Return of the King

Chapter 185: Natural agent


Shangguan Youran walked to Fan Jianming's side, and stood shoulder to shoulder with him at the window, looking out the window.

Fan Jianming put the phone in his pocket and put his arms around Shangguan You Ran's waist, and said sincerely, "Thank you for everything you have done for me. It's just that the overall situation has been decided. We seem to be powerless. To be honest, I am now The only regret is that just..."

"Don't say such discouraging words," Shangguan's leisurely gaze is rare to be so firm: "Who is the one who will kill you, it is not certain!"

"what do you mean--"

"My boss just said that in our organization, some people want you to die, but some people want you to live. What I want to do now is to find people who want you to live."

Fan Jianming smiled: "If I guessed correctly, you, a natural agent, should be a peripheral member of the Intelligence Bureau, and those who want me to die and those who want me to live are all decision makers within the Intelligence Bureau. With your current status, I’m afraid it’s impossible to understand this situation."

"It's man-made, why do you have so little confidence in me?"

"Are you really going to help me?"

"if not?"

"In that case, can you listen to me a suggestion?"


"You tell me the identity of James. I will try to investigate and understand him. In that case, maybe we can use him to find out who in your organization wants me to continue to live."

Shangguan sighed leisurely: "I don't know who he is, to be precise, I have never seen him!"


I'm going, what kind of agent?

This atypical is an informant, and is it still an untrustworthy informant?

Think about it, too, notorious, notorious, and the Western Intelligence Agency is indeed a powerful existence. How could they make an ignorant girl a professional agent that they can trust?

Fan Jianming's speechless expression greatly hurt Shangguan leisurely self-esteem.

She could see that Shangguan Youran didn't distrust her, but looked down on her a little, and felt that she could not be a real agent.

"Don't look at me with that look!" Shangguan Youran explained: "You know, I am a Chinese born in the West. The reason why the Intelligence Agency recruited me as an agent did not plan to let me go abroad for missions at the beginning.

Draw. "


"Presumably you also know that a large number of Orientals have immigrated to the West in the past few years. If the East was poor in the past, it would be understandable. Now the East has made considerable progress, and its GDP has been among the best for many years. But in this case, there are still many East People have sharpened their heads and immigrated to the West, which has to make our government vigilant."

Fan Jianming smiled bitterly: "This is the so-called, the foreign moon is rounder than the domestic moon, right?"

"In fact, our country is very vigilant about these new immigrants. In addition to some hidden social forces in the Chinese-American area, the Intelligence Bureau has also trained some intelligence personnel among our Chinese-Americans. The purpose is to deal with the Chinese in China, and even All people with yellow faces are monitored. Therefore, the Intelligence Bureau has developed many agents with the same qualities as me."

"So, it seems that you were sent to Country S specially because of me?" Fan Jianming thought: "No, you arrived in Country S before I got up. Or was it because you got it wrong." It was a drawing that gave me a chance to get involved..."

Shangguan smiled leisurely: "I don't need to hide it from you anymore. Professor Shangguan is not my father."


"I went to country s as his daughter, in fact, to monitor him."


"Yes, do you remember the brick factory owner and his mercenaries who were killed when you were upset?"

"of course."

"In fact, like Mr. Shangguan, they are all employed by the Intelligence Bureau. Their purpose in country s is to find gold mines, to fund various mercenary organizations under the Intelligence Bureau, and to raise more overseas activities for the Intelligence Bureau. Funding."

That's it.

Ever since Fan Jianming learned from Chang Kai that Mr. Shangguan was teaching geological exploration in Western universities, he had vaguely realized that the reason why he appeared in country s was not simple.

I think of the previous legend about Professor Shangguan, saying that their couple was tricked into going to country S. The couple and their daughters went to country S to pan for gold, but they were hijacked by Western mercenaries, controlled in their hands, and cheap. Design all kinds of things for them.

Fan Jianming thinks that there must be something tricky. Although he is of Chinese descent, he is a citizen of Western nationality after all. How can Western ***

Hijack him?

Coincidentally, the factory owner asked him to design the chimney, but he designed a drawing of a well, but he was taken to Fan Jianming's hands by Shangguan Youran.

Fan Jianming felt that what happened in the dark was by no means as simple as it seemed.

Now Shangguan Youran's words just confirmed this point.

"If I'm not mistaken, Professor Shangguan, like you, is also a so-called natural agent, right?"

"Yes, not only him, but his wife is just like us, they are all natural agents, and they are not a couple, just like I pretended to be their daughter, they are also a fake couple."

I go, this thing is getting more and more interesting.

Shangguan Youran went on to explain that Professor Shangguan and his wife were disguised as husband and wife and were photographed in the country of S. They secretly accepted the command of the Western soldier king Pierce. On the surface, they were working for the brick factory owner who had no contact with Pierce.

Professor Shangguan discovered the gold mine under the brick factory and even drew a drawing of the mining, that is, the drawing of the well, but he hid it. He neither told the Shangguan’s wife nor reported to the superior. It was just accidental. Opportunity, was discovered by Shangguan's wife.

It just so happened that the brick factory needed to be expanded. The owner of the brick factory asked him to draw a drawing of the chimney. After he finished the drawing, Mrs. Shangguan had the idea to put a laxative in his tea and let him stay in the hospital for a few days.

Then I rummaged through the cabinets at home and finally found the picture of the well, and immediately handed it to Shangguan Youran, and asked him to give it to Fan Jianming, who was in charge of building the chimney.

Sure enough, Fan Jianming eventually found a gold mine below.

However, the development of the situation went beyond the expectation of Shangguan’s wife. At the same time as the gold mine was discovered, Fan Jianming led everyone to fight. Not only did he solve the mercenaries in the brick factory, he even began to use the sand gold in the gold mine to win over the local tribes. The chief, with the same hatred of the enemy against the surrounding illegal armed and mercenary regiments, actually hit a piece of heaven and earth.

Because of this, after understanding the specific circumstances at the time, the former head of the Intelligence Bureau was later transferred to the Office of Security Affairs.

Under his auspices, a "nanny plan" for releasing water and raising fish was formulated.

Since Fan Jianming's power has developed so quickly, they simply used their tactics to let Fan Jianming's family sit up and give him a praying mantis to catch cicadas, with the oriole behind.

(End of this chapter)