Return of the King

Chapter 1715: Remedy


The West is paying more attention to the movement of country S.

In addition to the Western Intelligence Agency, the mercenary regiment, and the former warlord troops of the S country, they are all mixed among the ordinary people, and their diplomatic negotiation delegation has also been waiting in the W country.

Because Nong Lie refused to accept the secret support of the West, although he had succeeded Aruga as the supreme officer of the S country.

The special industry at the scene sent back information, and Fan Jianming personally picked Aruga away and began a life in exile.

But the top official and his think tank agreed that now it is necessary to contact Nong Lie as soon as possible to see what his attitude towards the West is.

At this time, the European ally of the West, V country, called the top official and asked about the West's attitude towards the Nong Martyr government.

Country V is a veteran colonizer. The three African countries were their ***. After World War II, some countries became independent, and some countries turned to the West.

Coupled with the decline of country V's own national strength, they almost completely withdrew from the African continent.

A few years ago, when we saw Western powers being expelled from the region by the three African countries, country V was waiting for the opportunity. Now we see the civil war in country N and the regime change in country S immediately afterwards.

They just want to take a closer look and see what does *** mean?

If the West has no ambitions for these three countries, especially country S and country N, country V intends to make a comeback.

After hearing the news that the West was about to establish diplomatic relations with State S and State N, the former warlords of these two countries went into exile and immediately colluded with State V in an attempt to use their power to return to their homeland.

The supreme official knew very well that the sudden call from country V must have something to do with country S and country N.

Country V is a hard-core ally of the West. Regardless of whether it is dealing with the East or another big country, Country V is following the West step by step.

The supreme official understands that country V knows that Western power has penetrated into country W. It is normal to see that country S and country N are still in a vacuum and want to share a piece of the pie.

Originally, Fan Jianming's existence made the West feel like a throat. Since country V knows nothing about life and death, let them touch Fan Jianming, maybe there will be some unexpected gains.

The supreme official told country V that the energy of the West is now mainly used to deal with the East and another big country, and has established consular relations with country W among the three African countries. Although they are preparing to establish diplomatic relations with country S and country N, if If country V has other demands, the West can provide convenience to country V.

The highest length of country V

The officials were overjoyed when they heard that, as long as the West did not object, they felt that they could develop their ambitions.

As soon as the highest Western official put down the phone, news came from the Western Intelligence Bureau that the foreign affairs department of the East had sent a congratulatory message to Nong Lie.

"What," the top officer almost jumped up from his chair: "What did you do earlier? Why didn't you report this news until now?"

The director of the Western Intelligence Bureau explained: "We also just learned the news from their radio, and I have already reported to you that Fan came to pick up Aruga from N Country."

"I reminded you at that time, will Fan build a bridge to allow S and N to establish diplomatic relations with the East? Didn't you say wait and see?"

The supreme officer had nothing to say. After putting down the phone, he immediately called Elena and scolded him, "Didn't you say that you have negotiated with Fan, and you will establish diplomatic relations with my country in the past few days?"

"Yes," Elena explained: "According to the original plan, tonight, that is, tomorrow morning in Africa, the representatives of country S and country N will go to country W to meet with our negotiators. It's just that the political situation of country S is. mutation."

"But I believe that after Nong Lie came to power, he will definitely put the establishment of diplomatic relations with our country first. This will help expand his influence in the international community and also help him control the entire country."

The highest official said grimly: "The problem is that the East has already sent a congratulatory message to Nonglie in the name of the diplomatic department. In this way, doesn't it appear that we don't pay attention to the Nonglie government?"

Elena shrugged: "We didn't hold a meeting to discuss it before. Let's take a cold look at the Nong Lie government, lest they raise too many conditions during the negotiation?"

The supreme officer shook his head and said, "The problem is the congratulatory message from the East, which makes us very passive now..."

At this moment, his secretary sent another telegram, and the foreign ministry of another major country also sent a congratulatory message to the Nong Lie government.

"I just received the news," the top official said: "Another big country also sent a congratulatory message, but now we are indifferent to the eagerness to establish diplomatic relations with them!"

"Don't worry," Elena said: "Even if Fan Jianming has left Country S, his words will definitely be loud and loud in the Nong Lie government, and he will not regret what he has promised us."

"What's more, if Fan Jianming is really separated from Country S, it will be of great benefit to us.

No harm, we only need to let the navy of the African base drive the aircraft carrier formation to the Gulf of State S, and then it is not a matter of negotiation. The Nong Lie government can only sign in the circle we delineated. "

"Don't be whimsical. Others don't understand Fan Jianming, don't you and I know?" The top official said: "Let's take remedial measures quickly!"

Elena asked: "You mean, we also send congratulatory messages?"

"No need!" said the supreme officer: "You ask the supreme officer of country W to bring a message to Nong Lie, saying that you, get up today to visit S country."


Elena understands that this is probably the only way to change from passive to active.

Of course, she knows better that if she visits Country S, she may not even be the master of Nong Lie, and she must obtain Fan Jianming's consent.

So she immediately called Fan Jianming.

After receiving this call from her, Fan Jianming immediately understood what she meant, and said on the spot that he was only asking about the political affairs of State S. Elena had this idea and should contact the Nong Lie government directly.

Elena heard that Fan Jianming did not object, so the problem was not big.

She immediately called the top official of State W and asked him to tell Nong Lie that she hoped to visit State S as soon as possible.

According to international practice, it is best for the Nong Lie government to send an invitation to the Xi ** government.

The top official of State W immediately relayed the news to Nonglie, who was overjoyed when he heard it.

You know, this is the first time since the former warlord government stepped down that a foreign country, especially a Western confederate, has come to visit. This is enough to prove that his appointment as the highest official is well-respected.

Of course, Nong Lie knows very well that whether it is a congratulatory message from another big country or Elena hopes to visit as soon as possible, all of this stems from the congratulatory message from the East.

It was the congratulatory message from the East that touched the nerves of the entire world.

And all this is ultimately attributed to Fan Jianming.

Nong Lie immediately dialed Fan Jianming's phone, hoping to consult Fan Jianming's opinion as soon as possible.

Fan Jianming smiled and told Nong Lie that he would never ask about the political affairs of State S, and believed that Nong Lie had the wisdom to handle this matter.

Nong Lie immediately realized that Fan Jianming was unconditionally supporting him. As long as he did not introduce wolves into the house, he would use foreign forces to deal with the people of country S and would not harm Fan Jianming’s interests in country S. No matter what decision Nong Lie made, Fan Jianming would Will not interfere.

Nong Lie immediately asked the secretary to send an invitation letter to the West, waiting for Elena's arrival.

(End of this chapter)