Return of the King

Chapter 1693: World Trend


Norma went on to say: "Don't hide from your father, the appearance of Executive Fan has given me hope, not only for my own future, but also for the future of the country."

"I know very well that when I pay attention to every news of him and I am ecstatic, my father must think that I like him when he hits someone, and if he doesn't marry, you actually don't understand me too much."

"Executive Fan Fan is an Oriental and has a deep understanding of the rise of the East. In addition, he is a fair and kind person and dares to take responsibility. So I believe he will refer to the development of the East and point out the direction of our development. "

"The most important thing is that he has no selfishness. Just like his motherland, he just wants to build a community of destiny for all mankind, not like the West, thinking about endless plunder."

"As a foreigner, Executive Officer Fan is willing to sink his heart and make suggestions for my motherland. As a citizen of Country N, as your daughter, what reason do I have to refuse?"

The supreme officer nodded in relief, he felt more and more that he was right to do his best to keep Fan Jianming at all costs.

Fan Jianming's image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in Country N. It is far more convincing for him to pass on the future of Country N to Norma than to pass it on to his daughter.

Norma went on to say: "Besides, the Ministry of Construction that Executive Officer Fan wants to set up is not a dispensable department at all as you might imagine."

"As long as the civil war does not break out and there is no invasion by external hostile forces, our country’s future focus will mainly be on two aspects. One is unprecedented nationwide reconstruction, or new construction, and the other is trade. One is foreign trade. It's inward commerce."

"For a country like us that is just about to introduce a market economy, construction development and commercial trade can be said to be the lifeblood of the entire country's economic circulation. The space for power and the possibility of corruption can be said to be too great for you to imagine. To the point."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the current Ministry of Construction, and the future Ministry of Trade, if they are not human, the staff of these departments can become rich overnight, and all they get are ill-gotten wealth. "

The supreme officer was taken aback, and stared at Norma with his eyes wide open: "Is it so serious? If the problem is such a big one, don't set up these two ministries at all!"

Norma laughed

"This is the question of ideology, that is, the dividing line between openness and conservativeness. Open people think that the problem is not terrible, and it is enough to solve the problem. Conservative people usually like to give up food because of choking, because they are afraid of death and they dare not eat, because they are afraid of death. I dare not go on the road, so our country has always been so backward."

"Other countries often have air crashes. Our country is of course good, and we don't even have normal flights. Bridges in other countries often exercise, and trains rush out of the tracks. Our country has no trains and no bridges. There is no need to worry about all this."

"Other countries are discussing GMO and non-GMO, green products and non-green products, and even discussing which things contain more elements needed by the human body. This is not needed in our country, because most of our people just want to I'm trying to fill my stomach, I haven't even seen those things."

"Did you not see it just now? Many of our female citizens are holding rapeseed flowers sent from the East, putting them in their hair as decorations, and pulling the pumpkins and sweet potatoes they sent as fruit."

"If according to what you just said, we don't need to accept their donations, and we don't need to start this kind of trade with them in the future, then our people will not make such a fool."

The supreme officer asked: "You mean that you are satisfied with the current Minister of Construction?"

Norma said: "Not only satisfied, but even a little frightened, because the things I'm going to face are too big, too complicated, and our country construction is blank, and there is a shortage of talents in all aspects. I really worry about myself. Can't do it."

"Personal honor, disgrace, and shame don’t matter. If the Ministry of Construction’s work is not done well, it is very likely that the reform of Executive Fan will either be ruined or killed. Then I’m not just a matter of face, it’s simply a matter of face. The sinners of the ages who prevent the development of the country!"

The supreme officer really did not expect that his daughter could have such a high degree. Her thoughts were completely beyond her expectations, but they were quite in line with the original intention of the job that Fan Jianming entrusted to her.

The highest official immediately retelled Fan Jianming’s words with Norma carefully, and finally sighed: "I thought you would not understand his good intentions, but I didn’t expect you to have a clear understanding of what the Ministry of Construction had done. The importance of it."

Norma explained: "Actually, the advanced countries

In other words, the Ministry of Construction is not necessarily so important, and no country is above the Ministry of Construction and other departments, but the particularity of our country at this stage gives the Ministry of Construction a special mission and considerable power. "

"I only know that he wants to smoothly rebuild the country and prevent corruption as much as possible. It is necessary to establish such a Ministry of Construction. After a while, he will definitely propose the establishment of the Ministry of Internal and External Trade, and these two departments At this stage, it must be the most important department in our country."

"I didn't expect him to be so attentive. I hope that all new departments in the future will be transformed from the construction part. While he is pushing me hard, he is also trying to cultivate a large number of fans and talents for me. Well-intentioned!"

The supreme officer nodded and said, "Yes, Executive Fan is worthy of being an Oriental. He has inherited the wisdom and wisdom of his ancestors. His move is full of wisdom."

"While trying to show you your abilities, it has also cultivated a large number of supporters for you. In the future, your inheritance of my position is completely natural. It is far more convincing and more convincing than I directly appoint you to inherit my position. Let the people of the whole country be convinced!"

Norma smiled and said, "My father, don’t think of me too narrowly. I really don’t want to inherit your position. I just want my motherland to become stronger and stronger. If you really come to the day of abdication, even if I inherit If you take your position, I will also introduce a democratic election system, so that the entire country will not be in our hands."

The supreme officer was taken aback and looked at Norma with a stunned look: "My son, everything I do now, the explosion of money to keep Executive Fan at all costs, is to pave the way for you in the future, so that country N will always be in our hands. Family, at least in the hands of our tribesmen!"

Norma smiled and said: "I learned a famous saying in the East, the trend of the world is great, and those who follow it will prosper, and those who oppose it will die.

"With the rapid development of our country, people’s knowledge will generally improve, and all kinds of ideas will enter, and even penetrate into the brains of the people. In this case, you still want to maintain the traditional ** system. There is almost no Any possibility."

"In addition to the growth of the younger generation of N Country, everyone will become more and more indifferent to tribal consciousness, and they will only pretend to the entire nation and country. If you still want to stick to the rules, you are bound to be eliminated by history."

(End of this chapter)