Return of the King

Chapter 13: The Pearl of Prosperity


Fan Jianming sat on the back of the motorcycle and was speechless. He was bullied by others since he was a child, but the scene just now made him unbearable.

He was also furious, but compared with what his stepmother Zhou Yaping did to him and his grandmother, he was even more annoyed that Li Qianqian's apricot went out of the wall.

After all, he had a crush on Li Qianqian for many years, and he had a legal marriage certificate. At the moment when Li Qianqian and Zhang Guodong were kissing, Fan Jianming felt that the whole world had collapsed!

It seems that the most irritating thing in this world for men is being green.

Fan Jianming subconsciously touched his pocket. The card Li Limin gave him felt like a time bomb, which could wipe out the friendship between him and Wang Wei at any time.

Especially with a piece of paper posted on it, Li Limin's delicate handwriting must be familiar to Wang Wei. Fan Jianming quickly tore it off, almost throwing away the card.

Fifty thousand yuan is nothing to him, but it can be regarded as a piece of Li Limin's heart.

After hesitating, he put this card and grandma's card together.

The motorcycle stopped in front of Wang Wei's shop, which had to be opened late every day. They closed early because of Fan Jianming's arrival.

After Wang Wei pushed the motorcycle in, he held it back for a long time, and patted Fan Jianming on the shoulder and sighed: "It's amazing, Fan Jianming, I really didn't see that Zhang Guodong was beaten by you and there was nothing to fight back! "

Fan Jianming snorted coldly: "If it weren't for a woman's fate, I want him to be skin and flesh, and even the bone holders will be taken apart for him today!"

"What have you done abroad over the years?"

Wang Wei hadn't paid attention at first, but now he realized that Fan Jianming was very different from the past. Not only was his expression murderous, but also full of self-confidence. This expression would never be on Fan Jianming's face when he was studying.

Fan Jianming restrained his violent temper and smiled slightly: "I don't hide in front of you. He has escaped countless times, and finally made a small fortune!"

Escaped countless times, Wang Weixin.

After making a small fortune, Wang Wei has nothing but hehehe, but he doesn't want to expose it face-to-face.

After Wang Wei's house was demolished, he chose to return the house on the spot.

Because they used to have noodles

It’s quite large. This time I asked for two sets of the house, one with one bedroom and one living room for his parents, and the one he and Li Limin lived in was two bedrooms and one living room.

Fan Jianming followed him in to take a look, and found that there was no decoration inside, not even decent furniture. Compared with a rough house, it only satisfies the most basic daily life.

Fan Jianming asked puzzledly: "You and Li Limin are married in this kind of house?"

"How can it be? We got married in an old house. The furniture we bought at the time was based on the structure of the old house. Later, the demolition was excessive and the furniture was broken when moving around. The new house was handed over to us. In less than two months, Li Limin and I were busy opening a store again, so we didn’t even bother to decorate."

That being said, Fan Jianming estimates that they don't have a lot of money, otherwise, they can entrust a decoration company to do the decoration, and they don't need to worry about it.

The house was originally small, but because it had no furniture, it looked empty.

Except for an LCD TV hung on the wall of the master bedroom facing the double bed, the other rooms, including the living room, have no TV, no computer, or even a minimal stereo.

Seeing that Wang Wei's house was so shabby, Fan Jianming felt that the card Li Limin gave him was as heavy as a thousand catties, and it was full of Li Limin's feelings for him.

Fan Jianming feels this kind of perseverance and enthusiasm, because in his heart, there are also hidden emotions that the other party Yadan and Li Qianqian can't get rid of, even more intense.

I don’t know how many quiet nights, Fan Jianming always imagined Fang Yadan or Li Qianqian, sharing the wealth of the enemy with him, and then giving birth to a group of big fat boys, living in a carefree wonderland...

In Fan Jianming's mind, there was another scene of Li Qianqian and Zhang Guodong's affection, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: If others love you, I can take you back. If you love others, I can only let go.

Wang Wei asked Fan Jianming to take a bath first, and then took out his clothes for him to put on. In the past, Wang Wei was taller than Fan Jianming, but now it is not. Fan Jianming is not only super tall, but also burly. Wang Wei's clothes Obviously small, it can make do with something tight on the body.

There is only one bed in the whole house, and the two of them sleep together in the bedroom.

Wang Wei smiled and said to Fan Jianming: "Tomorrow I will buy a bed and put it in the second bedroom. Before you settle down, I will live in my house. I have already talked to Li Limin. If you don't worry about grandma, wait. After she was discharged from the hospital, she also took her over temporarily. In fact, Li Limin had long wanted to take her grandma over, but her grandmother disagreed. Regardless of her old age, her self-esteem is particularly strong!"

Wang Wei's words moved Fan Jianming, but also pierced his heart like a knife.

He has a billionaire father, but he doesn't care about his grandmother.

Both Wang Wei and Li Limin lived like this. Li Limin not only gave him the private money, but was also willing to take him over and live with his grandmother, especially when he thought he was poor and poor, someone who could say such things, then They are no ordinary friends, they are more brothers than brothers.

Fan Jianming couldn't help but patted Wang Wei on the shoulder with tears in his tears and said, "Brother, thank you, but I'm not as poor as you think. Let me tell you this. I really want to talk about assets, even if it is ranked by Forbes. There are not necessarily more people in the top ten than me."

Wang Wei smiled disdainfully: "Since you recognize me as a brother, can you not say this? What does it have to do with me if you have money or not? Okay, you will buy the entire Shengshi Mingzhu community later, but in Before you buy it, you live in my house, okay?"

Shengshi Mingzhu is their district. It is currently the newest and best district in Jiangcheng. Other districts now only sell 5,000 to 6,000 square meters, and here they have sold for 8,000 to 9,000 square meters.

However, compared with the real commercial houses in front of Wang Wei and the others, there is still a certain gap in terms of appearance and internal hardware.

The commercial houses in front are all with one ladder and two households. Some of the houses they return have four households with one lift, and some with seven households with two lifts. The distance between the buildings is also very small, and the greening is not as good as commercial houses.

But in any case, the Shengshi Mingzhu real estate and its developer, Jiangcheng Shengshi Mingzhu Real Estate Co., Ltd., have already established a reputation in the city, and the chairman Duan Yunbo was elected this year.

However, Wang Wei did not know that the true boss of Shengshi Pearl was Fan Jianming, and Duan Yunbo was just a professional manager who worked for him.

(End of this chapter)