Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 9: Life-saving jade tablet!


"Since no one bids for it, can you give this thing to me?" Chu Xun stood up and walked towards Hongling.

Hongling was not stupid and hurriedly offered the warm jade.

Chu Xun took Nuan Yu, then took out a card from his pocket and gave it to Hong Ling, "There are 20 million in it, and the remaining 1 million is for Chen Hanlong."

"Sir, how can I let you spend money? I have the money here." Chen Hanlong said anxiously.

"No, just make up another 1 million!" Chu Xun said calmly, "I don't like to owe others favors, so I'll give you a small gift to offset your trip."

After speaking, Chu Xun made a swipe with his finger, and a piece of the warm jade in his hand was directly cut off. The surface was smooth and flat, just like cutting with a knife.

Ignoring the horrified looks in everyone's eyes, Chu Xun made empty strokes with his fingers again, and the cut jade piece was divided into four small pieces.

Chu Xun picked up a piece and moved his fingers on the jade surface, causing jade chips to fly for a while.

Not long after, Chu Xun stopped, looked at it and asked Chen Hanlong, "You should have a gun on you, right?"

Chen Hanlong nodded stupidly, quickly pulled out a pistol from his waist and handed it over.

"Take it, stand back!" Chu Xun threw the jade token to Chen Hanlong.

After getting the jade plaque, a warm breath flowed. In this hot summer, Chen Hanlong seemed to have returned to spring, and the sweat on his forehead also dissipated. After being startled, he hurriedly took a few steps back and looked at Chu Xun without knowing why.

"Do not be afraid!"

After saying that, Chu Xun pointed the gun in his hand at Chen Hanlong.


With the sound of a gunshot, Chen Hanlong was so frightened that he closed his eyes tightly. He didn't understand why Chu Xun wanted to kill him

Others were also shocked, not expecting Chu Xun to shoot Chen Hanlong.

But then, they were stunned and trembling.

When the bullet hit him, a ripple suddenly appeared in front of Chen Hanlong, and the bullet was actually blocked.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds later, there was a "ding" sound, and Chen Hanlong suddenly opened his eyes. He saw a bullet bounce under his feet a few times and then stopped.

"This..." He looked confused, because he just closed his eyes and didn't see what happened

"Bang bang...!"

Several gunshots were fired one after another, and Chu Xun shot at him again.

This time Chen Hanlong didn't even have time to close his eyes, but he could see clearly. The bullets that hit him were blocked by the sudden ripples in front of him. His eyes widened and his expression was dull, and his body trembled suddenly. He finally understood. What did Xun give him? A life!

Chen Hanlong hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down in front of Chu Xun, and was about to speak, when the jade token in his hand suddenly shattered.

Chu Xun picked up another jade tablet and danced with his fingers. After a while, a small formation was carved into it and he threw it to Chen Hanlong. "Wear this thing close to your body and it will protect you from the cold and heat. It can also save your life, even if the truck speeds up." Collision can also keep you safe, but it can only be used once."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir..."

Chen Hanlong's face was red with excitement, his words were incoherent, and he could only kowtow continuously.

Others have already been petrified. What did they just see? Even if you can't kill him with a jade bullet, this is equivalent to having an extra life.

Boss Zhou was already scared to death. At this time, he had already realized what stupid thing he had done. He knelt down in fear, kowtowed to Chu Xunbian and begged for mercy, "Gods, please forgive me. I am willing to give everything to ask gods to spare my life."

Chen Hanlong, who was holding the jade sign and giggling, stepped forward, kicked Boss Zhou to the ground, and then raised his fists to greet him desperately.

"You've got a fucking head on your butt. If you dare to offend sir, I'll beat you to death."

Chen Hanlong was originally a gangster, but he rarely used fists in recent years, but his fists were not something that the tender-skinned boss Zhou could withstand, and he was beaten until he screamed.

"Damn it, you still dare to call me my little brother, who are you? You bastard, don't let your transport team safely pass through my territory in the future..."

Chen Hanlong was scolding, punching and kicking him. After a while, Boss Zhou was beaten into a pig's head.

"Damn it, I've long seen that Mr. Chu's talent and temperament are extraordinary. How can such a big shot not be able to afford the money? You are such a scornful person." Li Tian uttered a curse word, not caring about maintaining elegance. Now that he has become more temperamental, he rushes forward and kicks Boss Zhou a few times.

The others were not fools either. After being stunned for a moment, they all shouted and joined in beating up the drowned dog.

"As soon as Mr. Chu came in, I could see that he was a god-like figure. If you, an old dog, hadn't fooled you, how could I have been disrespectful to Mr. Chu and beat you to death, you, a lard-deceived fool."

"Mr. Chu, this old man is standing here. He is not angry and proud. My heart has already surrendered. You old guy dares to bark at Mr. Chu. You really don't know how to live or die."

A group of people beat and scolded Boss Zhou and shouted at him with fists and kicks, forcing Chen Hanlong to the side and unable to intervene.

How can I bear this? This was the best time to show his loyalty. Chen Hanlong rolled his arms and sleeves and squeezed in again, desperately greeting Boss Zhou.

Hong Ling was dumbfounded. She wanted to squeeze in and give Boss Zhou a few kicks, but looking at these big men who looked like they had eaten a**, her scalp couldn't help but tingle. After thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Poor Boss Zhou could still hum a few times, but in the end he rolled his eyes and fainted completely.

Chen Hanlong and others also stopped subconsciously. Seven or eight people were panting. It seemed that they were not lazy at all just now.

"Sir, do you want it?"

Chen Hanlong made a gesture of wiping his neck.

The others couldn't help but take two steps back. This Chen Hanlong was really cruel. Not only did he knock people unconscious, he actually wanted to kill someone.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but shift to Chu Xun.

Chu Xun shook his head. Boss Zhou just made things difficult for him and did not exceed his bottom line. Now that he has been punished, let him live!

Chu Xun's eyes moved to other people.

Everyone was immediately silent. When Boss Zhou made things difficult for Chu Xun just now, they did a lot to fan the flames. Will Chu Xun come to settle the scores now

Just when everyone was feeling uneasy, Chu Xun waved his hands and turned away.

It wasn't until several minutes later that they were sure that Chu Xun would not come back that they let out a heavy breath.

"Director Chen, Mr. Chu..."

Before Li Tian could finish his words, he was interrupted by Chen Hanlong, "Director Li, because we have some friendship, I solemnly remind you that if he doesn't talk about your husband's affairs himself, you'd better not inquire. Otherwise, this No one in the world can save you."

Seeing Chen Hanlong's extremely serious look, Li Tian couldn't help but swallow.

"Also, let me give you a piece of advice! Your husband is a fairy-like figure, and you have only seen the tip of the iceberg in his methods. I hope you can keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, don't blame me, Chen Hanlong, for turning your back on others."

Everyone nodded. Even if Chen Hanlong didn't say it, they were not fools. They could block bullets by making random things. Is this something ordinary people can do

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the jade plaque that Chen Hanlong was holding tightly, and they swallowed unconsciously, saving one more life! The temptation of this thing is too great. Everyone must find a way to establish a relationship with their husband. This is what everyone thinks.

Chen Hanlong noticed everyone's attention and couldn't help but grinned again. He proudly held the jade plaque, touched it again and again, and kissed it again.

"Dr. Chen, can we discuss it? How about giving me this jade token for 50 million? I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life." Li Tian couldn't stand the temptation and stared at the jade token eagerly.

"I want to buy this jade plaque for 50 million. I'll give you 100 million."

"I'll pay 200 million."

"I'm willing to give up half of my company's shares."

A group of people instantly became jealous.

"Did I say I wanted to sell it?" Chen Hanlong sneered, no matter how much money he had, it couldn't be worth his life.

After saying that, he carefully put the jade token away close to his body!

Chu Xun drove back to Qianlong Villa!

With the chalcedony, you can start setting up the [Qiankun Spirit-Inducing Array].

Setting up the formation was easy for Chu Xun. It only took a few minutes for the Qiankun Spirit-Inducing Formation to be completed.

[The Universe Leading Spirit Array, start!]

Using the chalcedony taken out of the warm jade as the eye of the formation, the entire formation started to move.

As the formation moved, the entire Qianlong Mountain shook violently!

The spiritual power in the spiritual veins seemed to be pulled by some kind of pull. Instead of dissipating in the air, it gathered together and rushed towards the villa where Chu Xun was.

[Qiankun Spiritual Array] protects the entire villa, and the spiritual energy in the entire array increases exponentially! The flowers and plants grown in the villa are nourished by spiritual energy and are full of green.

The concentration of spiritual energy continues to increase!

Chu Xun's sight was directed to the spiritual veins. If he had time, he had to go there and set up a hidden spirit array there. If someone destroys it, the spiritual energy flowing to the villa will be interrupted, and the Qiankun Spiritual Array will lose its effect.

Feeling the rich spiritual power around him, Chu Xun immediately sat down and started practicing.

Until late at night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Chu Xuncai woke up from practice, and his whole aura became more ethereal.

The middle stage of Qi training!

[Qinglong Tyrant Body Technique] is still one turn, but it is more solid.

Feeling that the power of true energy in his body was twice as abundant as before, Chu Xun couldn't help but roar. Fortunately, the Qiankun Spiritual Array blocked the sound, otherwise the entire Qianlong Villa would have been awakened.

At this time, the spiritual power in the villa was thin, and all the previously strong spiritual power was absorbed by Chu Xun.