Return of the King

Chapter 1808: Cultivating successors


In the eyes of the Minister of Justice, Norma is her own. If she is a boy, the position of the highest official of the N country will be hers sooner or later.

Because she is a girl, her father is anxious to let her marry Fan Jianming, hoping that her son-in-law will inherit the great cause.

Now a country of **** has been established. As a veteran of country N, he certainly supports Norma's ****, but he is worried that people in country S have different ideas.

What's more, Sutu is now the executive officer of ****, so he dare not express his position first, and can only follow Sutu.

It's just that he doesn't know that Sutu was able to serve as the executive officer of Country N, and now he can serve as the executive officer of the ****, has always been recommended by Fan Jianming.

Moreover, when Aruga had an accident last time, he knew very well that if it were not for Fan Jianming's guarantee, it would be impossible for Nong Lie to keep him as the executive officer of Country S.

Sutu has always been grateful for Fan Jianming's support and help, and almost regards himself as Fan Jianming's person.

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from Norma and her father, as well as Leah, among the people present, the relationship between the prime figure and Fan Jianming is the strongest.

Otherwise, Fan Jianming would never let him serve as the executive officer of ****.

For any order of Fan Jianming, he will execute it without compromise.

"Your Excellency," Sutu said, "Don't worry, I will do my best to cooperate with Minister Norma on the basis of doing my duty in Country S."

The Minister of Justice said at this time: "Your Excellency, you can rest assured, I will fully cooperate with Minister Norma just like the Executive Officer, but I still want to make an immature suggestion."

Fan Jianming said, "Please speak."

"The Minister of Norma used to be the Minister of Construction of the N country, and now he is only the Minister of Construction of the ****. In order to facilitate the work during the departure of the three lords, would you consider appointing her a new position, even if it is only a part-time job? , It's just right."

Fan Jianming was right to think about it. He glanced at the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Police.

The two of them nodded at the same time. Needless to say, the Minister of Police, he was originally the Minister of National Defense of N country.

The Minister of National Defense has always felt that Fan Jianming is fair, and he has fought side by side with Fan Jianming in the past, and he regards himself as Fan Jianming's person.

For Norma, although she is from the N country, the Minister of National Defense has regarded her as Fan Jianming's fiancée, of course there is nothing to say.

Fan Jianming immediately called Nong Lie and Norma's father aside to discuss.

Norma's father said, "I won't be involved in Norma's affairs. After all, I am her father."

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "Your Excellency Speaker, this can't be done.

According to you, she is still my fiancee! Should I be more involved? "

Nong Lie said: "Yes! I remember that the highest official went under the country. When he was in the S country, he always said that there was a famous saying in the East, which is called "Don't avoid your relatives when you raise yourself, and don't avoid suspicion when you raise your hands outside."

"It's like the Wellington just now. Your Excellency the Supreme Chief has always known that he is an agent of the Western Intelligence Agency, but kept him by his side and reused him. Until now he became the director of the Western Intelligence Agency's African Directorate. Your Excellency still trusted him. ."

"To be honest, this is the charm of the supreme chief. Putting it on him is personal charm. Putting it in a country is the charm of a country!"

"Our newly born **** country must first establish the charm of the country!"

Fan Jianming really didn't expect that Nong Lie, who was born in the ranks of Wu, could actually say this. When he was together for so many years, he hadn't noticed that his mind was so enlightened.

If I had known this a long time ago, Aruga should not have been supported at the beginning. If Nong Lie had been supported, there would have been so many things afterwards.

Nong Lie said that Norma's father was a little embarrassed, but he felt very happy in his heart. After all, this was discussing his daughter's affairs.

"The official is right," Norma's father smiled embarrassedly: "It's just that I can't think of a better position, so..."

He and Nong Lie turned their eyes to Fan Jianming at the same time.

Fan Jianming thought for a while and said, "Let's do it, I propose to establish a post of Secretary General of the Cabinet Meeting. This post is not only an assistant to the three of us, but also a spokesperson for the three of us."

Nonglie and Norma's father thought it was okay and agreed on the spot.

Fan Jianming immediately announced on the spot that from now on, Norma will serve as the secretary-general of the **** cabinet meeting and concurrently as the minister of construction of ****.

In this way, Norma was justified in presiding over **** work while they were away.

Fan Jianming then told everyone that a considerable number of refugees who had just received information from Sofia had actually infiltrated and instigated rebellion.

The so-called soldiers armed by the former warlords who have turned their backs are almost like special forces. They have only one purpose, and that is to support the war launched by the V army.

When everyone listened, they understood why Fan Jianming was so good to Wellington and Sofia. It turned out that both of them had been used by Fan Jianming.

Nong Lie immediately said: "This is easy! We have confined all the refugees who have recently returned to China to one area. As for the soldiers who have turned their backs, we will arrest them all on the grounds of training!"


inappropriate. "Fan Jianming shook his head and said, "Although these people are used by the enemy, they can also be used by us. If we restrict and arrest them separately now, it is equivalent to telling country V that we have seen through their conspiracy, and they will definitely think about it. Way. "

"Only when we don't know anything, they will be proud. Once the war breaks out, we will have another sudden urn to catch turtles. In this way, they will be caught off guard."

The Minister of National Defense said: "Li is such a rationale, but this method of catching oneself is dangerous. After all, there are too many of them, so it is good to be concentrated. If they are scattered among the civilians or various units, I am worried that it will be difficult to control in the future."

Fan Jianming said at this time: "The soldiers who turned upside down, you must extend a warm welcome, and even ask them to do the work of the armed soldiers of all warlords. In this way, you can paralyze them to the greatest extent."

"At the same time, you must control them and not get close to the key departments, especially not all the weapons and equipment we have come in this time. It must make them feel that our armed forces are still at the level of the past."

The Minister of National Defense nodded and said, "Although it is a bit difficult, I will definitely arrange my work and strive to do my best."

Fan Jianming turned to the Minister of Police and said: "Those refugees are your business. Remember, from the moment you became the Minister of Police, our federal police are not only maintaining traffic order, but must pay attention to the state. Safety."

"If the police force is not enough, first allocate a part of the force from the army to the police. For these refugees, they cannot be explicitly restricted in a certain area, but they can be arranged relatively concentrated temporarily on the grounds of physical examination."

"For some young, sick and disabled, you can ask them to find their relatives and friends after a few days of examination, but they must never leave your sight."

The Minister of Police responded: "Yes!"

Fan Jianming turned to Leah and said: "You, the director of the General Information Administration, in addition to installing these equipment as quickly as possible, you must also cooperate with the Minister of National Defense and Police to monitor the refugees and anti-Gemini soldiers throughout the process. "

Leah raised her chest: "Yes!"

"Also," Fan Jianming said, "Whether it is refugees or these soldiers, unless they start riots in advance, otherwise, don't use force against them."

"If time permits, after I come back, I will meet with all of them. After all, they are all my compatriots. If they can really come back to build their own country, it will be a great fortune for the entire country! "

(End of this chapter)