Return of the King

Chapter 1765: Painting Style Sudden Change


Fan Jianming knows that Li Qianqian is not jealous, just selling cute and flirting.

After all, the two missed the golden years of love. At the age of seventeen or eighteen, Fan Jianming was only wishful thinking, but Li Qianqian had a secret love.

At that time, Zhang Guodong was very energetic and did not pay attention to Li Qianqian at all.

In other words, the two passed by at the best time of love, and now Li Qianqian wants to find the romantic feeling of youth.

The problem is that the point she chose seems to be a little wrong, she always talks about women, leaving Fan Jianming speechless.

Fan Jianming was thinking about big things, but Li Qianqian showed a little femininity.

Fan Jianming didn't say a word, and pushed the door to get out of the car.

Li Qianqian knew that Fan Jianming was upset, and kept leaning on Fan Jianming all the way, staring at Fan Jianming without blinking.

Fan Jianmingquan should turn a blind eye and walked back to the room by himself.

After closing the door, Li Qianqian immediately grabbed Fan Jianming's arm and turned his body to face herself, still looking at Fan Jianming without blinking.

"What are you doing?" Fan Jianming asked.

"What are you talking about?" Li Qianqian asked back, "Are you still angry?"

"No." After speaking, Fan Jianming was about to turn around.

"No?" Li Qianqian grabbed Fan Jianming's two arms with both hands and prevented him from turning around: "I didn't say a word all the way, and now I look impatient. Did I provoke you?"

Fan Jianming smiled bitterly and shook his head: "No, no, there are too many things in my heart, it has nothing to do with you."

"Huh! Doesn't it mean that you are a door-to-door son-in-law, do you feel uncomfortable? You are ready to marry someone else's daughter, am I still okay?" Li Qianqian pouted.

Thinking about it, even though Li Qianqian always talks about women, she stabbed Fan Jianming's weakness without pain.

But having said that, which woman, especially an oriental woman, can tolerate her husband being so troublesome outside?

Immediately afterwards, there are still upright Ming media who are getting married, and it is not just one.

Fan Jianming had to sophistry: "I am not angry with you, let alone blame you. I just thought that it is a bit wrong for us to live in this building now."

"The second floor is the Ministry of Construction, and the fourth floor is the General Information Bureau. We live on the third floor. There are a lot of guards at the door.

Inconvenient to enter. "

"Just like just now, I really want to invite several domestic leaders to come home and sit down and have a casual meal, but it is really inconvenient to get in and out of the hotel in full view."

"After all, I am the executive officer of N country, and meeting with domestic leaders can be regarded as meeting with foreign missions and having government ministers to accompany you. There is no way to get close to telling family affection."

"Don't notify the government officials? It will make the people of N country feel outside, as if I have some secret activities with people from the East. It is more inconvenient to eat outside, which is why the leaders have to leave in a hurry."

"If we have a single-door, single-family residence, just like my outdated one in S, it would be much more convenient to meet with any Chinese missions or study groups."

Fan Jianming's explanation made Li Qianqian's point reasonable.

"Actually, I also thought about moving," Li Qianqian said: "Don't forget, although this is only four floors, it is the best hotel in the capital. Our long-term occupation will definitely provoke gossip."

"There is another problem. Other government departments are working in temporary offices, but the Ministry of Construction and the General Information Bureau ran here to work. Moreover, you proposed to establish these two departments, and the person in charge is your fiancée. "

"Speak lightly, you are forming cliques, and speaking more seriously, you are establishing another government!"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "If that's the case, then you just said that about me?"

Li Qianqian's eyes stared: "I just said that about you, how is it, you still ate me?"

Fan Jianming hugged her in his arms: "Even if you can't eat you, you can always bite, right?"

"Damn, here again..." Before Li Qianqian finished speaking, Fan Jianming leaned over and kissed her deeply.

Li Qianqian first hammered Fan Jianming's shoulder twice with a small pink fist, meaning to let him loose, and Fan Jianming completely ignored it.

In the end, Li Qianqian's two hands quietly wrapped Fan Jianming's neck, in return with a warmer kiss.

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside.

Fan Jianming had to let go of Li Qianqian, Li Qianqian smiled and made a face: "It's time to consider moving, it's annoying!"

After speaking, she turned and walked towards the sofa.

Fan Jianming turned around and looked at the cat's eyes behind the door, and it was Leah who knocked on the door.

Fan Jianming opened the door immediately and said with a smile: "It turned out to be the Chief Secretary, please come in quickly."

"No," Leah said blankly, "Executive Officer, according to your instructions, I have arranged Wellington and Sofia."

"Sophia took a fancy to the hotel I arranged for them. She is going to buy it as the company's office address. I just told Minister Norma, and Minister Norma asked me to report to you."

Seeing her serious appearance, Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Qianqian was about to sit on the sofa. She was standing and shouting: "Sister, what are you doing standing at the door? If you have something to say, come in."

Fan Jianming nodded and said, "Yes, come in."

"No, Sophia is still waiting for a reply!" After speaking, Leah turned and left.

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian both looked confused.

Fan Jianming couldn't help it. He went out to look at Leah's back, only to see Leah stepping in a chic pace, without even looking back.

"What do you mean?"

After Fan Jianming closed the door, he looked at Li Qianqian inexplicably.

Li Qianqian chuckled and said, "Isn't there a song that you sing well? Don't guess the girl's mind, don't always think Leah likes to hug her, if it wasn't for her to grow up suddenly, someone must be behind her. Come up with ideas."

Fan Jianming asked incomprehensibly: "What's the idea, and who will give her an idea?"

Li Qianqian shook her head and said, "Isn't that clear? If it wasn't for her father Davis, Norma must have said to her that you have promised to marry her. In this case, she doesn't need to pester you all day. Take out a little girl-specific reservedness, maybe it will be more attractive to you!"

Fan Jianming thinks about it, too, it seems that overnight, Norma and Leah suddenly changed their attitudes, maybe there is a factor that Li Qianqian said.

Li Qianqian then ridiculed: "Executive Officer, you will be busy next. Don't be impatient with me, there will be more wives in the future, enough to worry about you."

Fan Jianming smiled bitterly: "You think too much. I am really busy now, but it's not for women."

Li Qianqian was deliberately surprised: "I'll go, change the taste, won't it?"

Fan Jianming slapped her ass: "Change your head! Do you know? Today Nong Lie called the Supreme Chief, and they are going to combine State S and State N into one and form an alliance** *, recommend me as the supreme officer."

(End of this chapter)