Return of the King

Chapter 1694: Things are developing rapidly


This is the conflict between old and new ideas. Fortunately, it is Norma who said this. If you change to someone else, it may lead to another murder.

However, all people have their own limitations.

The limitation of the Supreme Chief is that he wants to stick to the tradition, and the limitation of Norma is that she wants to abandon everything inherent in the N country.

In fact, Norma hasn't fully stated her true thoughts. If she is to govern N country in the future, she must first implement a parliamentary system or a people's system to completely free the people from traditional ideas.

At present, whether it is country S or country N, or even country W, ordinary people still feel that they belong to the private "property" of the tribal chief, and the entire country is the private property of the highest official.

Although these three countries have long since escaped from the slave society, they are the least developed regions in the world. Although the colonists have been driven out, the status quo of the society is that the country is still in the agricultural era.

People's thinking stays in the slave society. The ideology of the entire country is similar to that of feudal society. Here, no matter whether you choose to follow the Eastern path or the Western principles, whether it is national power or people's ideas, they are bound to encounter unprecedented resistance.

Even in the W country, which has been infiltrated by Western forces, their social form has not been fundamentally changed. From another aspect, it also exposes the essence of the West.

Their verbal promotion of Western-style freedom and democracy is actually a cover. The main purpose is to support their own power, and then they start to looting unscrupulously.

Once their goal is achieved, it doesn't matter what system you implement, and even hope that you return to the primitive society. In that case, their enterprise will have no competitors here.

The behavior of the West in recent decades is obvious to all, and everyone knows that when they overthrew a country’s government with democracy and autocracy, what they established was only the new autocracy and autocracy of the previous opposition. Where is freedom and democracy? ? Let alone develop the national economy.

If you are allowed to develop, what does the West eat?

Norma has stayed abroad for nearly a decade, and has been to the East, the West and Europe. In her opinion, N Country can only choose to take the Eastern road to rise rapidly.

Because country N cannot invade other countries with strong ships and guns, it can only turn to the East and try to catch up with the Eastern generation.

On the last train, enjoy the dividends brought by the establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind and take the road of peaceful rise.

What's more, God sent them Fan Jianming at the time when N country was alive and dead. From Norma's point of view, this is really a blessing to N country!

As long as Country N develops and rises, she feels that even if her family or even her tribe loses its former glory, why?

This is the most fundamental reason why Norma is willing to stay in Country N, and it is precisely for this reason that there is a fierce conflict with the concept of the highest official.

The chief executive must first guarantee the interests of his own family, secondly the interests of his tribe, and finally the interests of the country.

Compared with the rapid development of the country but the withdrawal of his tribe and family from the stage of history, he would rather the country continue to be poor and backward, as long as his family and tribe still dominate the country.

So after the exchanges with her daughter, the chief executive was mixed, even more sorrow than sorrow.

He knew very well that he couldn't persuade his daughter anyway, so he could only turn to Fan Jianming for help.

The highest official said calmly: "Since you have agreed to Executive Fan, you should go home now and plan and design the future construction. I'm not just talking about the office building, but also the mode of operation. Don't let Executive Fan down!"

Norma nodded: "This is necessary, but from now on, I can't stay at home, or else, anyway, the hotel where Executive Fan lives was originally operated by the government, and it is now closed."

"I choose a house in the hotel as an office, and then list it for work. This will also help me communicate and communicate directly with Executive Fan in the future."

The top officer doesn't care about these things now. The most urgent thing for him is to find Fan Jianming to communicate with him.

"No problem, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, Executive Officer Fan has already spoken. If you need money, you can directly contact the Minister of Finance. If you want other departments to cooperate, you can directly contact the Secretary of the Interior."

Norma smiled and added: "If a new department is needed, I will set up a related agency in the Ministry of Construction?"

"No problem, no matter Executive Fan and I, I will definitely support you!"

After Norma carried her suitcase and left, the Supreme Officer couldn't wait to arrive at Fan Jianming's office.

Fan Jianming has not been idle, in fact, he

Waiting for the news from Country S, especially I hope Aruga can call him.

But he waited for a long time, not only Aruga, even Audrey did not call him.

He thought, maybe the situation is not that serious.

If the situation really develops to the point where it is out of control, even if Aruga doesn't make a call, I'm afraid Audrey will call it.

While waiting anxiously, it was the high school middle school who called him and told him that he didn’t know what was going on. When Aruga broadcasted the news that he was going to marry Audrey through the radio and the whole country, overnight, People in Country S flocked to the streets.

The high game even suspected that there was a black hand behind the scenes manipulating all of this, so I reported the situation to Fan Jianming and asked if I need to organize my own people and be ready to support Aruga at any time?

Fan Jianming's answer is to let them prepare for everything, but only to protect the safety of the mining area. As for public demonstrations, they must not interfere, and everything is waiting for their own orders.

Just hung up the phone with Gaosaizhong, Wellington's call came in again. He received the order from the Western Intelligence Bureau to immediately rush to Country S to pay close attention to the current development of the situation.

Once there is a need, we must try to lead this incident to the track where the Xi ** government hopes to develop.

As the director of the Western Intelligence Agency's African headquarters, this is Wellington's responsibility.

Fan Jianming did not stop him, but only warned him to implement the orders of his superiors and protect the interests of the West. It is understandable, but he does not want him to encourage ignorant young people to use violent methods.

"Wellington," Fan Jianming said, "Anyway, we have stayed together in Country S for many years. The people there are hardworking and kind and tolerant of you, a former Western mercenary. I hope you don't make *** pieces by yourself. "

"Don't worry, boss," Wellington said, "I am also due to my duty, but I will never let the innocent people of Country S shed blood and sacrifice."

Although Fan Jianming knew that Wellington was only a pawn in the Western Intelligence Bureau, he could not determine the direction of the whole incident, but as long as he had a little conscience, he could try his best to avoid incidents even if he executed orders from higher authorities.

At least the entire world can be controlled within a certain range.

Just after the call with Wellington, Nong Lie's call came in again.

(End of this chapter)