Return of the King

Chapter 1680: Changed by them


Fan Jianming was very clear in his heart that the Supreme Chief had brought up these things one after another today to strike while the iron was hot. If he refused at this time, the final result would be unhappy.

Fan Jianming planned to be able to deal with it. While declining the highest official to do Li Qianqian's work, he turned the topic again to the aspect of material donation.

The chief executive has repeatedly urged that trustworthy people must be appointed to supervise this work, and that good things cannot be turned into bad things, especially official corruption, otherwise it will run counter to the original intention of material donations.

The top official is also aware of this. For N country, the scarce supplies are even more important than money. The distribution of donated supplies is likely to breed corruption.

Fortunately, whether it was his resignation or his daughter's marriage, he was not in a hurry for these two days, and there were still many daily tasks waiting for him to handle, so he hurriedly left.

Just before leaving, he repeatedly urged Fan Jianming to think about it.

Fan Jianming has nothing to consider. He hopes that Li Qianqian can wake up Norma while doing Tonglia's work.

Perhaps it seems cruel for Leah and Norma to let them give up the love they pursue and devote themselves to national affairs.

But what can be done?

Their blood and origin determine their life, and it is impossible for them to choose their own lives like ordinary people.

Fan Jianming didn't intend to disturb them. He walked to the door and called a guard and attendant arranged by the supreme officer to drive him around the capital.

Fan Jianming took a look at a two-story building and asked the attendant to go down and ask. After learning that the property rights of the building belonged to the government, he decided to put the address of the provincial office here.

He went down and took a look. The building was really good. The first floor can be used as a reception and office space, and the second floor can be used as a place for office staff to live.

The only inconvenience is that there is no separate toilet. There is only a public toilet downstairs. Fan Jianming intends to ask Qin Tian to make arrangements to dig a larger septic tank here, and then slightly remodel the room upstairs.

Not to mention that each room has a separate bathroom, at least every two rooms can provide a bathroom.

Fan Jianming turned around and found that the public health facilities here are particularly poor, even inferior to country S, and the buildings of various streets are uneven. The brick-concrete structure is next to some dilapidated sheds. There is not a bustling city in the whole city. Commercial street.

This city has only one population

Two million, but the size of the city and the quality of the building, except for a few key government departments and a handful of hotels, are similar to a town in the country, even a county town.

Large Western companies only focus on the mineral resources in Africa, but Fan Jianming discovered that in fact, people's livelihood construction and basic projects here contain considerable business opportunities.

More importantly, improving the living environment and city image here can arouse the goodwill and resonance of the citizens.

Fan Jianming turned around for a whole afternoon, and he had a general plan for the transformation of the entire city in his heart. Next, he would go to the top official to communicate seriously.

Fan Jianming didn't return to the hotel until it was almost dark. An officer in charge of their food was waiting at the door. After seeing him, he immediately reported to him that dinner is ready and can be served anytime, anywhere.

Fan Jianming didn't know the situation in the room, and smiled and asked the officer to wait for a while. When he returned to the room, he found that the three women could really talk.

Not only did they still have no idea, but they talked very excitedly. After seeing him back, Leah took the initiative to say goodbye.

When passing by Fan Jianming, he made a particularly proud face.

Norma seemed much more reserved. She was held by Leah's arm and smiled politely at Fan Jianming, almost as she was snuggled away by Leah.

It’s no wonder that the Supreme Chief is very anxious about Norma’s marriage. Just after walking around the city, Fan Jianming saw that many girls younger than Norma, and even about the same age as Leah, were dragging their families away. Ma is still the famous flower of Wuzhu.

Fan Jianming turned around after watching them leave, and was about to ask Li Qianqian what was going on?

Li Qianqian walked in front of him, put two elbows on his shoulders, first straightened both arms, and then hugged Fan Jianming's neck, tilted her head, and raised her eyes to look at Fan Jianming.

"Husband, I'm so sorry," Li Qianqian said, "Not only did no one say Leah, I was convinced by the two of them."

Fan Jianming asked incomprehensibly: "What did they persuade?"

Li Qianqian explained: "They feel that the times are different. If you want to change the face of Country N, you must change the minds of the people of Country N. If you want to change the minds of the people of Country N, you must start with their marriage status."

"They all feel that the reason why people's thinking is conservative is that the traditional view of marriage is too conservative, so they feel that the existing view of marriage must be changed, such as intermarriage with foreigners or even foreigners.

It should be allowed. "

"In this case, the family members change, the culture changes, and the ideology will change accordingly. Then, when facing the changes of the country and the times, you will not have a feeling of being caught off guard and at a loss. Therefore, it will not be against the changes of the times and the country."

Fan Jianming looked at Li Qianqian for a long time, and thought: How could Leah say such a thing?

Li Qianqian knew what he was thinking when he saw the puzzled look on his face.

"Of course this is not something Leah can say." Li Qianqian said: "Hey, I really didn't see that Norma not only has a good design level, but also has an ideological consciousness that is too open and advanced compared to the N country. "

Fan Jianming shook his head and said: "You think too much. If you succeed, you may be praised as open and advanced. If you fail, it is a betrayal of tradition and belief."

Li Qianqian recognized Fan Jianming's words very much. Norma and Leah tried to change the thinking of the entire nation, which was actually very dangerous.

In the history of human development, no matter in any period, so-called pioneers can easily change a group, a nation, or even a country.

But if you want to change people's thinking, especially the customs and habits that have been formed for thousands of years, and even religious beliefs, there is almost no possibility of success.

Not only that, people who try to change may even be life-threatening.

Li Qianqian nodded and sighed: "Leah grew up in the West, and Norma also studied in the West. It is easy for them to reach a consensus and always want to completely change N country, especially the people of N country. Ideology."

"Anyway, I can’t persuade them. When I talked to Leah about the religious beliefs of N country, Norma said it was backward and unscientific. As everyone who hopes N country can make great progress, he must be determined. Change this reality."

"When I said that the people of N country do not want to marry a foreigner, Norma said, as long as I don't object, Leah and you really love each other, why can't we marry?"

"And she also said that Leah happened to be half of the nationality of N, but she is also a Westerner. If you can join the nationality of N, you are also of Oriental descent."

"She sincerely hopes that both you and Leah will become the nationality of N country, and then use your marriage to gradually change the people's view of marriage, in order to achieve the ultimate goal of changing the people's thinking and concepts."

Fan Jianming asked: "So, they didn't change the people, but they changed you first?"

(End of this chapter)