Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 82: Twelve zodiac signs!



The big fat man rolled down the stone steps and hit a stone wall on one side before stopping.

The violent impact made the entire basement tremble.

"Ouch... you, fat man, have beaten me to death..."

Chen Hanlong and others were stunned and speechless.

The big fat man actually got up, and even fell and bumped into him. Ordinary people would have passed out with a bloody head and head.

This proves that the big fat man is not an ordinary person.

Mo Xinghe stepped forward, waved his hand, and planned to give the big fat man a hard blow.

"etc… "

The big fat man seemed to have sensed it and turned around suddenly. The speed of this turn was very inconsistent with his body shape. He waved his hands, and the fat on his body trembled wildly.

After being discovered, Mo Xinghe put down his hand angrily and looked at the big fat man warily.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. We are all civilized people. If you have something to say, please talk to us. Don't just fight and kill. This is too barbaric." The fat man dusted off the dirt on his body and said with a flattering smile.

Chen Hanlong looked at his big fat face and was furious. He kicked him and cursed angrily: "I'm civilizing you, sir. It's almost killing me. Why don't you tell me how to be civilized? I'll let you be civilized." .”

While Chen Hanlong was cursing, he kicked the fat man in the stomach.

Who knew that this kick would sink directly in, like kicking on cotton.

The fat man's belly suddenly bounced up again, and Chen Hanlong was directly ejected and hit the stone wall of the basement hard. There was a muffled sound of "dong".


Chen Hanlong fell from the stone wall to the ground, grimacing in pain.

"Damn fat pig, I'm going to kill you..."

Chen Hanlong's eyes were on fire. Although he was not really injured by the collision, it made stars appear in his eyes and the pain was unbearable.

"Cotton belly."

Mo Xinghe stared at the fat man with interest and was not in a hurry to take action. He could see that the fat man had no intention of hurting Chen Hanlong, otherwise Chen Hanlong's legs would have been broken by this blow.

The fat man was startled, and then he bowed to Mo Xinghe in a decent manner, "Junior pays homage to senior, senior is really discerning."

Mo Xinghe couldn't help but feel happy, this fat man knew the current affairs very well.

"Mr. Mo, take this dead pig quickly, I'm going to stew him into braised pork." Chen Hanlong got up and shouted.

The fat man was anxious and waved his hand towards Mo Xinghe, "Senior, I didn't mean to hurt him. He was the one who moved first. I was just a reflex."

Of course Mo Xinghe knew this. "Who are you?" This was what he cared about most.

The fat man raised his head and glanced at the rat spirit at the entrance of the cave, and said sarcastically: "I can't say."

"Hey, how dare you be so arrogant when you fall into our hands? You really thought I was joking with you. Believe it or not, I will stew you into braised pork immediately." Chen Hanlong deliberately frightened him.

Chen Hanlong is not stupid, he knows that Fatty has been merciful to him, otherwise he would not be able to stand up easily.

"No, no... I said, you are so cruel." The fat on the fat man's face trembled, and he looked very frightened.

"we are… "

"If you're not afraid of going back and being punished, just keep talking." The rat spirit said coldly from above.

The fat man's face trembled violently, and he swallowed the words he was about to say.

Chen Hanlong was so angry that he grabbed a stone and threw it at the rat spirit.

Unfortunately, the stone was directly shattered by the magic circle and fell down.

Finally, Chen Hanlong cursed at the mouse spirit and took the fat man inside.

The basement is deep and contains many rooms.

Because the fairy liquid comes out from here, Chen Hanlong specially decorated it.

The two took the fat man into a room.

Zheng Guangyi and his son, as well as Sun Ying and Tai Tan, all looked at the fat man curiously.

"Who is he?" Zheng Guangyi asked.

"Hostage." Chen Hanlong replied.

"Why don't you pick someone thinner to capture the hostage? This guy is too fat and it will be troublesome to capture him." Zheng Guangyi felt that Mo Xinghe and Chen Hanlong had brain problems, and they were so unreliable in capturing hostages.

"Yes, yes... this big brother is right. How about you let me go and catch another one? That dead mouse is pretty good. I can cooperate with you to seduce him." The fat man took advantage of the situation and caught the mouse in the blink of an eye. The essence was sold.

If a rat spirit hears this, he will definitely say: If you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs.

"You have beautiful thoughts, what good things do you want? Sit down for me." Chen Hanlong kicked a chair over.

The chair was made of wood. When the fat man sat on it, the chair "creaked..." and groaned. Several people were stunned, fearing that this guy would crush the chair.

"Let me ask you, who are you?" Mo Xinghe walked over and asked.

"Can I not say it?" The fat man carefully watched Mo Xinghe's expression.

"What do you think?" Mo Xinghe's eyes began to look dangerous.

The fat on the fat man's face trembled for a while, and then he said with a flattering smile: "I said, but if they ask after we go out, they can just say that I said it under torture, okay?"

Several people's eyes widened at the same time. This fat man was quite interesting. He would really put a smile on his face.

"Okay." Mo Xinghe agreed.

"We are the twelve zodiac signs." Fatty said.

Several people were puzzled for a while and looked at each other.

"What are the twelve zodiac signs?" Zheng Qian asked curiously.

"Is it an organization?" Mo Xinghe asked.

The fat man nodded and said, "Yes, the name of our organization is the Chinese Zodiac."

"Are you kidding us?" Chen Hanlong wondered.

"No, I have fallen into your hands. I promise that everything I tell you is the truth." The fat man raised his hands and swore, promising.

"I believe you for the time being." Mo Xinghe pondered for a moment and continued to ask: "Since you are an organization, which force do you serve?"

This time the fat man closed his mouth tightly and remained silent.

"Speak quickly, or I will cut off your flesh and braise it." Chen Hanlong began to threaten again.

"It's not that I won't say it, it's that I can't say it." The fat man looked embarrassed, paused and said, "Anyway, we just need the fairy liquid, and I won't hurt you."

"Fart!" Chen Hanlong cursed loudly, grabbed the fat man's collar, and shouted: "Don't hurt us, machine guns and shells have been used, and you still say don't hurt us, if you don't run fast, we will all answer."

"That's not what we did." Fatty retorted.

"Who are you if not you?"

"It was people from the twelve constellations who did it." The fat man motioned for Chen Hanlong to let go first, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"What the hell are the twelve constellations?" Chen Hanlong was almost going crazy.

Others were also shocked. Could it be that more than one force was attacking them

"Twelve zodiac signs, twelve constellations, you are in the same group." Chen Hanlong chanted several times, and instead of letting go of the hand holding the fat man's collar, he tightened it even more, causing veins to appear on his arms. If the fat man hadn't been too fat, he would have been lifted up by Chen Hanlong.

Several other people also felt that Chen Hanlong's guess was reasonable and stared at the fat man.

The fat man looked very frightened and stuttered: "We are just an organization, but we are not a group..."

"This damn fat guy is teasing us, flatten him..."

Before the fat man finished speaking, Chen Hanlong started shouting, and at the same time he punched the fat man in the face with his fist, followed by a series of punches and kicks.

Except for Mo Xinghe, several other people rushed forward. They had been feeling depressed for the past few days and wanted to give the fat man a good beating to relieve their suffocation.

The fat man covered his face and screamed as hard as he could, as if he was killing a pig.

Ten minutes later, several people were exhausted and panting. Beating someone was also a physical job.

The fat man still covered his face and squatted on the ground, howling and screaming.

"Okay, stop pretending," Mo Xinghe said.

The fat man's screams suddenly stopped and he slowly stood up with a silly smile on his face.

Chen Hanlong and others were dumbfounded. Wasn't this fat man too resistant to being beaten? They beat and kicked each other for more than ten minutes, and the guy was still laughing.

Mo Xinghe narrowed his eyes and said strangely: "Not only have you developed a belly of cotton with your emotions, it seems that your whole person is like a ball of cotton."

"Mr. Mo, what do you mean?" Chen Hanlong was confused.

"It means that the punches and kicks you just had were just tickling him." Mo Xinghe said with a smile.

Several people looked strange, they didn't understand what cotton belly was, but at this moment they realized that the fat man's body was the best defense. No wonder they hit him as if they were cotton.

"This damn fat guy is too cunning. Mr. Mo, please deal with him quickly." Chen Hanlong couldn't hit him anymore, and it would be useless to hit him.

Mo Xinghe nodded. The fat man seemed honest and honest, but he was actually very cunning.

"Let me have a taste of your cotton belly."

Mo Xinghe made a gesture of invitation.

Who knew that the fat man shook his head like a rattle and waved his hands, "I won't fight, I can't beat you."

"How would you know without a fight? As long as you knock me down, you can escape. Don't you want to leave?" Mo Xinghe said seductively.

He is very interested in cotton belly. This kind of kung fu is very unpopular, because the prerequisite for practicing cotton belly is to eat yourself into a fat man, so few people practice it.

"Don't lie to me. The lion, the loach, and the shooter combined can't keep you. I won't fight." The fat man shook his head like a rattle.

"Lion, loach, shooter, what the hell?" Mo Xinghe was curious.

"The three people you fought with earlier are from the Twelve Constellations Organization. The blond one is Leo, nicknamed Lion. The skinny one is Pisces, nicknamed Loach. The tall one is Sagittarius, nicknamed Sagittarius. . They are all masters of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow, and the lion is even more of a semi-perfect state. But the three of them can't keep you, which shows that you may be a master of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow." The fat man's analysis was clear and logical, and his shrewd appearance matched his honest appearance. Very inconsistent.

"Then what kind of cultivation level are you?" Chen Hanlong asked.

Since following Chu Xun, he has learned a little bit about the martial arts world.

"I... I am only an acquired eighth level of cultivation." The fat man said shyly.

Chen Hanlong and the others, as if they had been bitten by a snake, jumped back behind Mo Xinghe and looked at the fat man warily.

Grandma's, it scared them to death.

They never imagined that the fat man they punched and kicked was an acquired master of the eighth level. If they did it, squeezing them to death would be as easy as squeezing an ant to death.

Thinking that these laymen had beaten up an acquired eighth-level master just now, the hearts of several of them could not help but beat wildly, and they were obviously frightened.

Mo Xinghe was also a little surprised. He could feel that Fatty's cultivation was not weak, but he did not expect that his cultivation was so high. This cultivation was enough to rank among the masters.

"Let me ask you, why did you deliberately let me in when you could have escaped?" Mo Xinghe's aura became dangerous, and this fat man should not be underestimated.

The fat man smiled honestly and said with a smile: "I am here to negotiate with you. This stalemate is not an option. We are bound to get the fairy liquid, but we only want the fairy liquid and will not hurt you."

"What about them?" Mo Xinghe's eyes were sharp.

The fat man's face wrinkled up and he said seriously: "They are different from us. They only care about the results, not the process. In order to complete the task, they don't care what means they use. You can't resist it. The only way now is to use the fairy liquid Leave it to us, their target is the Fairy Spirit Liquid, and as long as the Fairy Spirit Liquid is in our hands, they will not deal with you."

The fat man suddenly became extremely serious, which made several people unable to react.

"I really do it for your own good. Except for Senior Mo, you are all just ordinary people. No matter how powerful Senior Mo is, there are twelve of them. When the time comes, Senior Mo will be unable to do anything at all. You will not be able to escape at all, and you will only be in vain." If you lose your life, you might even implicate Senior Mo."

The fat man said it very seriously.

Chen Hanlong and others couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Although the fat man's words didn't sound good, they were indeed true.