Return of the King

Chapter 143: Three women


In Fan Jianming's impression, for the first time since her mother passed away, her grandmother laughed so happily and so emotionally.

Even when I returned to China and even told my grandmother that I had already signed a marriage certificate with Li Qianqian, my grandmother was only relieved.

Even when she sent her grandma to the villa at noon, she was not as happy as she is now.

Just now she said that what Fan Jianming did today was the second good thing she did after returning to China. Fan Jianming knew very well that the reason why grandma brought Li Qianqian was just to comfort Li Qianqian. The only thing that really made grandma happy is this matter.

It's like when children were young, they had the happiest time with their friends. Grandma's age would only share her happiness with her peers.

What's more, she has been talking about Fan Jianming for so many years, which is more or less boasting. Fan Jianming's practice today undoubtedly makes her exaggerate in front of her old friends. This is more important than anything else.

Fan Jianming, Zhou Yaping, Li Qianqian and Shangguan Youran have been chatting with their grandmother. When they go to bed, everyone becomes sensitive.

First of all, grandma, as a parent, at least in front of everyone, she did not allow Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian to sleep in the same room. And she should also be concerned that Fan Jianming and Shangguan Youran must not have a chance to be together.

So she let Li Qianqian sleep in the master bedroom. Since Shangguan Youran chose a room next to the master bedroom on the second floor, grandma asked Fan Jianming to sleep on the third floor, next to her own room.

The room Zhou Yaping chose for herself and Fan Hongsheng was also on the third floor, and there was another suite reserved for Li Jialiang.

In other words, when sleeping at night, grandma, Zhou Yaping and Fan Jianming slept on the third floor, and Li Qianqian and Shangguan slept leisurely on the second floor. Grandma felt that this allocation was the most scientific.

But it's not clear that everyone except grandma had their own minds all night, ****.

The first is Li Qianqian, she really doesn't know what grandma means.

To say that the two had just fallen in love, it is only natural for the grandmother to do this, and it is entirely out of responsibility for Li Qianqian and her parents.

But the problem is that they have already signed their marriage certificates and they are still legally legal couples. As for the wedding, it is only a formality to hold the wedding earlier and later. Therefore, Li Qianqian thinks this is a conspiracy for grandma's care.

She was worried that her grandmother fell in love with Shangguan Youran. Although she had been protecting her on the surface, Fan Jianming was her grandson after all. If Fan Jianming really liked Shangguan Youran, her grandmother would certainly stand on Fan Jianming's side.

Li Qianqian even suspected that the grandmother made this arrangement to create opportunities for Fan Jianming and Shangguan Youran to be together at night, so throughout the whole night, she always paid attention to the movements of Shangguan Youran in the next room.

Thinking of Shangguan Youran, she actually hinted to her that only if Fan Jianming died suddenly, she could get half of the family property.

I thought: I can’t tell, this little girl is so powerful and her heart is so cruel.

Does Shangguan Youran have hatred against Fan Jianming and hopes to remove Fan Jianming with his own hands, or does he deliberately dig a big hole and wait for him to jump in?

Because she didn't know Fan Jianming's experience in Country S, and didn't know the relationship between him and Shangguan Youran, Li Qianqian became more and more confused as she thought about it, and couldn't figure out a clue. And what annoys her most is how to face Fan Jianming?

Although Fan Jianming's approach today made Li Qianqian's eyes bright, seeing that his grandmother was so careful and caring about her grandmother's feelings, if he lived well with him, I am afraid that he would take care of and pay attention to himself in every possible way, right?

But in Li Qianqian's heart, she still missed Zhang Guodong, or the shadow of Zhang Guodong, but she hadn't completely disappeared from her mind.

In this case, it is impossible for Li Qianqian to empathize, and it is unrealistic to want her to fall in love with Fan Jianming in an instant.

But Fan Jianming is a golden mountain for her, even if she doesn't like it, she can't let Shangguan take it away.

Li Qianqian's idea is very simple. Just like before, she has a routine relationship with Fan Jianming, and she doesn't even need to have a baby like the promise she made to Fang Yadan.

She has already seen that Fan Jianming is not bad-hearted, or not cruel, as long as there is a relationship, Fan Jianming will never abandon her.

So she tossed over and over in the water, and couldn't sleep at all.

The water bed made a clattering sound, causing the shadow of Fan Jianming to appear in her mind for a while, and the shadow of Zhang Guodong for a while.

When she closes her eyes, she prefers the man who can climb onto her in the future, preferably Zhang Guodong.

Shangguan lay leisurely and felt wrong

Very nervous.

Because Chang Kai has warned her, what she is most worried about now is Fan Jianming's sudden appearance.

In fact, as of today, Shangguan Youran is fully prepared. If Fan Jianming just wants her body, she is not at all ambiguous.

The problem is that Chang Kai said that Fan Jianming had suspected that she had another purpose. Shangguan Youran really couldn't think of any flaws in her?

After thinking for a long time, I suddenly slapped myself.

Shangguan Youran suddenly realized that when he was fighting with Li Qianqian in the room in the afternoon, Fan Jianming and Zhou Yaping came in one after another.

Did Fan Jianming hear everything I said to Li Qianqian?

Otherwise, why didn't Fan Jianming doubt himself for so long, but only suddenly started to doubt this afternoon?

If Fan Jianming doesn't mention a word to himself, what should I do, pretending to be stupid?

What should I do if Fan Jianming asks directly in front of him and asks directly from the other side?

Shangguan Youran regretted: Why did he say those things to Li Qianqian? Even if Li Qianqian understood those truths, she couldn't kill Fan Jianming with her hands!

Anyway, Li Qianqian is a wife. She, like Zhou Yaping, will keep the deadlock for Fan Jianming in the future. Why should I talk about these things with her?

Shangguan Youran tossed over and over again, got out of bed several times and walked to the door, preparing to quietly go upstairs and walk into Fan Jianming's room, and explain to him, but finally gave up.

Wouldn't it be a guilty conscience to do that, and there is no silver three hundred taels here?

But if you don't make it clear, Shangguan Youran can't worry about it.

She was not worried about what Fan Jianming would do to her, but once she was wary, whether it was Jiang Zhichao's or a tour guide, it might not be so easy to get rid of Fan Jianming.

After hesitating again and again, Shangguan Youran still lay down quietly, feeling that this kind of thing, she must not take the initiative to explain this kind of thing, she can only wait for Fan Jianming to ask, so that she can react accordingly.

Zhou Yaping, on the other hand, stayed with Fan Jianming for a long time in her grandmother's house. She only left with Fan Jianming when she knew her grandmother urged her.

When passing by Fan Jianming's door, Zhou Yaping whispered: "Don't lock the door!"

She knew very well that Fan Jianming was definitely not a fool. If she told him not to lock the door, he should know what was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)