Return of the King

Chapter 1688: Cabinet Meeting


The officials present looked at each other. They didn't know what the chief executive meant, so they didn't dare to speak casually.

Although a partial market economy is implemented, the power in the hands of all the officials here will be weakened, but it is the power of the highest official that is really weakened.

No matter what happened in the past, as long as the highest official said a word, the starters from all over the country were in unison.

Even if the market economy promoted by Fan Jianming now only accounts for 20% of the entire economy, it has also attracted market competition and weakened the administrative intervention power of government departments.

If only the power in the hands of the officials is weakened, they will certainly express their support for Fan Jianming generously.

The problem is that the power of the chief executive is weakened, and they dare not express their opinions casually.

Fan Jianming said at this time: "Actually, for a country, a market economy is not necessarily better than a planned economy, because a country that implements a planned economy can mobilize the nation’s human and financial resources in the shortest possible time to cope with it. Sudden incidents are something that no country that implements a market economy can do."

"Yes," said the Chancellor of the Exchequer: "In a country that implements a full market economy, everyone focuses on economic interests, especially in the face of sudden public incidents. They consider themselves from their own point of view. , Even thinking about making a fortune in the country."

"However, compared with the dullness of the planned economy, introducing a certain proportion of the market economy to impact, I think there is nothing bad. To a certain extent, it can also increase the vitality of our entire country's economy, or it can make up for the country's economic activities. One item is blank."

"But the executive officer just said that the ratio of planned economy to market economy is eight to two. I think he has referenced the experience of the East when it opened up decades ago."

"In the past few decades, the progress of the East is obvious to all. It has moved from a world power to a world power. For us, the economic miracle created by the East is a valuable reference for us."

All the officials were watching their words and watching. Seeing that the Chancellor of Finance had finished speaking, the expression of the Supreme Chief was still very relaxed, and he did not show the slightest displeasure.

The Minister of the Interior also said: “The intention of the Minister of Finance

Seeing my agreement, based on the current situation of our country, if the market is completely opened up and the market economy is thoroughly implemented, because the people's thinking and concepts across the country tend to be conservative, I am afraid that most people will be buried in the wave of market economy, and life will not be as good as that. Being strong will inevitably cause social unrest and even the root cause of civil unrest. "

"But if we not only enter the market to compete, once we establish diplomatic relations with the West and wait for Western companies to make a comeback, then our people in the whole country can only watch foreigners make money, cook for themselves, and beg for food everywhere with golden rice bowls."

At this time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also echoed: "We must have no diplomatic relations with other countries and have no contacts with the member states of the African Union. However, compared with countries S and W, we can also see the shortcomings of the current planned economy. ."

"It's the same as us, implementing a planned economy, while country W has introduced a market economy. Compared with our three countries, country W is currently the most developed..."

The Minister of the Interior inserted a sentence at this time: "But one thing cannot be ignored. Among the three countries, the economy of country W has gone up, but the social atmosphere is declining, religious beliefs are generally questioned, and the crime rate remains high. Their current various dark organizations are no less destructive to the country than warlord armies and Western mercenaries."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs nodded: "This is also the question I want to explain. Under the strong intervention of the Xi'an government, the W country was forced to open the country's door, almost ****."

"Although compared with ours, their economy has developed somewhat, but Western companies plunder them are also huge. After they have paid a painful price, the economic returns they get are not proportional at all."

"Especially their comprehensive national strength has not been fundamentally improved. It is just that some individuals who follow the West have become rich overnight, which has not only widened the gap between the rich and the poor in the entire country, but the cohesion of the country and the self-confidence of the nation are gradually increasing. Go public."

The Minister of National Defense asked at this time: "You have been talking for a long time, but I am confused. Do you support or not support the market economy?"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs explained: "I firmly oppose a complete market economy. I support the policy of partially open markets. As for the proportion, I am not sure."


Therefore, my attitude is that I completely agree with the executive officer's opinion that there is no problem in introducing a market economy, but the proportion is still to be studied. "

After listening to the speeches of several people, the chief executive felt confident. He smiled and said: "Our country has not practiced a market economy. When warlords were in power and Western powers were dominant in our country, what they practiced was not a market economy. ?"

"It's just that their so-called market economy back then was aimed at their Western companies. Our country only has farming, fishery and animal husbandry, and has no roots in its own industry and commerce, let alone high-tech fields."

"Back then, we were like watching a group of robbers using their so-called market economy rules to plunder and distribute the spoils on our land, so the people of the whole country hated the market economy."

In fact, this is not only country N. All countries that have been colonized or semi-colonized have this kind of pain.

The chief executive continued: "I think the Minister of Finance's analysis of planned economy and market economy is relatively objective and comprehensive. Our implementation of a single planned economy model is not conducive to the introduction of foreign companies, and it is not conducive to our development in learning. ."

"The development process of the East provides a sample for the backward countries in the world. We must humblely learn from the East. Executive Fan is from the East and has a considerable understanding of the cultural and economic development of the East. So I feel that if we develop according to his ideas, the strength of our country is just around the corner!"

"As for the ratio, I think that with the pan-executives’ 8:2 as the upper line, within 20% of the range, we encourage Chinese people to develop the private economy, especially in industrial and technological enterprises, not just private investment , Our country must establish its own enterprise and strive to occupy an absolute dominant position."

The officials present nodded and said yes.

The top official finally laughed and said: "I don’t know if everyone realizes it. If the Xi’an government controls us now, or they re-establish a warlord government to lead our country, or if Executive Fan is a Westerner, What do you think of our current situation?"

Everyone didn't think about this issue, and looked at each other again, waiting for the highest official to continue speaking.

(End of this chapter)