Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 53: Boundary division!


Bai Renxiong did not want to be subordinate to others, so he vowed to be a hero. A hero is not a hero.

A hero is both chivalrous and chivalrous, not caring about his own life and only seeking greatness in death.

But the hero is different. The hero cherishes his life and knows how to seek perfection. Just like now, he lowered his noble head, just hoping to escape intact. Moreover, he felt that his performance was seamless.

"Boss, you can't believe what this kind of person says. If he leaves safely now, he will bring people to recover the situation the next moment." Su Fan said.

Chu Xun waved his hand, looked at Bai Renxiong, his eyelids drooped slightly to hide the playful look in his eyes, and said lightly: "Are you really willing to surrender?"

"I sincerely surrender, sir, please believe me." Bai Renxiong said with great sincerity.

Chu Xun's eyes were sarcastic and he said, "I believe you. In this case, is it okay to take a drop of your blood?"

Bai Renxiong raised his head, not knowing why.

Chu Xun walked over and stretched out his hand. Bai Renxiong's body trembled slightly, and a blood line appeared on his arm. Chu Xun stretched out his hand, and a drop of blood condensed and rose, slowly floating in front of his eyes.

The fingers danced and formed hand seals. With just a few clicks, the blood droplets glowed red, casting a strange red color on the faces of other people around him.

"Soul-Eating Contract, accomplished!"

With a soft drink, Chu Xun grabbed the blood drop in his palm. The red light flashed. When he opened his palm, the blood drop disappeared.

The pain flashed away, Bai Renjie's expression changed, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"What did you do to me?" he asked Chu Xun.

"Soul-eating contract. Just one thought can wipe you out." Chu Xun said with a smile.

Bai Renxiong was startled, and then looked disdainfully. This kind of thing was unheard of, how could he believe it.

Except for Chen Hanlong, everyone else also looked in disbelief. After all, this kind of thing was too bizarre.

Chu Xun smiled slightly, a bright light flashing in his eyes.

"ah… "

Bai Renxiong let out a shrill scream and rolled on the ground with his head in his hands, his face twisted and horrifying.

The others were frightened, and their expressions changed suddenly.

"Rou... spare my life, I was wrong, please sir, let me live..."

Bai Renxiong roared in pain and gritted his teeth.

"You are worthy of being called sir. Your second brother Bai Renjie has to call you sir, master." Chen Hanlong said with a sneer.

Bai Renxiong was trembling in pain, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and he shouted tremblingly: "Master... please spare me, master, please spare my life!"

Chu Xun's expression was indifferent, and then his mind moved.

Bai Renxiong felt that the burning pain like a burning fire disappeared. He was breathing heavily, his body was still shaking, and the fear in his eyes was hard to get rid of.

Others shuddered subconsciously, feeling cold in their bones. Seeing Bai Renxiong in such a miserable state that life was worse than death just now made them tremble with fear.

"Thank you, master, thank you, master!"

Feeling that his body had regained some strength, Bai Renxiong hurriedly crawled over and knelt at Chu Xun's feet.

"How do you feel?" Chu Xun asked.

Bai Renxiong's body trembled even more violently. The burning pain was like a burning fire, as if the flames were burning his internal organs. He would rather die and never want to experience this feeling again in his life.

"Get up!"

"Thank you, Master!" Bai Renxiong broke free and struggled to get up.

"Your eldest brother is not suitable to be the head of the Bai family, do you understand what I mean?" Chu Xun said indifferently.

"Understood! Don't worry, Master, I promise to fully assist my second brother..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Chu Xun with a wave of his hand.

"You can join forces to deal with your eldest brother. As for the position of the head of the Bai family, it depends on which one of you is more capable."

Bai Renxiong's face lit up with joy. He thought he would never be able to become the head of the family in this life, but he didn't expect there was still hope. He hurriedly said respectfully: "Master, don't worry, I promise that I will not disappoint you."

Chu Xun nodded slightly and waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

Bai Renxiong bent down and pushed him ten meters away respectfully, then straightened up and left.

"Boss, are you a god? This is too powerful. Just now I was worried about you being unable to control this cunning guy." Su Fan yelled, with a gleam of admiration in his eyes.

"You can't even call it a god, it's just some small tricks." Chu Xun chuckled.

"Is this still a small trick? Does the big trick scare people to death? Is that contract real? A single thought can make people miserable."

"How about you give it a try?" Chu Xun asked teasingly.

"Ah?" Su Fan jumped back in fright, waved his hands in a panic, and shouted: "Let's forget it! I believe it is. Seeing how painful that guy was just now, I'm still scared."

Chu Xun smiled and turned towards the injured old man.

When the old man saw Chu Xun walking over, his body tensed subconsciously, but he soon relaxed and smiled bitterly: "Give me a good time!"

"Master!" Director Lei was so frightened that his legs became weak, but he did not flinch at this time. He staggered over and stood in front of the old man, pleading: "Please don't hurt my master. I have offended you. If you want to kill me, kill me." Me."

"Xiao Leizi, what are you doing? Master ordered you to get out of here immediately." The old man yelled anxiously.

Director Lei shook his head resolutely and said: "Master, if it weren't for you, I would have frozen to death in the ice and snow. It was you who saved my life. It was you who taught me gambling skills and allowed me to live with dignity. Over the years, I have I am satisfied."

After saying that, he knelt down towards Chu Xun and said, "Please don't hurt my master. I offended you blindly. If you want to kill or chop me up, I will never complain. I just ask you to let my master go."

Chu Xun raised his eyebrows, and with a wave of his hand, he flew Director Lei away with a burst of energy. Then he walked to the old man, squatted down, and slapped his chest with his palms.

The old man closed his eyes sadly. Just as he was waiting to die, a soft breath came into his body to repair his injured internal organs and meridians. He opened his eyes in surprise and saw Chu Xun just retracting his hand. Feeling that his internal injuries were mostly healed in this moment, he was both horrified and puzzled.

"Master!" Director Lei was surprised and happy when he saw the old man open his eyes.

The old man waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and looked up at Chu Xun with a confused expression.

"Your strength is very good." Chu Xun said it sincerely. So far, the only one who can compete with him is the old man.

The old man was startled and said bitterly: "Ashamed!"

Chu Xun was puzzled by something, and he asked: "Your cultivation level is good, but it should be combined with martial arts to exert stronger combat effectiveness, but why did you only rely on your inner breath just now?"

If the old man had used martial arts just now, he wouldn't have been defeated so quickly.

The old man glanced at Chu Xun strangely, and then said slightly awkwardly: "What I just used was a martial art, the Mountain Shaking Fist." The old man felt a little depressed, and he was knocked away before he could use a few moves.

Chu Xun was a little surprised. What the old man just did were considered martial arts? It seemed to him as rough as a child's play.

"Tell me how your martial arts are divided?" Chu Xun asked. To be honest, he didn't have access to these things in his previous life. When I came back from this life, I didn’t have time to understand.

"Could it be that you, sir, are a Taoist?" The old man noticed that Chu Xun's words "martial arts" revealed a look of confusion, and asked subconsciously. This can also understand why Chu Xun's methods are so strange.

"A cultivator?" Chu Xun asked doubtfully, "Can you tell me more about it?"

The old man looked strange. Could it be that Chu Xun was not a Taoist

"It is very common to practice martial arts, but it is very difficult to cultivate inner breath. In addition to hard work, you also need to have extraordinary talent and strength. Therefore, at most one out of a hundred martial arts practitioners can cultivate inner breath, and This still requires guidance from predecessors. Therefore, the average martial arts practitioner can only say that they know some fists and kicks, and their strength, speed and skills are better than ordinary people."

The old man pondered for a moment and continued: "People like us are called inner breath warriors, and only those who are masters are considered martial arts cultivators. There is another kind of person in this world, that is, the ascetic. It is said that the ascetics only pursue the Tao throughout their lives. They are extremely skilled in Taoism. They can bestow auspiciousness to save the people, and they can also slaughter an entire city by one person. They have magical skills. They are extremely powerful. It is said that some people have seen a Taoist cultivator lift a mountain with his hands and move a pill. It can bring dying people back to life. However, there is no doubt that monks and gods are like gods, and it is difficult for mortals to see it."

Chu Xun was a little surprised. He originally thought that there were only warriors or martial arts practitioners on the earth, but he didn't expect that there were also ascetics. Don’t you know how powerful ascetics are? What kind of practice is it

Martial arts cultivation is to comply with destiny and follow the rules.

Cultivation of immortals is to go against heaven and compete with heaven for fate.

This is like a carp in a river. If you go with the current, you will always be a fish, but if you go against the current, you can become a carp and achieve great fortune by leaping over the dragon's gate.

Chu Xun felt a little excited, after all, he wouldn't be lonely in the future.

"You haven't said anything about the division of martial arts realms yet?" Chu Xun asked.

"Boss, I really wonder if you came from time travel?"

Before the old man could speak, Su Fan spoke first.

Chu Xun's heart moved, he looked at Su Fan and asked, "What do you mean?"

"You are so powerful that you don't know the divisions of martial arts? Even I know this." Su Fan looked at Chu Xun strangely, "Martial arts are divided into innate, acquired, master, and human emperor."

"It's over?" Chu Xun was startled.

"It's over." Su Fan said firmly. "That's what my old man told me anyway."

"There is still a discrepancy between what this young man said."

Just when Chu Xun was confused, the old man took the initiative to speak.

"What's the discrepancy?" Seeing someone denying what he said, Su Fan asked unhappily.

"Actually, there are immortal realms above the Human Emperor, namely human immortals, earth immortals, and golden immortals." The old man deliberately lowered his voice when talking about immortals, as if he was afraid that those immortals would hear him.

Chu Xun was very surprised. Did the immortals the old man mentioned practice the immortal way like him? I guess the old man himself doesn't even know this.

"Then let me ask you, what state am I in now?" Chu Xun asked curiously.

Su Fan and the old man shook their heads at the same time.

"Sir's methods are unheard of and unseen, and his cultivation is even more unpredictable. Please forgive me for my blindness, I really can't see it." The old man said after pondering for a while.

"What state are you in now?" Chu Xun asked.

"I feel ashamed to say that ten years ago I have already reached the ninth level of Dzogchen. I am only one step away from the master. This seems simple, but in fact it is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Some people have been stuck in this state their entire lives and want to enter." In the Grandmaster realm, in addition to hard work, you also need opportunities.”

"Nine levels of Dzogchen the day after tomorrow."

Su Fan and the female gambler exclaimed at the same time.

Chu Xun looked at them curiously, wondering why they were so surprised

"My dear, the ninth level of perfection is the day after tomorrow! I only heard about it before, but today I finally saw it alive." Su Fan smacked his tongue while explaining to Chu Xun, "Boss, you may not know. If you say that among the hundred Neixi warriors If there is one, then it is just one grandmaster among millions. This senior is actually the ninth level of Dzogchen the day after tomorrow. He is only one step away from the grandmaster. With his cultivation, he is always a guest no matter where he is. Even in that martial arts sect, this senior is qualified to serve as an elder. Even starting a sect is not impossible."

Su Fan subconsciously changed his name.

"This little brother is looking up to me. I'm afraid my husband hasn't noticed my cultivation yet." The old man said with shame.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect it just now. After the old man reminded them, they realized that the nine-level Dzogchen was powerful the day after tomorrow, but they still lost in the hands of Chu Xun. How high is Chu Xun's cultivation level


Thinking of these two words, everyone couldn't help but gasp.