Return of the Goddess

Chapter 20


"Don't pay too much attention to the negative news on the Internet," Sun Yuhan walked to Ningxi and handed her a bottle of water, "Drink some water."

"Thank you, Sister Yuhan." Ning Xi took the water, the bottle hadn't been opened yet. Sun Yuhan is a very cautious person, so cautious that he even noticed these small details.

According to rumors, there were two artists in the circle who competed for a role. Later, one of them put sleeping pills in the water the other party was drinking, which affected the other party's performance. This matter is only circulated in private, and I don't know if it's true or not, but Zhang Qingyun did mention it to her, so pay more attention in this regard.

Seeing that Ningxi was in good condition, Sun Yuhan smiled: "When I was smeared, I hid at home for many days and didn't dare to see people. At that time, I was very wronged, obviously I have never done these things, why can these people make up It has to come alive as if they were there when these things happened."

Looking at Sun Yuhan who smiled lightly, Ning Xi took a sip of water: "Then what did you do after that?"

"Afterwards, I clarified very seriously, wishing to open my heart to make those who scold me believe what I said, but those who hate me will not change their views because of my explanation. Don't throw money at me with things like vases," Sun Yuhan took a breath and looked at Ning Xi seriously, "You may be the idol of some people's direction, or you may be the object of some people's disappointments in their lives. This is the price of being a public figure. If you want to stand tall, you have to learn to accept it. In this circle, learning to be scolded is the first step to success. If you are not famous, you will be scolded. It's not your turn."

"I got used to it later," Sun Yuhan bowed her head slightly, "it doesn't matter."

Ning Xi looked at Sun Yuhan like this, and said silently for a moment: "I see, thank you Sister Yuhan."

In fact, as long as people live, they cannot be indifferent to harm, but in situations that cannot be changed, they can only learn to accept.

The overwhelming negative news on the Internet is like snowflakes. Some Weibo marketing giants write jokes that seem humorous but actually smear Ningxi, and those so-called entertainment gossip bloggers are even more merciless "expose Ningxi's incompetence." The other side of the well-known", for a time Ningxi seemed to have killed someone and set fire to it, kicked an old man, and snatched a lollipop from a child, and was hacked beyond recognition.

At this time, a well-known blogger stood up and posted a Weibo, to the effect that he saw a newcomer who was hacked beyond recognition as soon as he was in his early years, and the water in the entertainment industry was really deep.

Originally, some netizens were already disgusted by the overwhelming blackness, and even had a rebellious mentality. Now, seeing this Weibo, I suddenly felt a sense of belonging that "someone has the same opinion as me", so I silently forwarded this Weibo. .

Netizen A: Those black materials are written vividly, and even the dialogue between people is clearly written. I have long wanted to ask, is this black material provider hiding under Ningxi's bed? Does this count as illegal stalking and trespassing of houses

Netizen B: You said that Ning Xi poured water on assistant, but you didn't have a brain when you broke the news? First of all, the assistant will not directly bring hot boiled water to the artist to drink, and secondly, do you dare to try the boiling water on your face, what will be the consequences? When she thought that the assistant was splashed with boiling water, there was no scar on her face, and she dared to follow Ning Xi alive, her heart was also big.

Netizen Ding: People who said that Ningxi played big names stood up and took two steps. Since the fire of "Fireworks Liuxia", they have not even participated in shows, let alone any commercial activities. Where can she play big names

This is how the Internet is. When a person has been hacked too much, and there is no actual evidence for the black material, it is possible to force people into passers-by, make passers-by into fans, and even make many people begin to suspect that the target of the hack is Who was blocking her way to make people put so much effort into blacking her

Jiuji's public relations have long taken advantage of this momentum to reverse the opinions of netizens on the Internet, making everyone believe that this is deliberately smeared by competitors, but Ningxi himself is not like this.

However, the black material has already been exposed, and some people already have a bad impression of Ningxi. It is not an overnight thing to turn it around. What's more, in the current online environment, many people have always been picky about female artists. For this type of people, they don't care whether these black materials are real or not. Anyway, this artist is so beautiful and can become popular so quickly, that's a problem.

"It's time?" When Mother Chang came out of the flower house, she saw her son sitting under the flower vine tree playing on the computer, her face was not very good. She approached the table, where wisteria petals were floating in the tea on the table, and there was no heat at all.

She thought for a while, then turned and left the table.

From time to time, I close the web page, turn on my phone, rummage through the contact list, find a number and dial it out.

Yao Zhengwei, the largest shareholder of Weibo, never thought that the CEO of Chang's Enterprise would suddenly call him when he returned from time to time. He always owns 6% of Weibo and is one of the major shareholders of the company, but this guy has never cared about the company's affairs, what kind of wind is this blowing today

"The entertainment news that has been making a lot of noise recently?" Yao Zhengwei was stunned for a moment. How could one of his big bosses care about this kind of thing, but he could let Chang Shigui speak, which shows that the characters involved are not related to Chang Shigui.

"This is going to trouble President Yao. This artist is my former alumnus. Seeing her being wronged for no reason, my old friend feels sorry." Chang Shigui heard Yao Zhengwei on the phone agreeing to the matter, so Said, "By the way, the reform plan you proposed last time, I and several shareholders think it is feasible, and a few of us will sit down and talk about it when we have time."

After Yao Zhengwei hung up the phone, he hurriedly called the secretary and asked her if an artist named "Ningxi" had been smeared in the past two days. withdrew.

The plan he proposed some time ago was blocked by several major shareholders. Now this shareholder is always willing to stand up and support him. For him, it is simply a timely rain.

It's just that this Ningxi is really just an old schoolmate who always returns? A shrewd businessman like Changchun is willing to do this for an ordinary alumnus, who will believe it if he speaks out

"Brother Zhang, the topic on Weibo has started to be withdrawn. Did you spend money?" The public relations person found that Heiningxi's hot topic gradually dropped from the first to the last, and finally fell out of the rankings. Some doubts, is the speed of this falling a little faster

"It's not me, I contacted the person in charge over there, and the answer there was a bit ambiguous." Zhang Qingyun was very puzzled. He knew the influence of Weibo in the Internet. If it was unintentionally popular, he would spend some money to withdraw it. Also easy. But this time, it was obvious that someone was behind the money to hire the Navy Hei Ningxi. With the Weibo company's behavior, they should not help each other, and it would be normal to let them both play public relations by themselves.

"Then what's going on, do the top Weibo executives have fans of Ningxi?" The person in charge of public relations thought for a while, "Anyway, it's a good thing to take down the black materials now, and we can do better here."

Soon Weibo and some well-known portals began to change their tone, no longer reporting Ningxi's slanderous materials, but praising some of her advantages, as if they did not release those slanderous materials before.

In the eyes of passers-by netizens and fans who support Ningxi, it is their power of public opinion that makes the media have to change their tone, so they have a sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

Just when some media began to change their tone, several artists who had worked with Ningxi stood up and posted on Weibo to support Ningxi.

Not to mention Zhou Zhengchuan and Shi Pang, Jiuji artists, netizens also know that they are artists from the same company. What really shocked everyone was that among these people, there were big names such as Shao Chong and Zhou Haili, as well as popular artists such as Chu Heng, Sun Yuhan, and Zhu Jiafei.

If Ningxi is really as annoying as the black materials say, and she is playing a big name, will there be so many big names to stand up to support her

This must be because Ningxi's people are beautiful and popular, blocking some people's way, or making some people envious, jealous, and hateful, and this large-scale smear.

Some people also wondered, when did Ningxi, Sun Yuhan and Shao Chong have friendship, and they would stand up and speak for Ningxi

Netizen A: I don’t know if you still don’t remember the news about the crew of “Tan Haixian Ji” last year. It is rumored that Shao Yingdi is the male lead and Sun Yuhan is the female lead. I probably know why they speak for Ningxi.

Netizen B: Wocao, is it true that what was said upstairs, if it is true, Ningxi is too 666.

Heifenjia: Hehe, some fans don't put gold on their master's face. Maybe these two big names are just helping Jiuji's face to say a good word, so you can join "Tan Haixian Ji", your family With the master's vase acting skills, can he play in Director Qian's play

Netizen A: Anyone with eyes can see whether Ningxi has acting skills. You don't need to judge. But your master gave you a few cents to spare no effort to come to black people

Some netizens have long revealed that many of these Heiningxi accounts are newly registered, and although some accounts have avatars and Weibo names are not garbled, all the Weibo content he posted is from copy and paste. , it doesn't look like a normal person's Weibo.

These sunspots are really insane.

When Sun Yuhan saw the trending topics on Weibo disappeared, he was a little surprised and took it for granted. She looked at Ning Xi who was wearing a costume and listened carefully to Director Qian's drama in the distance, turned to look at Zhu Moli who was restless, and smiled mockingly.

It's no wonder that after so many years of mixing, he can only be a match for others, and sooner or later kill himself with this brain.

I'm afraid it's not over yet.