Return of the King

Chapter 1816: Heavy and Hearty


Because Fan Jianming’s identity is different now, it’s impossible to go to the office often in person. Even if he doesn’t care about his identity when facing the cadres of the motherland, the problem is that he has to consider the feelings of the officials and people in the country N, now an oasis of peace .

So he asked the director and Dong Mingxia to be invited to his office. In other words, the highest official of the Peace Oasis **** country, the first time he met with foreign officials, was from the East.

This shows that an unbreakable friendship will be formed between the future peace oasis **** country and the East, and it will be passed on from generation to generation.

He had only one purpose for meeting the two people, and that was to ask one of them to go back to the east and go to the front station in advance. He must pay attention to and receive Nong Lie's trip.

The director told him that the office had received an order from the Dongfang Government to ask him to **** and negotiate about Nong Lie’s visit and reception.

It seems that Fan Jianming and the domestic leaders have thought of going together.

Fan Jianming's original intention was to hope that Dong Mingxia could return to China. After all, she has a closer relationship with herself. If Nong Lie encounters any problems in China, Dong Mingxia can call him as soon as possible.

However, the domestic leaders considered that the director was a full-time post and transferred him back to the country to understand the situation. During the visit of Nonglie, the director was also a higher standard as the representative of the liaison between the Dongfang government and Nonglie.

If Dong Mingxia was allowed to return to China, it would have no such effect.

Fan Jianming felt that the domestic leaders were more considerate, so he especially urged the director that if any problems are involved during Nong Lie's visit to the East, the director can call him 24 hours a day.

The director also meant this, so the two easily reached a consensus.

The director asked: "Your Excellency, if the Supreme Deputy Chief Nonglie proposed to visit your hometown, which is our Jiangcheng, do you think it should be arranged?"

Fan Jianming nodded and said: "I didn't talk about this matter with him, but based on what I know about him, I'm afraid he will make this request by then."

"Well, I asked Fang Yadan, the chairman of the Jiangcheng Chamber of Commerce, to form a delegation of real estate developers in the province as soon as possible to inspect. Since Nong Lie visited in the past, he will almost certainly make a request to visit our hometown."

"The first thing you do when you return to your country, please contact the leaders of the province, so that the members of the inspection team can prepare well. It is best to let Nong Lie visit their company."

"This time I

The Minister of Commerce was specially arranged to start with Nong Lie. In addition to those real estate companies, including some other large companies in the province, as well as our ecological agriculture, we must let them see more. "

The director understood what Fan Jianming meant. He wanted to take this opportunity to let Nong Lie fully understand the situation of various enterprises in the province.

Fan Jianming was originally the highest official of the ****, and Norma's father was also the speaker of the parliament.

If Nong Lie and the Minister of Commerce left a good impression during their visit to Jiangcheng, in the future, enterprises from the province will come here to develop, as long as the Minister of Commerce strongly recommends it, I am afraid that the entire cabinet will not object.

The director nodded: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, I will definitely convey your meaning to the leaders of the province. I have another suggestion, I don't know if I should mention it or not?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "You are in charge of my parents, and your suggestions are instructions to me. There is nothing that should or shouldn't be, only what you are willing to mention."

The director hurriedly shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, this is what I want to say. Your patriotic heart, all the officials who have been in contact with your motherland, can be said to be obvious to all."

"But you must not forget, your current status is the highest official of the peace oasis **** country, don't you think that in this position, you are in this position, far more than you will restore the nationality of the East in the future and return to your own Is the motherland more conducive to your concern for the development of the East and the Oasis of Peace?"

Fan Jianming was taken aback: "Director, what do you mean is that I better not think about restoring my Eastern nationality?"

The director nodded: "This matter should be viewed from two aspects. In the first aspect, the leaders of the province and the capital have already assured you that as long as you are willing to return to your country, you can restore your nationality anytime and anywhere. , I don’t want to say more about this."

"Today I want to take the liberty to ask another question from my personal point of view. Why do you have to think of returning to your country to restore your nationality? Don't you think that staying here and staying in the position of the highest official can do more for you? Do you love serving the motherland?"

"Of course, we in the East rely on peaceful rise. Your Excellency, don't get me wrong. I don't want you to be a spy here."

"Our government advocates the Belt and Road Initiative and harmoniously build a community with a shared future for mankind. If you are in this position, as long as you are wholeheartedly working for the well-being of the people of a peaceful oasis country, you are equal to the wishes of our government

A high degree of consistency. "

"We just want to do our part for the development of people all over the world, especially the poor and backward African people, within our capacity."

Fan Jianming nodded thoughtfully.

The director continued: "Have you ever thought that the Peace Oasis Federation can be established entirely because of your personal prestige among the people of the two countries. Everyone hopes that you can stay and lead them."

"Once you leave this position, let's not talk about the relationship between the future peace oasis *** and the East. I am afraid that even the two *** joined will have other variables due to popular feelings."

"You know more about the situation in Africa than I do. The West and its allies have a particularly strong penetration here. Once you leave, maybe this place will be caught in the flames of war again. In a few years, maybe this place will become a puppet regime for the invaders. , And even stand on the opposite side of our east."

The director's remarks are by no means alarmist. If Fan Jianming insists on leaving, the situation he hypothesized is likely to happen in reality. It is by no means what Fan Jianming wants to see.

As long as Fan Jianming is still here, no matter how the West and its allies infiltrate, the Oasis of Peace will never stand opposite the East, that’s for sure.

In this sense, Fan Jianming's stay here will benefit the people of the Peace Oasis and the Dongfang Government without any harm.

Fan Jianming smiled: "Director, I haven't really considered this issue so much, but I will seriously consider your suggestion."

The director smiled and said, "Your Excellency the Supreme Chief..."

Fan Jianming waved his hand: "Director, I didn't call you a leader anymore. Don't call you "Your Excellency" anymore. Let me sit on pins and needles."

"No," the director said suddenly and very seriously: "This is exactly what I want to suggest to you next. In the future, whether you are facing me or any other official from the East, you have to put your position right. "

"You are now the highest official of the peace oasis **** country. You can treat officials in the East like officials from other countries, and you can no longer be as humble as you are now."

"Of course, if you are with the senior officials of the Eastern Communist Party, what kind of attitude should you take? That is something you consider, but treat the officials in your hometown and treat those that are not commensurate with your position, even if it is Provincial officials, you must never be like this again."

(End of this chapter)