Return of the King

Chapter 1842: Faith to Win


Old Davis nodded and said, "This shouldn't be a problem. After you finish the visit, I can take two ways. One is to invite their top officials to visit our country; the other is to ask our Secretary of Defense to propose to them. Hold a military exercise."

This is a good way.

Since old Davis and his government are not good at direct dissuasion, they can use other forms, as he said, inviting the other party to visit or hold military exercises. Country V should have no reason to refuse.

Old Davis went on to say: "But I personally think that even if it is delayed for some time, it will not be of any use to you. The gap between you and Country V is more than a little bit. Let alone catch up with them, as far as the current national strength is concerned. , Given you ten years, your national strength and military strength may not reach one-tenth of theirs."

Old Davis's words were ugly but pertinent. The delay for ten and a half days had no effect on the Oasis of Peace.

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "I know this very well. I just want to fight for even one day, so I can take the time to arrange the civilians. I don't want innocent people to die in this war."

Old Davis thought for a while and said, "In fact, there is another way to avoid this war."

"Let's admit to killing two reporters, or manslaughter?" Fan Jianming shook his head: "If you want to commit a crime, why don't you have any trouble? This reminds me of a fairy tale."

"A wolf that was dizzy with hunger saw a sheep. The wolf wanted to treat the sheep as a lunch, and said that the sheep had soiled the water of the stream. The sheep tried to explain that the water was not soiled by themselves. Is it useful?"

"What's more, as long as we admit that two reporters from country V died within our borders, whether it was murder or manslaughter, country V has an excuse to inquire about crime. All I have to do now is not to give them any excuses.

Old Davis knew very well that Fan Jianming could say it all.

As long as Fan Jianming's Peace Oasis Federation does not recognize it, even if it is defeated by then, country V will not take advantage of any international public opinion.

If Fan Jianming's Peace Oasis Federation admits that something is really happening, then the initiative and justice of the war are completely in the hands of country V.

When the time comes, the Peace Oasis Federation is like a lamb to be slaughtered, and when will country V want to move?

Hand, to what extent, even the international community cannot condemn it.

Old Davis sighed: "Okay, I will try to buy you a little more time, **I'll talk about this, now let's talk about housework!"

Fan Jianming smiled.

Just at the press conference, a reporter from a news media controlled by the Western opposition parties asked whether Leah was so young that she was able to become a cabinet member and director of the General Intelligence Agency of the Peace Oasis Federation because she was really Davis. Illegitimate daughter.

Fan Jianming just wanted to use her to involve the West in the possible war that State V might launch against the Peace Oasis Federation?

Fan Jianming replied with a smile at the time: "Director Leah's life is personal and private. If the reporter wants to know, I have the opportunity to interview her directly. As for why she can enter the cabinet, because I am going to marry her!"

When Fan Jianming's voice fell, everyone burst into laughter.

The reporter thinks this is Fan Jianming's humor.

After all, the director of the General Intelligence Bureau is a very sensitive position, and Fan Jianming's refusal to give a positive answer is excusable.

Old Davis asked at this time: "Do you really plan to marry Leah?"

Fan Jianming nodded and said: "Even if Mr. Davis did not reach a verbal agreement with me, I plan to marry her. After all, she is a very good but suffering girl, and she also likes me, I can't ignore it. His existence."

Old Davis said: "If possible, I hope you will marry her when you return to China. As long as you become a well-known couple, once you are defeated, I can't guarantee anything else. I can guarantee the safety of your family. You provide refuge in exile in the West."

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "So your family intends to accept Leah?"

Old Davis smiled bitterly: "Acceptance or rejection has become a fact. You have to be clear, we are not disgusting with her skin color and background, but we are afraid that her appearance will affect the reputation of the Davis family."

"Since everyone understands it now, although we will not publicly confess it, nor will we publicly deny it. Then after you get married, I have a good reason to save your lives with the government of country V."

Fan Jianming nodded very solemnly and said, "On behalf of Leah and myself, first of all thank you for your kindness. But what I want to say is that if we get

After the victory of the war, maybe I will come to the West with Leah and recognize your family. "

"If we lose the battle, I believe Leah will, like me, leave our lives and blood in the hot land of the peace oasis forever!"

Old Davis knew that Fan Jianming was definitely not chanting empty slogans. As a young supreme official who was a freshman, it was impossible for him to abandon his country and people when he was defeated, and gangsters went overseas to survive.

He also believed that what Fan Jianming said was the truth, and Leah would not.

If Fan Jianming is for the country and the people, then Leah is for Fan Jianming and love!

The people of the Peace Oasis Federation watched live TV programs on TV for the first time. It was a press conference jointly held by Old Davis and Fan Jianming. For the broadcast of TV programs, they rented Eastern communications satellites.

After seeing Fan Jianming's performance at the press conference, it can be said to be joyful and happy.

To be honest, although people in the Peace Oasis Federation do not want to see the West, they also know that the West is a superpower in the world. Seeing their supreme chief and the other's supreme chief are together, a sense of pride arises spontaneously.

When Fan Jianming responded to the vicious and attacking questions from reporters in the West and V, the audience in front of the TV could not help clapping.

As for some questions about the possibility of a war by State V, Fan Jianming’s audacious attitude and belief in victory have caused many people to sing and dance in front of the TV.

The poorer and weaker the country, the more hopeful they have a strong leader, whether they are in country S or country N, they were either colonized or locked away before, and they have never even watched their country through the form of television* **Performance in foreign affairs situations.

This is the first time in history, and Fan Jianming's answer has aroused cheers and applause from the reporters on the scene again and again, making them even more convinced that as the highest official of the Federation, Fan Jianming is definitely their best choice.

When Fan Jianming said that once a war broke out, Fan Jianming would use his life and blood to defend the dignity of the country and the people, many cities in the Peace Oasis Federation *** boiled!

In the face of wars that may break out at any time, and seeing such a supreme official, the people of the Peace Oasis Federation have even exceeded Fan Jianming's belief in victory.

(End of this chapter)