Return of the King

Chapter 1836: How did he know


Fan Jianming said at this time: "At the beginning of the establishment of our peace oasis country, friendly Western people extended an olive branch to us. You can see from our country's name that we are a peace-loving country. "

"It’s a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar! Just now this reporter friend said that my trip to the West was to seek asylum. What I want to say is that once the West is in danger, we will be friends as well. The power of this will help the western people to solve their problems."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present heaved a sigh of relief.

Regarding the reporter's "seeking asylum", most people really don't know how to answer it. If it doesn't, it will smell like gunpowder. Fan Jianming's answer is a good way to grasp it.

He did not directly refute that it was seeking asylum, but told everyone that even asylum is mutual.

If the Oasis of Peace is in danger, the West will come to the rescue, and if the Oasis of Peace is in danger, the Oasis of Peace will also come forward. This is reciprocal.

At such a young age, Fan Jianming was able to resolve this problem calmly when facing the media all over the world for the first time, which was enough to make people move.

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "I will answer the reporter's first question here. As for the second question, it is even simpler."

Everyone present was stunned.

In a sense, the second question is far more difficult to answer than the first question. Fan Jianming’s experience and identity are there, and it is impossible to avoid it. How can I explain to the world that although he was once an Oriental People, but now, as the highest official of the Peace Oasis Federation, will he wholeheartedly work for the well-being of the people of the Peace Oasis?

Fan Jianming said: "If I remember correctly, this reporter was born in the West, but your father immigrated from Country V, right?"

The reporter was stunned. Most people don't know about this kind of thing. How did Fan Jianming know?

Fan Jianming asked again: "But your great-grandfather was from European country K. He married a wife from country V and finally immigrated to country V. Am I right?"

The reporter was completely stunned!

This matter, let alone family, friends and colleagues, even his wife did not know, how did Fan Jianming know about it?

Fan Jianming went on to say: "And your great-grandfather's grandfather, that is, your lieutenant ancestor, used to be a European man

At that time, he also participated in the invasion and colonization of the people of the African continent, and also had an illegitimate child with a black girl. "

"Before he died, he once told his descendants that the Europeans he represented had committed unforgivable crimes against the African continent and prayed for God's forgiveness all his life."

"I didn't have specific research. Perhaps in Africa, or even in our peace oasis, there is another bloodline of your family."

When Fan Jianming said this, the reporters in the audience looked stunned and stared at the reporter in surprise.

The reporter was sitting there, his face flushed and white, and sweat was coming out of his forehead.


What does this guy do?

Even the Western Intelligence Bureau can't figure out my family history. How did he know it?

Moreover, these things were explained to me after my adulthood and before my father died. I didn't even say to my son, he...

The reporter looked at Fan Jianming with embarrassment.

Fan Jianming smiled at this time: "You are now a reporter for the weekly, and before that, you worked as an editor for the weekly's rival Shikan Magazine."

"Before you became an editor, you participated in the regular western army, and later joined mercenaries in the Middle East. As a result, in a battle, your mercenary also attacked a convoy of the regular western army, killing and wounding nine western soldiers. Soldier, am I right?"

The reporters next to the reporter all found that big beads of sweat were falling from the reporter's head.

These are the reporter's secrets, almost no one knows except himself, but Fan Jianming said it like a treasure.

Fan Jianming finally asked: "Then I want to ask you, do I treat you as a weekly magazine, or an editor of a trial issue, a soldier of the Western regular army, or a member of a mercenary?"

"Also, are you a Westerner, a gangster, a K countryman, or a V country?"

"My ancestors were Orientals. I now have the nationality of Peace Oasis. Of course, I want to work for the well-being of the people of Peace Oasis."

"Just like you, no matter which country your ancestors are from, it doesn't prevent you from becoming a Westerner now. No matter how many careers you have chosen, it doesn't prevent you from being a weekly reporter."

"Do you think that because you have had so many complicated experiences and the ancestors of so many countries, your country, what you have

Should the service company doubt your loyalty? "

Only then did the reporter realize that the biggest mistake he had made in his life was to raise two questions about the hope that Fan Jianming would be embarrassed with a dismissive attitude.

Now he is not just a matter of making a fool of himself.

In front of news media around the world, Fan Jianming said that he had participated in attacking the convoy of the Western regular army. That was a big case.

The official explanation is that after the attack, the Western Air Force counterattacked and killed all the attackers. Now it was discovered that the reporter was a slippery fish. According to Western law, he would never be spared.

Seeing this situation, Elena shook her head, breathed a sigh of relief, and quietly said to Li Qianqian: "It seems that our worry is unnecessary. Fan's answer is enough to make news media all over the world. Look at him with admiration!"

Li Qianqian kept clenching a pair of small pink fists, her palms were sweating.

After hearing Elena's praise, she relaxed her tight nerves and smiled reluctantly, which was regarded as a response to Elena.

Before the host asked, all the reporters raised their hands one after another.

Old Davis was obviously satisfied with Fan Jianming's answer.

He was very clear about the entire agenda of the previous press conference and the way in which questions were allocated. The next arrangement should be for reporters arranged in advance to ask him questions.

But he glanced at the host, which meant that the host decided temporarily to allow other reporters to ask questions. It would be better to ask him questions. If you ask Fan Jianming questions, he would be willing to listen. How would Fan Jianming answer?

The host immediately broke the previous arrangement and directly asked a reporter from the V country news agency to ask questions.

The reporter stood up, expressionless, and asked in a particularly cold voice: "Your Excellency, before the establishment of the Peace Oasis Federation, two of my colleagues lost their lives in Country N."

"This is a ** country that is grossly involved in and suppressing freedom of the press. Do you think that after the establishment of a federation, you can help the ** government of country N to escape the criticism and sanctions of the world?"

"The government of country V has issued a notice. If you don’t hand over the murderer, it is equivalent to declaring war on country V. In this case, you rushed to the West to establish diplomatic relations with the western government. You think you can stop it by doing so. Will the government of Country V seek justice for our *** counterparts?"

(End of this chapter)