Return of the King

Chapter 1775: Is it going to go to war?


This news was repeatedly broadcast on the TV and radio stations of the two countries. After being stupefied, the citizens of the two countries suddenly rushed out of their homes to tell them.

"The **** nation has been established, and General Fan has become the supreme officer!"

"What **** country, Fan..."

"Hurry home to watch TV and listen to the radio. We have established a **** country, and General Fan will be the top official of the ****!"

"Yeah, I heard it too!"

"Our country N is saved!"

"Our country S has grown!"

"Haha, Fan Jianming has finally led us—"

For a time, the same exciting news spread like wildfire in the streets of the two countries.

The mentality of the people of Country N is because they merged with Country S and feel that their entire country is saved. After all, Fan Jianming led the army of Country S to support it last time, and finally defeated the West and the former warlords and mercenaries it supported.

Although they do not know that country V is about to launch a war, in the period of national reconstruction, the joining of country S will definitely support them in all aspects and let the general public see the hope of the country's future.

The mentality of the people of Country S feels that the territory of their country has doubled, the population has doubled, and various resources have also doubled.

For ordinary people, the resources for survival and development are of course doubled!

What makes them most gratified is that Fan Jianming, who helped them to overthrow the former warlord government and Western forces, can finally lead them directly.

Especially those Arugal fans in the past, even though Arugal killed himself, they still felt a little disappointed in their hearts.

Now that I heard about the establishment of the **** country, Aruga’s collapse and exile, not only did not cause the country to move, it doubled his own land, and it also allowed Fan Jianming to return to the position of supreme chief. It can be said to be rejoicing.

Ordinary people have not fully understood the meaning of the country. They only know that since then, their country has doubled, Fan Jianming has become a real country, and the people are full of confidence in the future.

Elena learned of the news on the plane. She hurriedly called the top official. The last time Nong Lie became the top official of the N country, the Western government was a step late and made her come in person this time. One trip to make up for the fault.

The supreme officer will of course not make the same mistake again, and the missiles provided by Davis have been put in place, and the equipment provided for the General Intelligence Agency has also been loaded with a large carrier plane and is on the way to N country.

He told Irene that as soon as he learned the news, he sent a congratulatory message to Fan Jianming and the Peace Oasis **** country on behalf of himself and the Xi ** government.

And just got

The news that arrived was that the first country to send a congratulatory message to the Peace Oasis **** country was actually W country.

The Supreme Chief and Elena almost realized at the same time, does the W country also have the desire to join the peace oasis **** country?

The West is the second country to send a congratulatory message.

Then came the African Union, then the East and another big country.

In fact, after discussing with Nong Lie and the Supreme Chief of Country N, Fan Jianming was going to notify the director of the office in the First World, or call the domestic leaders directly.

However, he felt that if he had just announced the establishment of the **** country and received a congratulatory message from the country, would it make people think that behind this incident, did the East play any role?

He was especially worried that it would cause dissatisfaction between Nong Lie and the top officials of the N country. No matter how they became the acting top officials of the ****, he would report everything to the East. Then in the future, what secrets will the **** country have for the East Can it be said?

Once this kind of estrangement occurred, the establishment of the **** country undoubtedly planted the hidden dangers of mistrust and contradictions, which is not conducive to the development of the **** country. I am afraid that Fan Jianming and the image of the Dongzhi government Both have considerable damage.

Fan Jianming decided to go with the flow.

After Wellington learned the news, he immediately reported to the headquarters of the Western Intelligence Agency, so the Western Police Department learned of the news the first time.

However, the government of W country had the advantage of being near the water tower. After learning the news on the radio, it immediately sent a congratulatory message to Fan Jianming and China.

As far as the current situation of the congratulatory message is concerned, the time and timing of Dongfang's congratulatory message could not be more normal. It not only fully expressed its best wishes for Fan Jianming and the country, but also avoided the reality.

At least in this matter, the Xi ** Mansion had no reason to accuse and discredit Dongfang, because their congratulatory messages arrived earlier than Dongfang.

When the former warlords of N and S countries heard this news, they felt as if they had suffered a sap!

Let’s not talk about the fact that they were worried about the establishment of a **** country before. After they succeeded in reworking in the future, who should have the final say and fight. Now it is really established. Both the W country and the West are in the first place, Xiang Fan Jianming and The **** country sent a congratulatory message.

what does that mean?

These two groups of armed forces have been secretly funded by the West, and the current base camp is also anchored in the no man's land of country W.

The West and the W country have really fallen to the new **** country, not to mention the counterattack knife, they will lose even the poor place to stand.

"It's over, it's over," some people lamented, "fought a lifetime war, but was abandoned!"

"How to fight for freedom? We are the victims of the West, nothing more than cannon fodder!"

There are also people who cleverly say: "Don't

Too pessimistic, the brain cells of Westerners are very active, who knows that they did not deliberately merge the two countries into one and then take it in one fell swoop? "

"Not bad!" Someone agreed: "The West is the world's largest power, and it was defeated last time. How can you swallow this hatefulness?"

Others are more modest: "Whether they are betrayed, the West is trying to do something. In my opinion, no matter how it develops in the future, our power, the West, will never give up. It is their usual tactic."

"Shhhhhhhhhhh, keep your voice down, don't be heard by Western consultants."

The warlord soldiers of the S country began to laugh at the N** soldiers: "Hey, you didn't laugh at us before. Now you should know how good that Fan Jianming is? He can not only fight, he can fight, but he is also an all-rounder."

"Isn't it? Otherwise, how could they choose the name of the supreme officer when they set up a new **** country? If they can only fight, let him continue to stay in the position of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces."

The warlord soldier of N country shook his head and said: "A black worker from the East, the bastards in our country and yours, let him be the supreme officer. Even the supreme officer of the West will send a congratulatory message in person. Is there still a battle to be fought?"

An officer said, "What are you arguing about? Who knows that this is not the plan of the Xi'an government. Maybe they have already prepared countermeasures. Besides, the aircraft carrier formation of State V is ready to go, and it is possible to pounce on it anytime, anywhere. ."

"Sir," an old soldier asked, "Fan Jianming, who can't be dealt with in the West, can it be dealt with by Country V?"

The officer scolded angrily: "What do you know? What does the West mean? Do you think they lost to Fan Jianming? They should have lost to those politicians in China. They must be part of the politicians who want to fight, and part of them don't want to fight, otherwise, just Has the West compromised with the loss of four fighters?"

"Then the politicians in Country V will not be divided into two factions this time?"

"Bah, you crow's mouth!" The officer pondered for a while, and said thoughtfully: "With the lessons of the West, they either don't send troops. If they do, they must be united and determined to win!"

At this moment, the messenger of the camp gave an order to gather all the troops and prepare for pre-war training.

This is a signal!

Is country V really going to fight?

The warlords of the two countries suddenly came to their spirits.

Regardless of whether he is federated or not, he will be struck down first. As for who has the final say in the future, or divided into two countries, that is a future thing.

And these things have nothing to do with the soldiers.

They fight for remuneration, for survival, and of course some people do it for their ideals.

They only obey orders, and the generals and officials will consider other matters.

(End of this chapter)