Return of the King

Chapter 1791: Everyone has their own thoughts


After the latest list of members and your job titles were announced, the world was boiling again.

Country V has the strongest reaction.

"It doesn't matter if Leah becomes the director of the General Intelligence Bureau, but she magically entered the cabinet?"

"Is this conveying a certain message to the world that Western forces have penetrated into the Peace Oasis Federation?"

"What shall we do, is it war or peace?"

"Do we still have a way out? As long as we don't go to war, we lose, which is to prove to the world that the former Great V Empire, with the birth of this peace oasis federation, will go to true decline!"

Although they were worried, all the members of the cabinet of Country V were unwilling to read in capitals!

Finally seized an opportunity to use the least developed country in the world to show off his own force. Is it because Leah is such a little girl that he is discouraged?

They argued for a few days, and finally decided to prepare for the war as originally planned.

At the same time, they perfected the original "System Clone" plan and added an "inside memorandum", which means that the former warlords of the S and N countries will be inspired by the establishment of the emerging **** country. Give up the weapon and surrender to the ****.

In order to cover people's eyes and ears, even tens of thousands of refugees were used as cover, so that they were also called by the ****.

In this case, about one-fifth of the armed forces are well-trained soldiers, and tens of thousands of refugees are pouring into S and N respectively from the border of W.

Their plan did not ventilate to the Western Communist government, and even concealed it from the armed Western instructors.

After seeing the list of members of the Peace Oasis **** cabinet, the Western ** government felt a little complicated.

The MPs who support the current government applaud, of course, because an ordinary mixed-race citizen of the West has suddenly become a cabinet member of the Peace Oasis Federation, and holds the post of Director of the State Intelligence Administration, which is generally valued by Westerners.

In their view, Fan Jianming and his Peace Oasis Federation are not only showing goodwill to the West, they may even regard the West as their support.

In particular, the New World Global Investment Co., Ltd., which Fan Jianming and Jordan cooperated, was registered in the West. In addition, under his name, there are two large entertainment companies, Little Ginza and West Coast Club. They identified Fan Jianming and Xinsheng An oasis of peace in China, it will definitely turn to the West in the future.

They even voluntarily asked the Supreme Chief Old Davis to quickly ask Fan Jianming and his federal government to apply for Canada’s United States and the United States.

The party must push hard, and must not lose to the East and another big country on this issue.

Members who oppose the current government feel that Fan Jianming will never be that simple.

Regardless of his young age, he has no experience in politics at all.

Even putting aside his personal participation in the battle, what he has done since the establishment of the ****, especially the cabinet list, fully demonstrates that Fan Jianming is a genius in politics.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

These congressmen can definitely see from this list that Fan Jianming's use of Eastern wisdom has balanced the relationship between the parties and resolved many potential contradictions in a silent place.

Because of this, they felt that Fan Jianming was a young politician with personality and even ambitiousness, and he would not easily become a vassal of the West.

But one thing they didn’t want to understand was why institutions that are not present in this list of members, such as the President of the People’s Assembly, such as the President of the Federal Court, such as the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Police, and even the Minister of Construction, are included. The cabinet.

How can the chancellor of the exchequer, who is concerned with the lifeblood of a country's economy, fail to enter the cabinet?

Is it because there is no suitable candidate for the chancellor of the exchequer, or is there no Ministry of Finance at all for this ****?

With the political wisdom that Fan Jianming has embodied so far, it is impossible to make such a mistake.

Even if this issue is ignored by him, other government officials will realize what an important position the Chancellor of Finance is!

In addition to admiring Fan Jianming, "do not understand"? It is also the evaluation of Fan Jianming by western lawmakers.

When Old Davis saw this list of cabinet members, he was immediately exasperated.

For example, in order to infiltrate into the S country, he even decided to let Audrey lure Aruga at all costs, let Pierce buy out Nong Lie, and let Wellington, Shangguan's wife and Shangguan approach Fan Jianming leisurely.

It's all right now. They didn't have any strength. Old Davis's nephew and granddaughter went directly to the cabinet, and she was the director of the General Information Administration.

Next, Fan Jianming and his peace oasis are there any secrets to the West?

And the credit for all this, old Davis had to be credited to Elena's head.

Although Davis put pressure on Fan Jianming on the grounds of providing weapons, if Elena had not always maintained a good relationship with Fan Jianming, I am afraid he would not commit it so easily and willingly, right?

At this time, the director of the Western Intelligence Bureau reported to him that from all indications, country V is still increasing its preparation for war, and all the ships participating in the expeditionary aircraft carrier formation have entered the final stage.

Overhaul status.

Moreover, a large number of air combat, land combat, and naval combat personnel have been in place step by step, but they have no intention of ventilating with the West. Wars may break out anytime and anywhere.

After receiving this news, not only did the old Davis not be angry, but he seemed to be ready for it.

In his opinion, it is better for country V to not ventilate. Once the war starts, if there is something wrong, country V has no reason to blame the ally of the West.

And as long as the aircraft carrier formation of country V is dispatched, the whole world will know for the first time, as long as Davis is willing, he can still condemn the government of country V by that time.

More importantly, in the view of Old Davis, State V insisted on going to war. It was a mistaken underestimation of Fan Jianming's ability, and it was destined to be in a big trouble.

Even if there is a miracle, the country V won in the end, and the price they paid is probably too painful to accept.

Even though the military equipment of Peace Oasis is in primitive society compared with Country V, Fan Jianming's energy is not comparable to that of ordinary people, or even unimaginable.

In other words, whether to fight or not to fight, country V is destined to decline from then on. In that case, among all Western allies, no country can challenge the West anymore.

Complete military dependence will inevitably lose the right to speak in the market economy. In that case, these allies can only be at the mercy of the West.

The basic national policy of the West is to try to suppress catch-ups from all over the world.

In the military, they focused on hitting another big country.

Economically, their spearhead is directed at the east.

Country V is honest. The other Western allies who are in contact with the East and another big country, because of the disparity in strength, may only be able to shrink their own bodies, and honestly seek the shelter of the West without daring to cross the thunder pond.

If it is defeated, not to mention it.

Therefore, this war between Country V and the Oasis of Peace has no harm to the West.

And in order to promote the end of country V, the old Davis and his government also intend to secretly help Fan Jianming.

Using your own enemies to defeat your allies is probably a routine that only Westerners can think of.

Of course, if the war in Country V is not bad news for the West, then another piece of news will leave old Davis behind.

Sutu, the executive officer of the Peace Oasis **** country, announced that they will introduce 5G communications and use the Beidou system from the East, while importing the air defense system S-500 from another major country.

(End of this chapter)