Return of the Goddess

Chapter 35


Language is an art, and no one likes someone who speaks vulgar words.

After Wei Siqi said "dead fat pig", she was already labeled as arrogant and unreasonable, even though Ningxi didn't do anything at this time.

The moment Ningxi came out, Wei Donglai shook his head for a moment, and when he heard what his sister called "dead fat pig", he was also taken aback. In his impression, his sister is always sweet and cute, how could she say such vulgar words? Although their Wei family made their fortune by selling hardware products, it was almost 20 years ago. In order not to be scolded as a nouveau riche, their family was extra careful when they came out, lest people see their shortcomings.

"Miss, what do you mean by that?" Ning Xi took a few steps forward and bent over to look at Wei Siqi who was still sitting on the ground, "Whether it's fat or thin, it doesn't mean that others can use words. Insult him casually, the height, short, fat and thin are just a person's body shape, and the most important thing in being a person is morality."

After being thrown like this, Wei Siqi became a lot more awake. She looked at Ning Xi and suddenly stepped back, but because she was sitting on the ground, she could only move back in a panic with her hands on the ground.

"Sure enough, it's you, you're back!" Wei Siqi said incoherently, "Didn't you go abroad, what are you doing here?"

If it wasn't for her coming back, how could Yijun become increasingly indifferent to her? When she went out this morning, she even found his Weibo account on Chen Yijun's mobile phone. The account on this account was all about people related to Ningxi.

Her life was ruined by Ningxi, and all the beauty was like a big hole was torn open and could never be mended.

Seeing Wei Siqi like this, Ning Xi had no interest in teasing her. She stood up straight, took a step back with a sullen face, looked up at Wei Donglai, who looked a little embarrassed, "Mr. Wei, please take your sister away, This is where the crew is filming, not the Wei family who let her go wild."

"I'm sorry, Si Qi is drunk and ignorant, so I have disturbed everyone." Wei Dong is not stupid. Seeing Ning Xi's attitude, he knows that she and her sister know each other. I am afraid Si Qi, who has been spoiled by her parents since childhood, I've also done something wrong to others.

It's just that everyone is close and distant, so he can't open his mouth to blame his sister, he can only apologize for her.

"Miss Wei is not a child. People can't always use ignorance to make mistakes in their lives," Ning Xi smiled mockingly, "The Wei family is a rich family anyway, so why bother to bully our small crew. Even if Miss Wei treats me well If you have any dissatisfaction, you can come to me privately, and you don't have to implicate our entire crew."

The crew originally thought that Ningxi was a little troublesome, but Ningxi was the protagonist of the play, had a good relationship with the main creator, and helped the crew to get a lot of investment from President Chang's, even if they had such a thought in their hearts, dare not show it. Now that they heard Ning Xi say this, they felt that Ning Xi was quite a good person.

The woman who appeared suddenly started scolding people, but Ning Xi didn't make a fuss with her, but explained kindly that if it was on them, they might not be able to hold it back.

Especially the fat staff in the crew, they were more or less ridiculed. When they heard Ning Xi's words about body and morality, they felt like they had eaten honey. Seeing Ning Xi even more Pleasant to the eye.

"Don't think that if you become a star, you can stand up and teach others a lesson," Wei Siqi staggered up from the ground, "In my eyes, you are just an actor, I want to kill you, just a few words things."

"Ms. Wei's family is rich and powerful, so of course you can do whatever you want. But I still want to make it clear that everyone is equal, whether it is an actor or an actor. It is now a new century, and the remnants of feudalism have long been I'm all dead." Ning Xi laughed instead, "When you and a few other classmates locked me in the utility room, I wanted to tell you this, money is really powerful, but absolutely It won't be omnipotent."

Ningxi's words revealed too much information, and everyone present suddenly thought that Ningxi had publicly stated that he was a fat man in high school, and he went abroad before graduating from high school. Now suddenly someone came out to trouble her, scolded her as a fat pig, and threatened to clean up her with just a few words.

It’s okay to be bullied at school when you are young. Now, seeing people become beautiful and big stars, and then come to bully people, it’s too disrespectful to people. Even if you are rich and powerful, you can’t be so immoral, right

"Since you said it so nicely, you can bully you back if you have the ability," Wei Siqi pointed at Ning Xi and sneered, "I'll call you a cheap actor, what's wrong?!"

"Get out of your family!" Xiao Yang couldn't take it anymore, she slapped Wei Siqi's hand that pointed to the tip of Ning Xi's nose, and said with red eyes, "Why do you bully people!"

"What are you, dare to hit me." Wei Siqi grew up so big and never suffered a loss. Seeing that Xiao Yang dared to pat her hand, he rushed up to pull Xiao Yang's hair.

It's a pity that she was stopped by Ning Xi before her hand touched Xiao Yang.

"Clap clap clap!"

Ning Xi grabbed Wei Siqi with three heavy slaps. Before Wei Donglai could react, he pushed Wei Siqi onto him, "Get out!"

The audience was dead silent, no one thought that Ningxi would make a move, and those three slaps...

Just hearing that voice made them all feel pain.

Obviously, Wei Siqi was also a little stunned by the beating. She didn't react at all. She covered her face and was stunned for a moment before screaming and jumping up to fight Ning Xi, "Bitch!"

"Only an ignorant woman will always put insulting words on her peers," Ning Xi turned around to dodge, and slapped Wei Siqi with her backhand, "Since your parents don't teach you what respect is, then I'll let you know the fate of scolding people casually."

"Miss Ning," Wei Donglai grabbed Ning Xi's wrist and said with a sullen face, "I'm afraid it's over if you are like this." No matter how wrong his sister is, she can't be bullied by outsiders.

"As a public figure, you beat people like this, aren't you afraid of causing trouble?"

Zhang Qingyun saw that Wei Donglai, a big man, intervened. He was afraid that Ningxi would suffer, so he stepped forward to stop Wei Siqi and prevent her from touching Ningxi.

"Young Master Wei," Ning Xi looked into Wei Donglai's eyes with a sneer, "seven years ago, when your sister hid my phone with others and locked me in the utility room for a whole night, did she have anything to do with it? Afraid of trouble?"

These beautiful glasses looked at him like this, Wei Donglai felt a little guilty for no reason, even though he didn't know what happened seven years ago.

"Did you know?" Ningxi lowered her voice suddenly, with a ruthless smile on her face, "Because I couldn't get through to my mobile phone, my father found me all night."

Wei Donglai subconsciously told him that the later results were not what he wanted to know.

"My dad was hit by a car and bled all over the place. When he was sent to the hospital, I was still locked in the utility room," Ning Xi's voice was trembling, but the corner of his mouth was still smiling, "Young Master Wei, you Guess who hid my phone back then?"

Wei Donglai opened his mouth and unconsciously brought Ning Xi's wrist. He looked at his sister who was still playing around and looked at Ning Xi again. He felt like countless sand had been poured into his throat, which was painful, itchy and guilty. nausea.

Ning Xi's voice was very low, except for Wei Donglai, only Zhang Qingyun and Wei Donglai's secretaries heard this.

The secretary who regarded Ningxi as the goddess was stunned when he heard these words. After staying for a long time, he felt a little distressed for the goddess. How sad should she be when this happened when she was young

Looking at Wei Siqi now, the secretary suddenly felt that Ning Xi's patience was quite good, and he did not act after Wei Siqi had been making trouble for so long.

"I'm sorry..." Wei Donglai felt that these three words were really dry and powerless. He turned around and grabbed Wei Siqi, who was still drunk, "Miss Ning, it's my Wei family's responsibility for not disciplining my sister."

Ning Xi sneered and did not speak.

Before the rest of the crew could react, the people who came to trouble suddenly changed their attitude. They were still worried that Ningxi's actions would escalate the conflict. How could they know that the small flame of the conflict would go out before it started to burn.

There's something wrong with this plot.

Wei Donglai knew that no matter what he said now, it would only make the atmosphere more awkward. He firmly held Wei Siqi's arm, "Li Hao, help me hold Siqi."

Secretary Li Hao hesitated for a while, then turned to look at Ning Xi, who had his head lowered, and supported Wei Siqi's other arm.

"Miss Ning, I'll talk to you about this in detail later, sorry." Wei Donglai used his wrist to force Wei Siqi away from the crew.

After helping Wei Siqi into the car, Wei Donglai said, "Li Hao, go to the crew to inquire about it, and be careful not to circulate the video of the incident just now."

He knew very well that if this incident broke out, it would not be Ning Xi who beat people, but Wei Siqi who would be condemned.

"Okay, manager." Li Hao nodded and closed the back seat door. After the Wei brothers and sisters drove away, he turned around to watch the crew, hesitated for a moment, and then walked back.

"Ningxi..." Zhang Qingyun knew that Ningxi's parents were gone, but he didn't expect her father to pass away like this. He didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

"I'm fine," Ning Xi turned his head, without looking at the sympathy and concern in his eyes, and said to Kong Yuheng who was a few steps away, "Director Kong, is it time for the filming?"

"Ah?" Kong Yuheng nodded blankly, and it took a while to react, "Ningxi, do you want to take a break?"

"No, I'm fine," Ning Xi smiled at him, turned and bowed to everyone in the crew, "I'm so sorry, today's affairs have disturbed everyone."

Ningxi is currently popular and has a backstage, but since joining the group, she has never put on airs. Whether it is a director or a trick, her attitude is kind and polite. So even though these two incidents happened today, everyone was surprised that someone as gentle as her would actually beat people, but from the bottom of their hearts, they still stood on Ningxi's side.

The woman's attitude was so arrogant just now, and she had bullied Ning Xi before, so it's no wonder that Ning Xi would do something to her.

It's just... cough... the slap movement is a little neater.

When Li Hao returned to the crew, Ningxi had already started filming. He looked around the crew and walked to Zhang Qingyun: "Hello, I'm..."

"If you want to talk to me about the past, you don't have to open your mouth," Zhang Qingyun said coldly, "I am an agent for this kind of thing, and I have no right to represent it."

"Sorry, that's not what I meant, it's just that our manager is very sorry for Miss Ning's experience. I don't know where I can help Miss Ning?" Li Hao felt a little blush when he said the words.

Zhang Qingyun sneered: "Our Ningxi family is famous and rich now, and we don't need anyone's help. Thank you Mr. Wei for your generosity, but we don't need to mention this in the future."

Li Hao nodded silently: "I understand what you mean."

Looking back at Ning Xi, who was photographed under the camera, he gritted his teeth: "I regret what happened to Miss Ning. If there is anything that needs my personal help in the future, please feel free to speak up."

Zhang Qingyun gave Li Hao a surprised look, what does this mean

Being stared at by Zhang Qingyun was a little embarrassed, Li Hao bowed his head and smiled shyly: "I'm a fan of Ningxi, and I like her role as Jin Youyan."

"Thank you." Zhang Qingyun's expression softened slightly.

Li Hao didn't stay any longer, he knew that his identity would not be too popular in the crew.

It's true that this incident didn't go out on a large scale, but a few days later, it was rumored that Ning Xi was playing a big role in the crew and tying fans, but this kind of news was never believed by many people, and it didn't cause many people. s concern.

But at this time, the Wei family was in trouble because of Wei Siqi's incident. Wei's mother saw that her daughter was beaten, and she didn't obey anything. Just barely pressed down.

Father Wei only took it as a trivial matter and didn't take it to heart, but Mother Wei was a little uneasy. She always felt that her daughter was bullied, and she shouldn't just let it go.

It's just that when she was about to ask the media to trouble Ningxi, she was pressed down.

She wanted to find out who pressed the matter down, but her friends in the media didn't tell her clearly, just said that it's better to just let it go, otherwise it would be more troublesome.

However, some things are no longer what they say they can expose.