Return of the Goddess

Chapter 101


Ning Xi kowtowed three times to the tombstone, got up and said to Chang Shi, "Let's go back."

Chang Shigui nodded silently, bowed deeply three times in front of the tomb, and held Ning Xi's hand, "I will accompany you to see your parents in the future."

Are you calling your parents so soon? Ning Xi glanced at him, but the corner of his mouth was smiling: "Okay."

The two walked down the steps slowly. As soon as they walked down the mountain, Ningxi's cell phone rang. The caller was Captain Li of the Southeast Public Security Bureau. She looked back at the direction of her parents' graves and pressed the answer button.

"Captain Li."

Chang Shigui went to the car door and opened it for Ning Xi. After Ning Xi sat down with her head down, she did not know what the other party said, and her brows furrowed.

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, the smile on Ning Xi's face disappeared, and he turned to Chang Shigui and said, "Shigui, I'm going to the Public Security Bureau."

"I'll go with you." Chang Changhui closed the car door, his tone was still gentle, but firm.

The police of the Southeast Public Security Bureau are in a very bad mood at the moment, because the newly arrested criminal suspects are very uncooperative with their work, and it is fine if they do not cooperate with their work. , he was happy.

Even the best-tempered Officer Liu in the team didn't bother to pay attention to him now, and arranged for two policemen to stare at him without saying anything.

"Is the victim's family here?" Officer Liu sealed the portfolio and turned to ask Captain Li.

"It should be almost there," Captain Li looked tired, took a sip of the thickly brewed tea, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "This case is over, and we can get a good night's sleep too."

Officer Liu refilled his teacup with water and sighed, "Jiang Hongkai's mouth is tighter than we thought."

"It doesn't matter whether the mouth is tight or not. We have evidence in our hands. Even if he doesn't admit it, he will still be punished by the law." Captain Li lowered his head and took another sip of tea. As soon as he swallowed it, someone came to inform him that the victim's family arrive.

He put down the teacup and said to Officer Liu: "This victim's family is not bad."

Cooperate when it's time to cooperate, and when it can't cause them trouble, there's absolutely nothing to say. Although she is a big star, after they filed the case, she never used her celebrity status to create pressure on them. As long as she met them, her attitude was always polite, and she didn't put on star air at all.

But perhaps it is because of the other party's attitude that if they don't work hard to handle the case, they will fail the expectations of the victim's family. In addition, there are many police girls in the bureau who are her fans, so this case is handled, everyone's Positivity is quite high.

It's just that the more this case gets to the end, the more people are involved, and the more bloody the truth becomes.

Human nature and money, family affection and interests, power and truth, and... the harm caused by youth and ignorance, this case has brought an early warning to the world, and it has also brought indelible pain to the families of the victims.

Officer Liu shook his head, "I was informed before that the National Channel was going to take this case as a model, make a program and broadcast it on the legal system to warn others about this... I still don't know how to tell the victim. The family speaks up."

"The TV station is going to do a show, let them do it themselves, we don't want to be this villain," Captain Li said without thinking, "This matter is out of our control, don't be annoying."

Officer Liu nodded with a wry smile.

This case has caused a sensation in the whole country. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at them. Now that the truth has finally come to light, not only are they happy in the bureau, but their superiors are also very satisfied. The legal column should make this case a model, firstly to warn others, and secondly to publicize the positive attitude of the public security department at work.

In fact, such a program has positive significance for the society and relevant departments, but only for the families of the victims, it is an act of exposing scars.

When Captain Li and Officer Liu went to see Ning Xi in the reception room, they did not expect that Ning Xi was not alone this time. Chang Shigui, who they had met in the villa, also accompanied her.

"Miss Ning, Mr. Chang," Captain Li shook hands with the two of them, "I'm sorry, but I called you here at this time. It's just that the criminal suspect said that he had to see you before he was willing to speak. If I disturb you, I terribly sorry."

"Captain Li is very kind, you are also trying to find out the truth of this case," Ning Xi noticed the tired look on Captain Li's face and smiled gratefully at him, "I can go see him."

Captain Li breathed a sigh of relief, he turned to look at Chang Shigui, and hesitantly said: "Mr. Chang, the suspect only asked to see Miss Ning, look..."

"If Jiang Hongkai insists that he doesn't want to see me, I will cooperate with your work," Chang Shigui looked at Ning Xi, "but I want to accompany my fiancee as much as possible."

Captain Li and Officer Liu glanced at each other. The other party had already said this for the sake of it. If they refused again, it would be a bit inhumane.

In the interrogation room, Jiang Hongkai was playing a game of staring with two policemen. He heard the door open behind him. He raised his neck without looking at it and said, "Don't ask any more, I won't say anything."

As a result, he waited for a long time, but he didn't hear anyone talking behind him. He turned his head and looked around, so scared that he almost fell off the stool.

"Chang Shigui, why are you here?!" Jiang Hongkai was afraid of this junior, Chang Shigui, so he subconsciously shrank his neck when he first saw him. However, he quickly realized that he is not in Jiang's house, nor outside, but in the Public Security Bureau.

Chang Shigui ignored him, just accompanied Ning Xi into the house, sat opposite him, and separated the distance between Jiang Hongkai and Ning Xi intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mr. Jiang, I heard you want to see me?" Ning Xi's eyes fell on Jiang Hongkai's handcuffed wrist, with a mocking smile on his face, "I don't think there seems to be anything to talk about between us."

Jiang Hongkai squinted and looked at Ning Xi from head to toe, and snorted coldly, "I never imagined that you, an actor who can't stand on the stage, would be able to do this."

"Mr. Jiang specially asked me to come here, just to talk about this?" Ning Xi said blankly, "If this is the case, then we have nothing to say." Between her and Jiang Hongkai, there was nothing to say. Eight years ago, her father wouldn't have died if he hadn't been speeding drunk and running red lights. For her, Jiang Hongkai was a hit-and-run rubbish who took other people to blame.

When a person faces garbage, what can he say

"Miss Ning doesn't need to be so aggressive," Jiang Hongkai seemed to have been sitting for a long time, so he twisted in the chair, "I know that Miss Ning is about to become the head mistress of the Chang family, and I asked you to come this time, not for anything else. , I just want to ask Miss Ning one thing."

Miss Ning lowered her eyelids and did not speak.

Seeing her indifferent appearance, Jiang Hongkai didn't care, he said straight: "At this point, everything I do is useless, I have been absurd all my life, and I haven't done anything good worth mentioning. Yunyun is my only one. her child, I neglected her since childhood, which made her what she is today. But any mistakes I made have nothing to do with her, she is just a spoiled child, and I ask Miss Ning to let her go. She's on a horse."

Hearing this, Ningxi couldn't help laughing. Who said Jiang Hongkai had no brains? Calling her here on purpose to say such a thing in front of the police, isn't she afraid of her revenge against Jiang Yun in the future? It seems that he is not hopelessly stupid. Without his protection, Jiang Yuanpeng, the uncle, will not be too attentive to Jiang Yun. What will Jiang Yun's life be like in the future, you don't need to think about it.

"Mr. Jiang has been thinking too much." Ning Xi suddenly felt that this matter could be ended here, and it was meaningless to talk about other things. She stood up and said calmly, "All I want is to bring the guilty to justice. I won't do other things, and I won't care about how it will develop."

Jiang Hongkai still felt a little uneasy when he heard the words, so he looked at Chang Shigui with anticipation, but he didn't know that Chang Shigui didn't even look at him, and his eyes were all on Ning Xi. Thinking of his stupid daughter, still infatuated with Chang Changgui, Jiang Hongkai felt a little uncomfortable.

That silly girl didn't understand that when a man isn't interested in women, it's useless for her to do anything, and in the end, it might be annoying.

"I actually want to ask Mr. Jiang a question," Ning Xi looked at Jiang Hongkai, "How can you be at peace with someone else's blood on your hands?"

Jiang Hongkai fell silent. He did not answer Ningxi's question, nor could he answer it.

Fortunately, Ning Xi didn't intend to really get any answers from him. She didn't bother to look at Jiang Hongkai's disgusting face, and walked out of the interrogation room without looking back. All the depression was spit out.

Chang Shigui came out behind her, seeing her like this, reaching out and pinching her fingertips.

"I'm fine." Ning Xi smiled at him and turned to say goodbye to Captain Li and others.

Captain Li saw that her face was not very good-looking, and did not keep her, but arranged for a policeman to send them to the door.

"Officer, I have something to explain." An hour after Ningxi left, Jiang Hongkai suddenly figured it out. He decided to confess to the police and strive for leniency.

Now he is involved in a case besides Ning Xi's father who was killed by drunk driving and running a red light eight years ago, and that is the suicide case of Chen Zhenzhen.

Because Zhu Moli was under the control of the police, in order to reduce her sentence, she explained all the information she knew, true or false, to the police, including the fact that Chen Zhenzhen did not commit suicide, but homicide.

In fact, Jiang Hongkai really had nothing to do with Chen Zhenzhen's death. He had some true feelings for Chen Zhenzhen, otherwise he would not have insisted on marrying Chen Zhenzhen under such great pressure.

So when the police told him that Chen Zhenzhen may not have died by suicide, but by homicide, his suspicious and puzzled expressions did not seem to be fake.

Officer Liu is good at micro-expression analysis, so after Jiang Hongkai explained everything, he recorded all his confessions. As for the others, they can only report to their superiors, and they are no longer under their jurisdiction.