Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 86: Too cruel!


Master Gao Xian started to think about quitting. Chu Xun was too cruel. He defeated the nine-level master from the day after tomorrow with one punch and pinned the other two to the wall.


Master Gao was not an immortal at all at this moment, his speed exceeded subsonic speed, he jumped more than ten meters, turned around and ran away.


Chu Xun's body swayed, and he was more than ten meters away in the blink of an eye. His speed had already exceeded the speed of sound.

Master Gao Xian felt a chill on his back. He sensed the danger and immediately ran away for more than ten meters.

Turning around to look at Chu Xun, who was coming over, he felt as if he had seen a ghost, the speed was too abnormal.

He knew there was no point in his thoughts, so he stomped the ground violently, and the ground exploded. Master Gao Xian jumped into the air, punched out fiercely, and a fist made of white gas shot towards Chu Xun.

The master's method is to release the internal energy and external energy.

"Thunder Fist!"

The fists were powerful, as fast as thunder, and struck Chu Xun with a terrifying thunder sound.

Chu Xun also stamped his feet on the ground and jumped into the air.

"The Demon-Slaying Palm is destroyed!"

A white palm print flew out from Chu Xun's palm, soundlessly, and the air where it passed was distorted.


The palm prints met the fist prints, and the brutal energy surged and spread in all directions. The surrounding trees were instantly destroyed, and branches and leaves flew away.

The fist seal was scattered, and the palm print moved towards Master Gao Xian silently.

The dead souls of the high immortal master all appeared, ripples appeared in front of his body, and his inner breath protected his body.


The palm print hit his body-protecting Gang Qi, causing an earth-shattering explosion that made people's hearts tremble.

Master Gao Xian flew upside down, fell from a high altitude and fell onto the lawn. His chest collapsed and all his sternums were broken. He coughed up blood and looked at him with endless fear.

"Don't, don't, don't kill me, I beg you."

Five reincarnation threads burst out from Chu Xun's fingertips and wrapped around Master Gao Xian's neck, hands, and feet.

Chu Xun waved his hand, and Master Gao Xian was pulled, like a cannonball, smashing through the wall and falling into the villa.

One end of the reincarnation thread was connected to Chu Xun's finger, and the other was connected to Master Gao Xian.

Chu Xun walked into the villa, his fingers dancing, Master Gao Xian was dragged up into the air by the thread of reincarnation. He was now like a kite, and Chu Xun was the one flying the kite.

The fingers moved slightly, and the reincarnation thread wrapped around his neck slowly shrank. Master Gao Xian's face turned purple from being strangled, and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

"Sir, I want to avenge Xiaojing with my own hands." Chen Hanlong's voice was low, with a hint of bloodthirsty. Bai Jing's death put him on the edge of madness. If he didn't vent it out, he might have a mental breakdown.

Chu Xun stretched out his finger, and white light shot out.

Master Gao Xian made a strange sound in his throat and suddenly stared at Chu Xun with hatred.

Chu Xun looked calm as he shattered Master Gao Xian's Dantian with one finger, destroying his entire cultivation.

Master Gao Xian's eyes were extremely vicious. He knew that he was finished, and even if he survived, he would still be a useless person.

But it is better to die than to live. He has accumulated a lot of money in these years. Even if he has no cultivation, he can still live a life of sensuality.

So, when he saw Chen Hanlong finding a hammer from nowhere and walking towards him, he was so frightened that his heart almost stopped.

Chu Xun took back the reincarnation silk.


Master Gao Xian fell from mid-air and screamed miserably.

"Don't come over. I told you that I am under orders from the country. I am a member of the country. You can't kill me."

Master Gao Xian screamed in horror and kept retreating.

Chen Hanlong's eyes burst out with intense hatred, he chased after him, picked up his hammer and hit him hard.


Master Gao Xian let out a scream like a slaughtering pig, his eyes turned white, and he almost fainted from the pain. Because his calf was smashed by Chen Hanlong with a hammer.

Chen Hanlong's eyes were slightly excited, flashing with bloodthirsty light, he swung the hammer again, and then smashed it down hard.


Master Gao Xian's thigh bone was smashed to pieces, and the skin and flesh were torn and bloody.

Master Gao Xian didn't scream this time because he fainted from the pain.

Everyone was horrified by Chen Hanlong's cruel appearance.

"We have given orders to the country. You are fighting against the country. You are seeking death." Loach's breath was weak. The shoulder blade pierced by the arrow was bleeding all the time. There was a pool on the sole of his foot. If he continued like this, he would die.

Chen Hanlong grinned, looking ferocious, stood up and rushed towards the loach with a hammer.

Loach looked at him coldly, and his inner breath flowed to his right leg. His shoulder blade was penetrated, but other parts were free. He knew that Chen Hanlong would not let them go. The hatred of killing his wife could not be resolved, but even if he died, he would have someone to support him.

Unfortunately, the idea is rich, but the reality is skinny.

Chen Hanlong's eyes were cruel, and he swung his hammer and hit the loach on the head.

The breath in Ni Loach's right leg was flowing, and it was already full of strength. With a fierce look, he was about to take action. The day after tomorrow, the nine-level master gave a full blow, but Chen Hanlong was killed on the spot. But just when he was about to take action, a sharp aura struck him, directly shattering his Dantian and causing all his inner energy to dissipate.

Loach couldn't help but screamed, and without the support of his inner breath, his right leg drooped down weakly.

Chen Hanlong's hammer arrived and hit the loach hard on the head.


Red and white things were splashing everywhere, and the loach met the King of Hell without even a hum.

The red and white thing splashed on the face of the shooter next to him, making his face turn as pale as dirt, shaking like chaff, and he almost fainted from fright.

Others were disgusted and horrified, especially experts like Rat Spirit, Fatty, and Mo Xinghe, who felt really mixed in their hearts.

Although Loach deserved his crime, the majestic master of the acquired ninth level, who could be said to be a dragon or a phoenix among men, died in such a cowardly way. His head was smashed to death with a hammer. He was really worse than a dog.

Chen Hanlong's eyes moved to the shooter, making the latter shiver.

"Give me a happy life!" the shooter prayed, wanting to die with dignity.

Chen Hanlong said nothing and raised his hammer.

The fat man couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth several times to speak, but was stopped by the eyes of the rat spirit.

The shooter closed his eyes and looked sad. He was a nine-level master the day after tomorrow, but now he was like a chicken on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.


The hammer hit his temple mercilessly, and Loach's body twitched and then stopped moving. It's also considered to be a clean death.

The smell of blood on Chen Hanlong's body became stronger and stronger, and he walked back to the unconscious Master Gao Xian again with a hammer.

"Why do you want to insult her? She is innocent." Chen Hanlong lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Then, he raised his head sharply, his eyes full of violence, and hit the hammer hard in his hand.


Master Gao Xian, who had fainted, suddenly jumped up, then fell down because his legs were broken, and he let out a miserable scream.

Because Chen Hanlong hit him between his legs with the hammer.

Everyone's mouths twitched and their eyelids twitched. It was so cruel. They seemed to hear the sound of eggs breaking at that moment.

"Don't, don't kill me. I'm not a human being. Just treat me like a piece of shit."

Seeing Chen Hanlong raise the hammer again, Master Gao Xian was so frightened that he cried out for mercy.

Chen Hanlong turned a deaf ear and the hammer hit him directly in the heart.


The brow bone was smashed and the whole head was cracked.

Master Gao Xian is too dead to die anymore.


The hammer fell to the ground, and Chen Hanlong staggered to Bai Jing and hugged her tightly.

"Xiao Jing, have you seen this? I killed all those idiots who bullied you. I have avenged you. You can rest in peace."

Chen Hanlong reached out and touched Bai Jing's eyes. Bai Jing's eyes were closed, and two tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Chen Hanlong couldn't help but burst into tears, crying so hard that his heart broke, which made him feel sad.

Chu Xun looked at the mouse spirit and the fat man with cold eyes.

The two of them were so frightened that they froze. They had seen Chu Xun's cruelty with their own eyes. With their cultivation, they might not be able to withstand Chu Xun's punch.

"We didn't make things difficult for them? We kept trying to stop them," the fat man said incoherently with fright.

The rat spirit was relatively good. He cupped his fists and said, "Senior, we didn't make things difficult for them. We even helped them at critical moments. It's just that the two of us were weak and unable to prevent the tragedy."

"How many of you are here?" Chu Xun asked silently with a calm expression.

The fat man and the mouse spirit secretly glanced at each other and immediately understood what Chu Xun was going to do.

"Senior, this is a secret, we can't tell it," the fat man leaned over and said cautiously.

The corners of Chu Xun's mouth raised, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were cold.

"I advise you to tell the truth. Sir, by asking you, he is giving you a chance, and you will be twice as likely to make a mistake."

Sun Ying is a person with a clear distinction between grudges and grudges. Fatty had spoken to them before. Although it was useless, he had helped them after all.

Therefore, he is still paying favor to Fatty. He has made it clear enough. Next, it depends on whether Fatty is smart or not.

The fat man and the rat spirit both heard the underlying meaning of Sun Ying's words and couldn't help but hesitate. If he said it, he would be betraying the organization and a traitor, and would be looked down upon by others.

But aside from that, looking at Chu Xun's ruthless eyes, he might end up being miserable.

The two were in a dilemma.

Chu Xun didn't give them a chance to think about it. His figure flashed as fast as lightning and appeared in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Bang bang!

After two punches, the mouse spirit and the fat man fell down.

Chu Xun put his palm on the mouse spirit's head.

"Soul Searching Technique."

The true energy condensed into a thread and crossed over, and a string of information was transmitted into Chu Xun's mind.

The unconscious rat spirit twitched and stopped moving, breathing evenly.

With Chu Xun's current cultivation level, he was very good at using the Soul Searching Technique.

After a moment, Chu Xun took back his hand.

"Mr. Mo, I leave this place to you."

Mo Xinghe leaned forward and said solemnly: "Sir, don't worry, I will protect them even if I risk my life."

Chu Xun nodded slightly, turned around and left.

"Sir, where are you going?" Sun Ying asked subconsciously.

"Go shārén!"

Before the sound dissipated, Chu Xun had lost sight of him.

Gujiang City, the western suburbs, a small farmhouse.

There is a row of tall poplar trees in front of the door. Their leaves move with the wind, making a crisp clattering sound!

In the center of the courtyard, a piece of land was opened up and built into a garden. At this time, cockscombs, roses, thorn roses, and even morning glories were in full bloom. They are all ordinary flowers, but they bloom with extremely beautiful flowers, attracting bees and butterflies to fly and gather nectar.

There is also a small vegetable garden in the corner of the yard, which is planted with farm vegetables. A few native chickens are leisurely pulling the soil, looking for food.

"Cancer, I want you to recall them immediately."

A magnetic voice broke the tranquility of the small courtyard.