Return of the King

Chapter 1722: Big Dilemma


When the three of them were walking around in the back yard, Fan Jianming and the director came to the office inside.

After the director asked Fan Jianming to sit down, he quickly asked if there was anything wrong with him.

When the office moved over, Fan Jianming once greeted the director. If there were no emergencies or special circumstances, Fan Jianming would not come to the office in person, mainly to avoid other people's gossip.

So seeing that Fan Jianming not only came here today, but also brought Li Qianqian, Norma and Leah, the director thought something was going on.

Fan Jianming first explained that Norma and Leah followed him, it was entirely accidental. To say that there is no big deal in big business, it is because of their nationality.

The director frowned slightly: "Executive officer thanks, you mean—"

Fan Jianming explained: “Due to the special circumstances that day, the top official announced on the square that I was an executive officer, and at the same time said that I had become a nationality of country N. In fact, I didn’t do any formalities.”

The director looked at Fan Jianming puzzled.

Fan Jianming went on to say: "Actually, I don't want to join the nationality of N country, but I have been appointed as the executive officer. If there is no nationality of N country, I am afraid that the West will discredit our East again."

The director nodded: "This is for sure. A foreigner was serving as an executive officer in another country. It was not clear in ancient times. At least the development of the world to this day is unheard of."

"The West has stagnated in recent years, especially the economy is sluggish. Now they are trying to instigate and use local wars around the world to make their arms industry more prominent."

"The absence of war for the West means the decline of their country. If you control the government of N country as an Oriental, of course they must spread rumors and slander us in the East.",

Fan Jianming smiled and nodded.

The director went on to say: "I probably understand what the executive officer meant. You actually had to give up your Eastern citizenship. And through all kinds of signs, you are a staunch patriot. Leaders at all levels of the country are very clear about this."

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "That's why I came to you today. You see, even you think that I am going to give up my Oriental citizenship. In fact, I just want to ask China through you to see if I can have dual citizenship. ?


The director was taken aback.

It is only now that I understand that Fan Jianming came this time not to explain why he became the nationality of N country, but to retain the nationality of the East.

"Executive Officer," the director said awkwardly: "When I was in the province, my main job was foreign trade. As for nationality, I don’t know much about it. But I’m clear about one thing. It does not recognize dual nationality."

"The situation like yours is quite special. The reason why you want to become the nationality of country N is mainly to promote exchanges and development between our country and country N. To put it bluntly, you are considering it from the perspective of national interests."

"Our country seems to have such a principle on the international front, that is, to come and go freely. The government will not interfere when our citizens become foreign nationals, but we must cancel our nationality. If we want to re-enter our nationality in the future, the government welcomes it. "

"Of course, there are many prerequisites for re-accepting our nationality."

"Take the entertainment industry as an example. Many celebrities in our country applied for foreign nationality in order to develop abroad. Now many celebrities see that the domestic development is better, and they want to enjoy citizenship rights. If they apply for nationality, they must meet many conditions. ."

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Because of this, I want to report to the country through you. You know why I became the nationality of N country, and I definitely hope to restore the nationality of the East in the future."

The director nodded and said, "I can only report this incident to the country, and I will report it back immediately."

Fan Jianming said: "Director, please report my meaning accurately to the country: first, not only me, my wife Li Qianqian will also join me to become the nationality of N country; second, as long as we feel necessary in the future When the time comes, my wife and I must also restore the nationality of the East together; third, if it cannot be restored, then I will resign from the executive officer of the N country and return to China immediately."

When the director heard this, he laughed and said, "There is no problem with the first two points. As for the third point, I don't think there is any need to say it. It feels like putting pressure on domestic leaders?"

"Yes, I just want to exert pressure." Fan Jianming said: "The reason why I spare no effort to promote oriental culture abroad, promote the national one belt and one road, and build a community with a shared future for all mankind, the main reason

If it is because I have a patriotic heart, if my nationality cannot even be guaranteed, then there is no need for me to do this again. "

The director also smiled and said: "Executive Officer, I have witnessed the feelings of N country from government officials to ordinary people to you, and I feel it with my own eyes. At this time, if you leave behind, what will the N country government and people think of the East? ?"

Fan Jianming said: "You can also report your feelings to your superiors. In short, I want to get a domestic response as quickly as possible. With the bottom of my heart, I can go all out to work. Otherwise, I will go back to China. An ordinary citizen!"

Fan Jianming's remarks first added invisible pressure to the director.

If Fan Jianming leaves at this time, let alone the office’s inability to carry out work, it will be a question of whether the two countries can successfully establish diplomatic relations in the future.

This is too big!

The director immediately took out his mobile phone: "Executive Officer, I will report to China now."

Fan Jianming got up and said, "Okay, then I will go first. If you have the result, you call me immediately."

"Executive Officer, please sit down first." The director said: "Well, you are waiting here, I will call next door, this is too big, don't say you are anxious, I am more anxious than you."

The director immediately ran to the next room and called the country.

He can only report to the provincial leaders. The problem is that the provincial leaders can't be the master. The provincial leaders have to report to the leaders of the Beijing Foreign Affairs Department.

The leaders of the foreign affairs department can't be the masters, and can only report to the chief leaders.

Because this matter is particularly sensitive, Fan Jianming only thought of having dual nationality, to have a guarantee for his future, and at the same time, he was seeking a kind of psychological comfort.

But he overlooked a problem. He has dual citizenship of the East and the country N. From the perspective of Westerners, it is no different from having the nationality of the East as the executive officer of country N.

The slander will also slander, the attack will also attack.

Therefore, even the main leader cannot agree to his request, at least not explicitly.

It took almost an hour before the director returned to the office and looked at Fan Jianming and shook his head.

"Executive Officer, I say this as my own talent," the director kept shaking his head: "You have caused a big problem for all levels of government officials in the country!"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "But I believe the result must be good, right?"

(End of this chapter)