Return of the King

Chapter 10: Unexpected Encounter


Fan Jianming originally thought that Li Limin would feel a certain sense of loss after seeing this marriage certificate. After all, she had just given herself 50,000 yuan just now, and there might be a bit of a desire to continue the front line.

Unexpectedly, Li Limin was really happy for him after seeing the marriage certificate.

Li Qianqian is a recognized beauty, and her ability to marry Fan Jianming, in Li Limin's view, undoubtedly proves that her vision was good.

Besides, Li Limin gave Fan Jianming the private money not to pity him, but to hope that he could use the money to do a career. In short, I hope that Fan Jianming can be better. Seeing that Fan Jianming can marry Li Qianqian as his wife, Li Limin Of course extremely happy.

On the contrary, Wang Wei was stunned on the spot when he heard the words, but there was no answer.

"Who is it?" Although grandma couldn't see her, she still reached out to receive the marriage certificate.

Li Limin was so excited that he put the marriage certificate in her grandmother's hands: "Grandma, Xiao Ming is really married, and she is looking for a stunning beauty. By the way, you should know it too, that's Li Jialiang, the former head of the quality inspection station, Uncle Li. My daughter also lives on our side road."

Grandma couldn't see, but she still touched it with her hand.

"Oh, that girl, she looks pretty, but I don't think she looks as good as you."

Li Limin said with a flushed face: "Grandma, you say that because you like me. In fact, everyone knows that Li Qianqian is the best-looking, and is a flower of our branch!"

"What's the use of a good-looking woman? It's good to have a good heart, hey, Xiaowei is blessed to find a good girl like you, this is the blessing of his previous life cultivation!"

Wang Wei said sweetly in his heart, but he said unconvincingly: "Grandma, are you eccentric? I'm also very handsome. People are tall, rich and handsome. I just don't have money. I'm tall and handsome!"

Li Limin gave Wang Wei a white look, but her grandmother nodded: "You two are paired. Both are good people. The Bodhisattva will bless you all!"

"I don't want to be rich and expensive, as long as it's safe and sound." Wang Wei said, carrying two plastic bags of food and wine. "Grandma, you rest first. I brought the food and went out to eat with Xiao Ming."

"What are you doing outside? My old lady likes to be busy, you sit here and eat."

"Didn't we want to drink some wine? I'm afraid your old man won't be able to smell the wine."

"What's the matter? The man has to drink some wine. You are all grown up. Drink it. No one says about you."

Neither Wang Wei nor Fan Jianming expected that grandmother would be so reasonable.

But think about it, now

Fan Jianming is her only relative, and Wang Wei is the only person who has taken care of her in recent years. I am afraid that grandma would not say what they two did.

Wang Wei took out the food, opened two more bottles of beer, and called Li Limin to eat together.

Li Limin first fed the pigeon soup to her grandmother, and then sat with them. Wang Wei and Li Limin felt nothing. Fan Jianming looked solemn and pious every time he clinked glasses with them. Either you don't speak, as long as you speak, you are grateful.

After eating, Li Limin asked Fan Jianming to live in her house. Fan Jianming said that he would not go and stay with his grandmother in the hospital.

Li Limin said that if she stayed tonight and took care of her grandmother, she seemed to be more convenient than Fan Jianming.

In fact, my grandmother wanted Fan Jianming to stay, but then she thought that he should have a good rest just after returning home. Besides, he and Wang Wei are good buddies, and young people can't finish talking together. So my grandmother insisted on letting Fan Jianming go and also let Li Limin go home. Anyway, there are nurses in the hospital, and the nurses in the intensive care unit come more frequently.

In the end Li Limin stayed. In this case, Fan Jianming had to follow Wang Wei to his house.

After the two walked out of the intensive care unit, Wang Wei took the marriage certificate and looked at it, and then returned it to Fan Jianming: "It's really fake, wouldn't the person who issued the certificate get it for you?"

In front of Wang Wei, Fan Jianming did not want to conceal anything, so he told Wang Wei the cause and effect of the incident.

In consternation, Wang Wei asked, "Don’t you understand? Fang Yadan and Li Qianqian are rivals in love. Li Qianqian was forced to accept you. More importantly, Li Qianqian and Zhang Guodong started dating in college. It's been five or six years, and nothing happened between them. Are you really willing to be the picker?"

"Brother, I am also dumbfounded today. The whole process is like sleepwalking. You have to know, who is Li Qianqian? I only felt like a pie fell from the sky, and it happened to hit my head again. I regret thinking about it now. I won’t say anything about Pan Xia. Listening to Li Qianqian’s meaning, it seems that I did it with me just to have a baby. Once I get pregnant, I won’t be able to touch it in this life."

"Then what else do you think? Such a woman, ha ha."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes, I have been abroad for so many years, white, black and yellow women, no beautiful women, but I still think of Fang Yadan and Li Qianqian, after all, it is not a day for me to have a crush on them.

Two days, one year or two years. "

Wang Wei shook his head: "To tell you something you don't like to hear, this is what you are doing now, let alone what Li Qianqian has been played by Zhang Guodong, her family is also in decline, and debts are high. You don't even have a house now, even if you want to. As a door-to-door son-in-law, I'm afraid she won't agree..."

They talked and walked and came to the door of the hospital. When Wang Wei was about to ride a motorcycle, Fan Jianming saw a man and a woman hugging and kissing by a tree on the side of the road.

He didn't pay attention at first, when he was about to go to leave on the motorcycle, he suddenly saw a battery car next to the big tree, and he seemed to have seen the battery car.

Fan Jianming walked over and took a look, and a cloud of anger rushed to the sky. What appeared in front of him was that Zhang Guodong was hugging Li Qianqian, leaning against the tree and kissing.

Wang Wei just started the motorcycle and saw Fan Jianming walking towards the affectionate man and woman under the tree. He felt inexplicable. When he rode to the side, he saw Fan Jianming lightly pat the man. Shoulder, when the man turned his head, Wang Wei could see that he was Zhang Guodong.

Zhang Guodong and Li Qianqian did not expect Fan Jianming to appear suddenly. Seeing his cold look, Li Qianqian suddenly stood in front of Zhang Guodong and sternly scolded Fan Jianming: "What do you want to do?"

Zhang Guodong not only saw Fan Jianming clearly, but also Wang Wei. He knew that the two of them were good friends, but when they were studying, let alone the two of them, adding two together would not be Zhang Guodong's opponent.

Zhang Guodong not only likes sports, but also learned martial arts and taekwondo. It is precisely because of this speciality that he finally passed the examination of professional students, and now he is a high school physical education teacher, so he did not put Fan Jianming and Wang Wei on In the eyes.

Zhang Guodong stretched out his hand and pushed Li Qianqian aside. For him, he was not enough to let a woman protect himself.

Zhang Guodong looked at Fan Jianming very contemptuously and said: "Guilty, don't think that you have a marriage certificate, Qianqian is yours..."

Before he could finish speaking, Fan Jianming's expressionless face raised his hand with a straight punch and hit Zhang Guodong's face directly.

With a "pop", Zhang Guodong only felt his nose sore, his eyes dazzled, and a nosebleed spurted from his nostrils.

Before he could make any reaction, Fan Jianming stretched out his arm, put his arm around his neck, waved his fist with the other hand, and slammed Zhang Guodong’s face. Zhang Guodong felt his front teeth, at least Five or six were knocked out...

(End of this chapter)