Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 47: Minimum chips!


Tang Rou's matter was finally resolved.

Lin Kai and Chen Qianqian were completely ruined. From the stars that everyone was looking for, they turned into street rats that everyone wanted to beat. There was a lot of curses on the Internet, and everyone shouted for them to get out of the entertainment industry.

Chen Hanlong did not break his promise. He really helped Lin Kai and Chen Qianqian find an easy job.

Lin Kai was good-looking, with fine skin and tender flesh, so Chen Hanlong threw him into one of his entertainment venues to serve those guests who were good at Long Yang. As for Chen Qianqian, is she no better than Lin Kai? Became a high-class lady.

Tang Rou was the biggest winner. There was an outpouring of sympathy on the Internet. Many netizens became fans. Within a few hours, the number of Weibo fans increased by more than 500,000.

The day was full of ups and downs, Tang Rou was a little tired, and was finally sent home by Chu Xun to rest. However, when passing by a mobile phone store, under Tang Rou's threat, Chu Xun accepted her gift, a latest love movie. Crazy phone.

Chu Xun returned to Qianlong Villa. He had recently felt faint signs of a breakthrough.

Late at night, Chu Xun, who was practicing, felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his figure swept outside the hospital, looking up.

The stars in the sky gradually disappeared like lights going out, the sky seemed to be blocked by black cloth, and the whole world fell into silence.


Earth-shattering roars resounded across the sky.

Chu Xun's eyes suddenly contracted, and his heart throbbed inexplicably.

"Boom boom..."

The roar that shook the sky continued, making the buildings tremble and the ground tremble.


A bolt of lightning pierced the sky, and the sky seemed to be torn open.

The torn hole revealed a bright light that lingered for a long time. Chu Xun's eyes contracted violently. He saw countless stars being sucked into the hole, and finally being twisted into powder by invisible forces.

"The turbulent flow of time and space." Chu Xun muttered to himself.

The turbulence of time and space is hidden in the depths of time and space, and contains unpredictable violent power. Even when he is an Immortal Emperor, he must be extremely careful if he wants to pass through the turbulence of time and space.

Suddenly, the torn hole revealed thousands of golden lights, making it difficult to look straight at.

"Even if I am doomed, I am willing to reincarnate for eternity just to find you."

Vaguely, Chu Xun seemed to see a figure walking out of the thousands of golden lights, accompanied by lingering murmurs, and then the golden light disappeared, and the world fell into darkness.

Chu Xun came back to his senses and felt a coldness on his face. He stretched out his hand to touch it, his face covered with tears. Why does my heart hurt? Why do you cry

It wasn't until the early sun rose and the morning light shone that Chu Xun realized that he had been standing here all night. That feeling of heart palpitations was something he had never experienced before.

Chu Xun returned to the villa, his eyes still searching, and the figure in the golden light always flashed in his mind.

At this time, Chen Hanlong came. He collects dew here every day and is more punctual than going to work.

"Morning, sir!"

Chen Hanlong said hello.

Chu Xun recovered his thoughts and nodded in response.

"Is there any news from Bai Renjie recently?"

"Bai Renjie called several times and found the exact location of Bauhinia Casino."

"Determine the address and come with me tonight."

"Yes." Chen Hanlong nodded hurriedly and smiled happily.

As night fell, Chen Hanlong drove Chu Xun to the suburbs.

The car drove for more than an hour and finally entered a small village.

This village is not big, with more than a hundred households visible from a distance, and the roads are still gravel.

As soon as the car entered the village, it was stopped.

Two big men came over and slid through the car window. When the car window was lowered, they handed over two masks.

Chen Hanlong took the mask and handed over two wads of money, exactly 20,000.

The big man waved his hand to continue passing.

Chen Hanlong looked at the masks in his hand and couldn't help but be startled. One was Cao Cao with a white face, while the other was Zhang Fei with a black face. Moreover, the quality of this mask was too poor. He could already smell the smell of plastic. It only cost one yuan outside.

"Sir, you must wear a mask when entering here." Chen Hanlong explained.

"The master here is really cautious." Chu Xun smiled, took the black-faced Zhang Fei mask and put it on.

Chen Hanlong was startled and secretly thought to himself: Did Mr. get the wrong one? But he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He put on the white-faced Cao Cao mask and continued to drive forward.

After walking about two hundred meters, the car was stopped again.

Lowering the window, the big man handed in two playing cards, a jack of hearts and a king of spades. The material of the playing cards is very ordinary, the kind that cost two yuan a pair outside.

Chen Hanlong took it and complained in his heart that this was too hasty. He gritted his teeth and handed over one hundred thousand yuan.

"What does this mean?" Chu Xun asked.

"This is a pass, just like a ticket." Chen Hanlong explained helplessly.

Chu Xun felt funny in his heart. He spent one hundred thousand to buy two ordinary playing cards. The owner here was really interesting.

About ten minutes later, the car was blocked by an ordinary house.

Two big men walked out of the darkness and motioned for them to get out of the car.

After the two got out of the car, one of the big men motioned for the two to follow him.

Walking into the ordinary house in front of him, the yard was overgrown with weeds and desolate, but Chu Xun knew that there were no less than ten people hiding around him.

The big man remained silent, leading the two of them into a private house, and reached out to push the window that was about to fall.


There was a sound of mechanical friction, and the stone slabs on the ground near the base of the wall shrank, revealing a passage for two people to walk in parallel.

Chen Hanlong opened his mouth. It seemed that he was shocked.

The big man motioned for the two of them to get down.

Chen Hanlong wanted to go down first, but Chu Xun was one step ahead of him. He knew that Chu Xun was deliberately protecting him, and he couldn't help but feel grateful.

All the way down the stone steps, there are two sturdy men guarding every ten meters.

After walking for about ten minutes, a gate more than three meters high and two meters wide blocked the way. Two big men guarding the door pushed open the door. Suddenly their eyes lit up.

Looking inside through the gate, I saw bright lights, crowds of people, shouts and shouts, and beautiful bunny girls walking among the crowd.

When the two of them walked in, they found that this underground world had an area of thousands of square meters and was decorated luxuriously and elegantly, like a luxurious underground palace.

"Sir, what are we playing?" Chen Hanlong asked quietly.

Roulette, dice, poker, and mahjong are all available here.

"Dice." Chu Xun said.

"Sir, wait a minute, I'm going to change the chips."

“What’s the smallest chip here?”

Chen Hanlong grabbed a passing bunny girl and asked, and learned that the smallest chip here was five hundred. The bunny girl enthusiastically took Chen Hanlong to redeem chips. If a customer redeems more chips, they will get a commission. If the customer is generous, they will be rewarded with more chips, which will be a big income.

But when she saw Chen Hanlong redeeming five hundred chips, the bunny girl almost bulged her eyes out, her tall breasts rising and falling, trying her best to suppress the urge to curse. But that doesn't mean I don't scold him in my heart. Where did this country bumpkin come from? In all the time she has been here, she has never seen someone exchange only 500 chips. Strictly speaking, she has never seen such a weird thing since the day the casino was built.

Chen Hanlong was also helpless. He noticed the bunny girl's unconcealable disdain, and the old face hidden under the mask blushed. At this moment, he realized that this mask was really not expensive at ten thousand yuan, and at least it could hide his shame. He brought several hundred million with him when he came, but Chu Xun asked him to exchange the smallest chips. What could he do

Seeing that there was nothing to gain, the bunny girl ignored Chen Hanlong, twisted her waist and walked away with her bunny tail waving.

Chen Hanlong held 500 chips and felt like everyone was laughing at him.

"Sir, how about we exchange more?" Chen Hanlong suggested cautiously.

Chu Xun ignored him, turned around and walked to the dice table.

The gameplay of throwing dice is very simple, the bet size is doubled and the compensation is doubled!

The croupier is a young man with small eyes and thin lips, and a mole on the edge of his mouth. He picked up the dice cup and shook it quickly. His technique was ordinary and nothing special.

"Bet big, bet small, buy and leave."

Gamblers clamored to place their bets.

"If you buy it, leave it. If you buy it, leave it." The croupier shouted twice more.

After all the gamblers had placed their bets and their hands left the table, the dice cup in his hand fell down.

The moment the dice cup fell on the table, the five hundred chips in Chu Xun's hand flew out and landed accurately on the small characters.

The croupier couldn't help but glance at him, and then opened the dice cup fiercely.

"One, two, three, little."

Suddenly, the younger ones burst into cheers, but the older ones couldn't help but sigh and complain.

Chu Xun calmly picked up his one thousand chips.

"Four six six, big!"

"One, one, three, little!"

"Five, six, seven, big!"

Chu Xun has more and more chips in front of him.

The dealer looked at Chu Xun from time to time, his expression no longer as calm as before.

"Bet quickly, bet quickly, and the deal is gone!" the croupier shouted.

At this time, no one placed a bet, but they all looked at Chu Xun, because the gamblers also discovered that Chu Xun had never made a mistake, so they all started to follow suit. If Chu Xun bet, they would follow suit, and they would definitely win.

At this time, the chips in front of Chu Xun had changed from 500 to more than 500,000.

Chu Xun pushed out the 500,000 chips.

All the gamblers couldn't help but exclaimed, because Chu Xun was betting on the banker, not the big one or the small one.

Zhuang represents the leopard, for example, three dice have the same number. As long as the leopard is shaken, the dealer takes all. If someone is lucky enough to bet on the banker, the compensation will be five times. But betting on the banker is too risky, and the chance of a leopard is too small.

The punters couldn't help but feel confused, should they follow or not

There was a flash of sarcasm in the croupier's eyes, and he thought to himself: "Whether you are a master or lucky, spit it all out this time!"

The dealer's hand touched the dice cup, but his foot, which was blocked by the table, quietly pressed a button. He felt the dice cup shake slightly, and he couldn't help but feel a trace of pride on his face. Then he opened the dice cup fiercely.

The dice cup was opened, and the dealer's smile instantly froze, and his eyes stared blankly at the three red dots.

"Three to one, Leopard."

Some gamblers couldn't help but exclaimed, followed by an uproar.

The gamblers beat their chests and regretted not following Chu Xun in betting.

Chen Hanlong smiled like a fool. Although he was very rich, it was still very exciting to see five hundred yuan turn into millions, and he knew that the money would snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

The croupier felt like he was in mourning, with big beads of sweat on his forehead. He couldn't understand why it was useless if he had obviously done something secretly. And no gamblers placed bets this time, which meant that he lost the casino 2.5 million. The casino is not a charity, and if he doesn't win the money back, the consequences will be serious.