Return of the King

Chapter 1776: The headache of Fan Jianming


It turned out that the former warlord officials of the two countries immediately reported the matter to the government of country V after learning of the establishment of the Peace Oasis **** country.

The government of Country V also received intelligence from the Military Intelligence Department.

Country V was completely caught off guard by the news that country S and country N announced the establishment of a **** country so quickly.

The two factions were still entangled before, and now it seems that there is nothing to say.

The previous opinion of one faction was that it would attack before the establishment of the Federation, while the other faction felt that it would be better after the establishment.

Now that it has been established, when it comes to offense, Country V seems to have no other choice.

The top officer of country V authorized the military to notify the former warlords of country N and S to immediately conduct targeted training in accordance with the original plan of the "System Clone" combat plan.

After the former warlord armed forces reached the order, they immediately launched operations.

They know very well that now that the troops are floating, conducting targeted exercises at this time is the only way to stabilize the military's morale.

The previous military advisors of their troops were all Western veterans who were hired by the Western Intelligence Agency to train these troops.

Before receiving new instructions, they can take their own salary regardless of who will command these troops in the future, or even who they will go to war with.

The top officials of Country V immediately convened a cabinet meeting. What they have to discuss now is not whether to fight or not, but when to fight, how to fight, and to what extent.

send troops!

Moreover, the dispatch of a huge aircraft carrier formation as planned has already reached a consensus among the cabinet members.

However, is it a disagreement to destroy country N directly or destroy it together with country S?

Will it only destroy the government of N country or even the government of S?

Is it because the army is suppressing the border, forcing Country N to take the initiative to surrender and become a minister. The current government is exiled abroad, or is it exiled with the government of Country S...

In other words, the ultimate goal and scale of this war entangled cabinet members.

The warlord armed forces here have begun exercises, and the cabinet members of country V are still arguing over there.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "I personally feel that the ultimate goal of the scale of the war is probably not up to us. Once a war starts, it will have to be determined by the time and the situation, based on changes on the battlefield."

The Minister of National Defense agreed: "Yes, once our aircraft carrier formation sails into their offshore waters, the scale of the war may only be controlled by the on-site commander and the degree of enemy resistance.

We are talking about these things now. "

The supreme officer shook his head and said, "You are a one-sided word. Even if our soldiers are under pressure, we don't have to go to war."

"Don't forget, mankind has developed into the 21st century and it is no longer allowed to allow one country to colonize another as it did two or three hundred years ago.

"So we still have two choices. The first is to let our huge aircraft carrier formation regain the glorious feeling of the past along the route two or three hundred years ago."

"We can let the world know that although the current world pattern is dominated by the West, another big country has shrunk compared to the past, but the lean camels are bigger than the horses, and the East is catching up with their peaceful rise. But our big V empire can't be ignored!"

"Although we and the West are allies and are closely behind in international affairs, we also have our own interests. No matter who ignores us, they will eventually wake up and make a mistake."

"Only in the last resort, we can choose the second option, that is, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs just said that once a war starts, we can only formulate corresponding countermeasures based on the rapid changes on the battlefield."

Everyone finally understands that at the most critical moment, the highest official still considers whether it is just a deterrent or a war must be waged.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said at this time: "In fact, what your Excellency said is not inconsistent with what we said. We can also decide on the two options on the spot."

The Secretary of Defense immediately understood, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, our aircraft carrier formation sails into their offshore waters. If they compromise, we will act according to the compromise, and it will be a long-distance military exercise."

"If they dare to resist, we will follow the second plan and fight until they compromise or even go into exile!"

The Chief Officer looked around the others and asked if they had any opinions.

Others agreed with the opinions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of Defense. The Supreme Chief nodded, and when he was preparing to make a concluding remarks, the Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "Just now we are only targeting N or N and S, and We cannot ignore two factors, one is Fan Jianming and the other is Xi**fu."

The highest officer asked puzzledly: "What do you mean--"

"Let’s talk about the Western Military Commission first," said the foreign secretary, "I feel that Mr. Davis and Ai

Ms. Linna is a little bit intangible. On the one hand, they acquiesced to us to start war on N country, and on the other hand they sent a congratulatory message to their so-called **** country. "

The Director of the Military Intelligence Bureau said coldly: "This is their habitual trick. From their founding to today, are we still suffering from their losses?"

"Yes," said the Chancellor of the Exchequer: "They are just two sides who pleases, and whoever wins and loses will not lose their share of the cake!"

The Secretary of Defense glanced at the Secretary of Finance contemptuously: "Do you think we have the possibility of losing?"

The chancellor smiled awkwardly: "I'm just making an analogy."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said: "But I think the Secretary of the Exchequer's remarks are good. The so-called loss depends on what stand you understand."

"Just like the world is paying attention to our Super League, the competition between an absolutely strong team and an absolutely weak team is not only measured by the final win or loss. Sometimes a tie means the strong team has lost, and some At that time, even if a strong team wins a small goal, it is equal to a loss!"

The highest official nodded and said: "The Minister of Foreign Affairs is right. To N country, or to their so-called peace oasis **** country, if we use the analogy of football, we can win ten or even a hundred goals. But if the opponent breaks the door once, in a sense, we also lose, at least because everyone’s faces don’t look good."

Everyone here can understand the meaning of this passage.

Although there is no question of losing in this war, if a relatively large price is paid, in a sense, it is considered to be lost.

The Secretary of Defense laughed and said: "Not only the MIB, their former warlord government, and even the Western mercenary corps have provided us with information about the weapons and equipment and combat capabilities of the N country and the S** team."

"Faced with this kind of weapons and equipment and combat capabilities that were only available a hundred years ago, or even the First World War, I really can't think of how to lose the army of our Great V Empire?"

The Minister of National Defense said these words, and everyone said it silently.

Everyone has no reason to oppose, and at the same time they dare not oppose it.

Now that you have decided to send troops, you can't say anything frustrating. Even if you can't boost morale, you should at least remain silent.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs smiled at this time: "So I just said that, there are two other factors to consider, in addition to the Western attitude, that is the headache Fan Jianming."

(End of this chapter)