Return of the Goddess

Chapter 33


Before coming, in Bai Lu's vision, Ningxi should be a vulgar woman. Although she is beautiful, she has a bad character.

But when she saw the real person, she knew that she was judging a person with prejudice. Ningxi is indeed very beautiful, but she is not gaudy. On the contrary, she is a beautiful but charming woman.

Although she knew that she should hate this woman, she couldn't hate it in her heart.

"Be careful!" Ning Xi, who was sitting across from her, suddenly stood up and blocked something with her hand above her head. When she looked back, what fell to the ground was a bamboo pole, which may have been used by the show crew as props.

"Are you alright?" Seeing that Ningxi had used a lot of strength just now, she felt a little sorry.

"It's alright," Ning Xi shook her hand and didn't let Bai Lu look at her arm, "There's a lot of mess in the crew, and today we've been filming several scenes in a row, and the props engineer didn't have time to clean it up, didn't he scare you just now? "

Bai Lu shook her head, her eyes swept to Ning Xi's wrist again and again, but unfortunately Ning Xi's sleeves were closed, she could not see whether Ning Xi was injured or not.

Noticing Bai Lu's actions, Ning Xi couldn't help laughing. This beauty is still quite soft-hearted.

"I met Miss Bai once," Ning Xi raised the stool and moved it to the outside position, so that even if something came over, it wouldn't fall on Bai Lu, "Miss Bai drove a red sports car that night and got off the car. At the time, it was very beautiful, because I looked at you several times, and my agent criticized me."

Being praised by Ning Xi for being beautiful in such a sincere tone, Bai Lu couldn't help but feel a little regret. She shouldn't have brought so many companions here, and she doesn't know what Ning Xi thinks of her now.

"Just because I looked at you a few more times under the street light, my manager began to doubt my sexuality, and I was worried that I would get too close to a beautiful woman like you," Ning Xi said helplessly, because she was sitting too close Outside, the awning could not cover her back at all, and the whole person seemed to be glowing faintly.

Maybe it was because the other party's smile was too beautiful, or maybe it was because of the other party's unintentional actions to protect her, which made Bai Lu's heart soften. She smiled and said, "You are so beautiful, yet you praise others?"

"What's so beautiful about your face?" Ningxi said this, and couldn't help but look at Bai Lu a few more times. When Bai Lu noticed her movements, she looked away embarrassedly, "Is that so?"

The complicated emotions in his heart turned into a smile, and Bai Lu chuckled softly, "You're right."

"Chengzi, this rhythm is a bit wrong," a brother who came with him came close to Jiang Cheng, "Didn't Sister Lu come to trouble this actor, why... Instead, they chatted happily?"

Jiang Cheng had just been embarrassed by Ning Xi, and his breath was in his heart. Hearing this person ask, he suddenly said in a bad mood: "Didn't you come with Bai Lu first? You don't know, how would I know!"

Hearing Jiang Cheng's angry voice, Du Kang wiped the sweat from his face. Could it be that the two beauties were attracted to each other's beauty

Isn't it all said that beauties are incompatible with beauties, why is the situation not quite right when it comes to Sister Bai Lu

Ning Xi didn't ask Bai Lu's intentions again, and Bai Lu also deliberately avoided this embarrassing topic. The more the two chatted, the more harmonious the atmosphere became. If it wasn't for Ning Xi's filming, Bai Lu would probably continue to drag Ning Xi to chat.

"I heard you still have a scene?" Bai Lu saw that the sun was getting stronger and stronger, and knew that if he dragged on, he would be filming against the noon sun in Ningxi, "I'm just curious how you filmed, you I'll just sit here and watch."

"Okay," Ning Xi stood up and said with a bright smile, "The next scene happens to be the most important scene today. You can see my serious martial arts scene."

Infected by Ningxi's smile, the smile on Bai Lu's face became brighter unconsciously.

After Ning Xi left, Jiang Cheng and Du Kang came over.

"Sister Bai Lu, didn't you come here to find this little goblin who seduced Brother Chang?"

"What kind of goblin," Bai Lu glared at the speaker, "I'm just here to check it out, who said it's going to settle accounts with people?"

"Oh… "

Women's hearts are still too complicated for them to understand at all.

Bai Lu looked at Ning Xi who was doing makeup in the distance, lowered her eyelids slightly and said, "Don't say such things again, Ning Xi..."

She mentioned that when she was returning home, she had deliberately observed Ningxi's expression. There was no emotion in her eyes, nor was she proud. This is not the reaction a woman should have when she hears the name of a man she loves, and it is not a woman who worships gold when she hears gold. Primary name response.

"Bai Lu," Jiang Cheng said when he saw that Bai Lu seemed to have something to hide, "If you are not good at starting, I can help you teach her a lesson." Even if he can't beat a woman, he has a way to deal with her.

"Chengzi, don't mess around," Bai Lu interrupted him, "I want to watch Ningxi filming here, why don't you go back first."

"What's wrong with you?" Jiang Cheng looked at Bai Lu in disbelief, "Are you brainwashed by this actor?"

"What kind of actor is not an actor," Bai Lu frowned, "Chengzi, your words are too rude."

"I have no manners?!" Jiang Cheng kicked over the small plastic stool beside his feet, the one that Ning Xi sat on just now, "I think you and Chang Shigui are both crazy!"

After speaking, he turned his head angrily and left.

Bai Lu looked at the small stool lying in the corner without speaking. Several people felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and they all made excuses to leave. Only Du Kang was still standing there.

"Sister Lu, Brother Cheng's temper is just like that, don't mind too much." Du Kang was afraid that Bai Lu's face would be difficult, so he racked his brains to think of the right words.

"It's okay, he has always looked down on female artists," Bai Lu said, and paused for a while. It's not good to tell Du Kang about the secrets of the Jiang family, "Why didn't you leave?"

Du Kang smiled honestly: "I'll follow along, I think this actress is pretty good."

Bai Lu heard the words and smiled, but did not refute Du Kang's words.

Jiang Cheng's act of kicking the stool was not small, and the crew members saw it. They just saw the director's attitude and knew that these people were not easy to mess with, so they all pretended not to see it.

On the contrary, Xiao Yang, who was holding an umbrella for Ning Xi, snorted unevenly.

"Do you care what he does?" Ning Xi said with a smile to her, reciting the lines, "Don't care about a fool."

Xiao Yang laughed, but Sister Xixi was right, that son is really stupid.

"Ning Xi, will you be able to keep up with your physical strength?" Kong Yuheng told Ning Xi after the scene, "Would you like to use a substitute for the body shot? Just add a few close-ups."

"This scene has a lot of close-up shots. If you shoot it with a stand-in, it will not only look ugly, but the audience can also see it," Ning Xi smiled at Kong Yuheng, "It's okay, let's get ready to shoot."

Because the background of the first story is the difficult period when the dynasties were replaced, the heroine played by Ning Xi will have some action scenes, and use these action scenes to describe the difficulties of life at that time and the helplessness and determination of the people.

Ningxi has experience in action scenes, but the action scenes in the past were all for gimmicks and to improve the audience's emotions, instead of using action scenes as a metaphor for the heart like this one.

Kong Yuheng is a very careful director. The scenes he shoots are not only logical, but also very deep, but for some audiences, they don't care whether the scene has depth at all. What they care about is whether the fighting looks good or not, and whether the plot conflicts are violent or not. .

"Rouge Three Lives" made up for the deficiencies in Kong Yuheng's previous works, but did not abandon her previous advantages. The more Ning Xi filmed, the more she felt that after this play was broadcast, it would definitely be popular.

"The first group of dragons is ready, let's go!"

"Ka, Ningxi, when overturning the enemy, your eyes should be more ruthless, and the strength of your wrist should be highlighted."

Ningxi stopped and took a few breaths before filming continued.

A big foot who was ridiculed eventually became the leader of the resistance. The saddest thing was that the enemy wanted to kill her. The imperial court tabooed her, and even some conservative ordinary people slandered him behind his back. The married woman said that she had no virtue, but more people thanked her and thought of her goodness.

Human nature, people's hearts, and the righteousness of her family and country made her trample all slander under her feet and became a famous anti-enemy leader.

When the enemy invaded their territory, there was no distinction between men and women, only the Chinese who wanted to drive away the enemy.

Ning Xi put herself into the role she played. Her eyes were red, and the sword she held up was extremely heavy, but the movements in her hands were not slow for a minute or a second.

She can't retreat, because behind her, there are too many people who need protection.

"Ningxi empathized with the characters," Kong Yuheng said to Lin Yan who was sitting behind the monitor, "Look at her eyes."

Lin Yan was as excited as Kong Yuheng, because Ning Xi made her imaginary character come alive, which is the best thing for a screenwriter.

"When the No. 2 machine is advancing, we must pay attention to the close-up of Ningxi's eyes."

When Chang Shigui appeared in a panic and appeared on the set, Bai Lu was not surprised at all. She turned to Du Kang and said, "Tell him I'm here and let him come over."

Chang Shigui was wearing a white shirt with a tie tied at the collar slightly crooked. His jacket was forgotten in the car because he got out of the car and walked too quickly. He looked around and found that everything was normal on the set, and he didn't see the bad things he expected.

"Chang, Brother Chang," Du Kang couldn't help but cowardly looked at Chang Shigui when he saw Chang Shigui. He shrank his neck and looked at Chang Shigui carefully, "Sister Lu is over there. She said please come over and take a seat."

"Thank you." Changchun gave him a look, and strode towards the awning where Bai Lu was sitting.

"You really came." Seeing him coming, Bai Lu smiled and pointed to the plastic stool a few steps away, "Sit down."

He often sat down on the stool, his eyes fell on the shooting area, but he did not speak.

"Don't worry, everyone else has left," Bai Lu noticed his eyes and looked at the filming area as well, "The thing you were worried about didn't happen."

Chang Shigui turned to look at her lightly: "Bai Lu, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

Bai Lu knew that when he used this tone of voice to speak, it meant that he was angry. She smiled bitterly: "If I didn't come, how would I know that you care about her so much."

Changhui looked away and stopped looking at her.

"I've had a crush on you for six years," Bai Lu's fingers trembled, revealing her restless emotions at this time, "At that time they said you had someone in your heart, I didn't believe it, but now I believe it."

She stood up from the chair and laughed to herself, "She's so beautiful, no wonder you've read her for so many years."

Changgui pulls the bow tie, and unties the cufflinks with his articulated hands: "Bai Lu, there are some things that have nothing to do with appearance."

"You're right," Bai Lu smiled and nodded, looking at Ning Xi's heroic appearance under the scorching sun, "Emotions have nothing to do with looks, and naturally have nothing to do with wealth."

After saying this, Bai Lu didn't wait for Chang Shigui's response, strode out of the awning, and walked towards Ningxi where the shooting ended.

"Ning Xi," Bai Lu took out a business card and put it in front of Ning Xi, "My name is Bai Lu. If you don't mind, you can call me Sister Lu in the future."

Ning Xi asked Xiao Yang to bring a business card over, and then handed it to Bai Lu, "Sister Lu."

Bai Lu put Ning Xi's business card into her bag, smiled and said to Ning Xi, "When you are free, let's play together."

"Okay," Ning Xi pulled the hair from her cheeks behind her ears, smiling until her eyes became crescent moons, "I have another thigh now."

I don't know why, but seeing this smile, Bai Lu felt as if her heart softened into a ball of water: "What kind of legs are you holding, just hug your waist directly."

"Really?" Ning Xi tilted her head to look at Bai Lu.

"Really." Bai Lu nodded.

Then, she felt a heat in her waist, a pair of soft and white arms wrapped around her waist, and the other party's movements were light, as light as a cat licking.


Bai Lu felt her cheeks get hot.

Zhang Qingyun never thought that when he hurried over after receiving the news, what he saw would be such a scene, his feet were soft, and he almost didn't kneel down for Ningxi.

However, before he had time to kneel down, he saw Mr. Chang who was as deep as Mo not far away.

He turned his head to look at Ning Xi, then looked at Chang Shigui, and straightened his legs silently. I am afraid that after today, this Mr. Chang will really believe in his family's Ning Xi.

Ning Xi retracted her hand and smiled contentedly, "Is this a hug?"

Bai Lu felt that the woman in front of her was a monster. As a woman, she seemed to be a little bit overwhelmed. But even though she thought so in her heart, her mouth was a little disobedient: "Yes, if someone in the circle doesn't have eyes in the future, I'll support you."

By this time, Bai Lu had already forgotten her original intention.

"Cough," Bai Lu felt that she shouldn't be so depraved. After she coughed twice, "I should go back. Next time I will come to play with you."

"Mmmm," Ning Xi nodded, took Bai Lu into the car, and waved to Bai Lu through the window, "Sister Lu, be careful on the road."

Bai Lu smiled at her and made a goodbye gesture. As soon as she stepped on the accelerator, the car flew out like an arrow.

After the car drove away and Ningxi was no longer in sight, Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief. She always felt that if she stayed any longer, something she could not imagine would happen.

Thinking of her dignified Miss Bai family, if she becomes an actress's brain-dead fan, others will not laugh at her if it spreads out

When Ning Xi returned to the crew, the smile on his face had not completely dissipated. Only at this time did she feel that someone next to her was looking at her, and she turned her head to look, startling her.

"Mr. Chang, Brother Zhang, why are you here?"

Zhang Qingyun: Oh, thank God, he finally has a little sense of existence.

"I've been here for a while. Seeing that you were having a good chat with Miss Bai, I didn't come to disturb you," Zhang Qingyun said with a smile, "Is your shooting still going well?"

Seeing his expression, Ning Xi knew what he had misunderstood, so he laughed dryly: "Brother Zhang, don't think about it, I just met Miss Bai."

"Yeah, I hugged my waist as soon as I met, and after a while, you'll be flying high," Zhang Qingyun said angrily, "I picked up a love movie for you, you play the heroine in it, turn it on The time is right after the TV series is finished."

He was a little hesitant at first, but looking at the momentum, he should help Ningxi find a girl's heart.

"Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you." Chang Shigui's voice was successfully silenced by Zhang Qingyun. He glanced at Ning Xi, then at Chang Shigui again, and walked aside wisely.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they would come to you," Chang Shigui said with a drooping corner of his mouth, "I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

"It's okay, Miss Bai is very polite and didn't embarrass me," Ning Xi walked under the awning and looked at Chang Shigui who was walking behind him, "I just didn't expect that these noble young ladies would notice me."

"It's my Weibo that caused the trouble," Chang Shigui frowned, "It won't happen again in the future, please rest assured."

Seeing such a frequent return, the smile on Ning Xi's face paused. She looked away from Chang Shigui and didn't look at his gentle eyes: "Mr. Chang, you don't need to apologize to me, your Weibo is just to help me. If you didn't stand up and speak for me, Those who hate me will not stop so quickly, I should say thank you to you."

"It happened because of me, and it's right for me to stand up and explain it clearly." Chang Shigui stretched out his hand and pulled the tie. He felt a little tight in his neck, "You, you are welcome."

"It's just that you said on Weibo that we are old friends for many years," Ning Xi smiled lightly, "Mr. Chang, have we met before?"

He often turned his head and met Ning Xi's eyes.

At this moment, she had a perfect smile on her face, but she could see it clearly in Changchun, and there was no smile in her eyes.