told.

This time, he originally wanted to flatter Chu Xun, so he invited Tang Wenyan and his wife to the banquet, but he didn't expect that Tang Rou received a slap.

Chen Hanlong was drunk and had a little too much to drink. He patted Zheng Guangyi's arm and said loudly: "Don't worry, I promise to put in a good word for you in front of your husband."

At this time, a sneer came from the door.

The two heard the sound and went out, only to see Gui Lao walking in from the door.

"Old man, what are you laughing at?" Chen Hanlong asked, glaring at Gui Lao.

"I'm laughing at you, you didn't even know you were in trouble, yet you're still brazenly pleading for others." Mr. Ghost said with a mocking look on his face.

"Old man, please stop being alarmist here. What harm can happen to me? As long as you are here, I won't even look down on you, even the King of Heaven." Chen Hanlong staggered and shouted loudly.

"Then what if this disaster comes from sir?" Mr. Gui sneered again and again.

"Fart." Chen Hanlong sighed, "You old guy, are you cursing me?"

"Since you don't believe me, just pretend I didn't say anything and just wait for Mr. Gui to come to you." Gui Lao snorted coldly, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute, tell me clearly, otherwise you won't be able to leave." Chen Hanlong blocked Gui Lao from letting him leave.

"Don't you believe it? Why are you stopping me? And I don't want to talk about it now." The old ghost and the old god were here, and he didn't believe that Chen Hanlong could not be anxious when it was about Chu Xun.

However, Chen Hanlong did not continue to pester. Instead, he stared at Gui Lao's hand and exclaimed: "Life-saving jade tablet?"

The old ghost looked down at the jade token in his hand and asked in surprise: "Do you know this jade token?"

Chen Hanlong was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, he shook his head and said with a smile: "I misjudged it, but the quality of this piece of jade is quite good, haha..."

This time, not only Gui Lao but also Zheng Guangyi looked down on Chen Hanlong. It looked like his teeth were almost dripping from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were so hot that he almost melted the jade plaque, his covetousness was palpable, and he even dared to say that he didn't recognize it and had seen it wrong.

Gui Lao felt contempt in his heart, but his expression did not change, "I also think the quality of this jade is quite good."

"Old man, I don't have any other hobbies. I just like jade by nature. Why don't you give up and sell this jade token to me? I'm willing to pay 50 million. What do you think? Is it a good deal?" Chen Hanlong pretended. He said with a casual smile.

Gui Lao was shocked. He didn't expect that Chen Hanlong would pay 50 million? But from this point of view, the efficacy of this jade tablet is unimaginable. How could Chen Hanlong, a profiteer, have paid so much money if he didn't have such a bad temper

Zheng Guangyi's face was also full of disbelief. If it weren't for Chen Hanlong's salivating expression, he almost believed that Chen Hanlong really liked jade.

Gui Lao pretended to think for a while, and then said disdainfully under Chen Hanlong's eager eyes: "Not for sale."

It was Chen Hanlong's turn to be surprised, "Old man, fifty million? Are you stupid?"

The corner of Gui Lao's mouth twitched in anger. This man was so shameless. When he bought it, he called him "old man". When I heard that I didn’t want to sell, I just called him an old guy.

"Chen Hanlong, do you think you are the smartest person in the world? If the value of this thing was not over 50 million, would you have paid so much money? You are a scoundrel and rogue, and you still say that you love jade. Do you believe this nonsense?" The old man said with unabashed disdain.

Chen Hanlong blushed, knowing that he was being teased, "Old man, you dare to play tricks on me?"

"Why are you kidding me? If you don't accept it, come and show off. However, looking at your cowardice, I know you don't dare." Gui Lao provoked. He had long wanted to deal with Chen Hanlong, a rogue who didn't know how to respect his elders.

"Old man, are you itchy? I'll give you a break..." As he said that, Chen Hanlong punched Gui Lao directly in the chest.

The old ghost had a look of disdain on his face. He dared to take action even though he was a three-legged cat. When he was about to slap Chen Hanlong away, a vision suddenly appeared.

I saw a barrier appearing out of thin air in front of him, with ripples flowing.


Chen Hanlong punched the barrier, and the light flowed. Chen Hanlong screamed and flew back.

"Crack... bang..."

A glass table was crushed by Chen Hanlong, causing him to cry out in pain.

Zheng Guangyi looked at the old ghost in horror. This old man was too scary.

In fact, Gui Lao was even more shocked. This was not his power at all. As soon as his thoughts changed, he lowered his head and looked at the jade plaque in his hand. Could it be it

The ghost boss strode over and grabbed Chen Hanlong.

"Old man, let go, I won't fight..." Chen Hanlong shouted, grinning in pain, and regretting it to death, forgetting that the old man was carrying a life-saving jade tablet.

"Chen Hanlong, was that what it did just now?" Gui Lao raised the jade plaque in his hand.

Chen Hanlong's eyes were hot and he reached out fiercely to grab it.

"You will never change your nature." The old ghost waved his hand, and Chen Hanlong's nearly two hundred kilogram body was thrown out and landed in the middle of the hall.

"Ouch... old guy, you want to throw me to death!" Chen Hanlong screamed.

In fact, he was not injured at all. He had been nourished by spiritual energy at Chu Xun's villa and drank the original liquid of fairy liquid, and his body was stronger than that of an ox.

"Chen Hanlong, I know you know this jade medal, so you should also know who gave it to me? Then, think carefully about what I said before, you are really in danger."

Chen Hanlong's eyes flashed and he couldn't help but look at Zheng Guangyi. Seeing Zheng Guangyi nodding, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart, "Old guy, are you telling the truth?"

The old ghost snorted coldly and ignored it! I was secretly proud of myself, who was worried

Zheng Guangyi kept winking at Chen Hanlong.

Chen Hanlong was not stupid either. He knew why Gui Lao was awkward, so he said with a flattering smile: "Old man, old sir, please tell me, Old Songsong Jinkou."

Gui Lao glanced at him and felt secretly happy, but deliberately kept a straight face and said coldly: "First tell me the efficacy of this jade amulet."

"Didn't you see the effect just now?" Chen Hanlong said unhappily.

"I want to know everything." Gui Lao said, "If you don't want to tell me, forget it." After saying that, he pretended to leave.

"Wait a minute, old man, can't I say it's still not possible?" Chen Hanlong looked awkward and began to explain the efficacy of the jade plaque in detail.

When Chen Hanlong finished speaking, Zheng Guangyi was a little confused. This thing can save his life and even block bullets. How incredible? I couldn't help but secretly envy Mr. Gui. Taking away this jade token was equivalent to gaining an extra life.

Gui Lao, on the other hand, had an ecstatic expression on his face and carefully put the jade token away close to his body. This jade token was so precious that he planned to give it to Hua Qingwu. In this way, if he encounters danger in the future, even if he can't stop it, Hua Qingwu will still be able to protect herself.

"Old sir, dear grandfather...can you say it now?" Chen Hanlong begged.

Gui Lao looked at him and said, "Do you still remember the fairy liquid you gave Miss Tang?"

"Remember! What's going on? Sir, you won't punish me for this, right?" Chen Hanlong was puzzled.

"Idiot, you have been struggling in society for all these years. Don't you know the principle of keeping wealth private? Have you never thought that the fairy liquid is so precious, can a weak woman like Miss Tang keep it?"

"What do you mean?" Chen Hanlong's heart suddenly suddenly felt like he had a bad premonition.

The old ghost snorted coldly and said: "You were targeted by someone who was interested in you after you gave the fairy liquid to Miss Tang, and they attacked Miss Tang's family halfway."

Chen Hanlong could no longer pretend to be dead and jumped up from the ground.

"Who is this man? I will kill his whole family."

"I have already dealt with the person who led the attack. As for the person who did it, I can tell you that it is the Poisonous Scorpion Organization." said the ghost old man.

"Poisonous Scorpion Organization." Chen Hanlong exclaimed, cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

Zheng Guangyi's expression also changed suddenly. At their level, how could they not know about the Poisonous Scorpion Organization

"Don't worry, Miss Tang is fine now, very safe." Gui Lao said.


Chen Hanlong walked over and knelt in front of Mr. Gui.

"Thank you for saving Miss Tang. I, Chen Hanlong, will never forget this kindness." Gui Lao saved Tang Rou, which was equivalent to indirectly saving his life. Although he is confused, he is never ambiguous about right and wrong.

But Mr. Gui shook his head, "I didn't save Miss Tang, it was my husband who came in person. Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

After hearing this, Chen Hanlong almost fainted. Even his husband moved out. The clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat, and he collapsed on the ground, his face pale.

Just now, he boasted that he would plead for Zheng Guangyi, but now he can't protect himself.