Return of the King

Chapter 1868: Clear the relationship


Fan Jianming said all that, out of trust in him, and understanding of the reality, there is no opinion.

But the so-called political arrangements that he said at the end were tantamount to political wills. After listening to everyone, except Fan Jianming himself, including the few people he mentioned, all looked confused.

Isn't Fan Jianming the Supreme Chief?

If something happens to him, shouldn't he be taken over by one of the two top deputy chiefs?

Why is it suddenly Norma's turn?

And it was Leah after Norma, and Li Qianqian after Leah. Is there no man in the country?

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if these three women take over one after another, why should the whole country surrender after Li Qianqian, or the government will go into exile?

Especially the generals present here suddenly suffocated a fire in their hearts: What are the meanings, completely ignored us?

That being the case, then you, Fan Jianming, take three beauties to fight!

Lok Ma's father and Nong Lie had originally supported Fan Jianming 100%, but after listening to his political will, both of them couldn't hold back their old faces.

Norma's father was absolutely dissatisfied with Nong Lie's feelings.

Although he hopes that one day Norma can succeed Fan Jianming as the supreme officer, but it is definitely not now.

What's more, Norma's father just hopes that his daughter can take over his position as the highest official in country n and replace the highest official of the ****, unless Fan Jianming has a firm foothold, and he recommends his wife, that is another matter. .

In the current situation, especially in the face of officials and generals of country S, Norma's father never dared to think so.

Although Nong Lie and Fan Jianming knew each other first, now Fan Jianming is his prospective son-in-law. If he wants to criticize Fan Jianming, he thinks he should fire the gun first.

"Your Excellency," Norma's father said: "You have repeatedly reiterated before that our future **** country will neither engage in monarchy nor family inheritance."

"Although in the face of the war that is about to break out, not to mention that your approach just now seems to be different. You will talk about death before you go out, which is not good for the war ten. But you make this political arrangement in advance to avoid future changes. The big difficulty, we can all understand this."

"But what I don’t understand is that once you have any problems, your position as the highest official should be determined by His Excellency Nong Lie.

Or I’m the right one to take over. After us, cabinet executive Sutu should also take over. Why did he jump onto Norma’s head? "

"The most unacceptable thing for me is that it was Leah after Norma and your wife Li Qianqian after Leah. You just let us out of the monarchy and walked into the inheritance of the family."

"More importantly, you know our tradition. Women don’t go out. Norma’s political career is a miracle. Even if there are special circumstances, Leah’s Director of the General Intelligence Bureau has been more and more recognized by everyone, but with her It’s totally inappropriate to be the top official at this age."

"You have assigned the four highest officials after you to your wife or prospective wife. Even if everyone does not object to your family inheritance, once they all have an accident, you have to let us give up resistance."

"I think your arrangement is not just a greed for power, but an insult to all men and soldiers in our country!"

Although Norma's father's voice is not high, but the words are quite strong, it can be said to express the aspirations of everyone present.

After Nong Lie listened, his face improved slightly. These words were all he wanted to say, but because of this trip to the East, he was convinced by Fan Jianming and the entire East, so the inconvenience broke out.

Now that Norma's father said these words, at least in Nong Lie's opinion, Fan Jianming's arrangement did not pass the anger with Norma's father in advance, and he felt much better at once.

Otherwise, he will feel betrayed.

Fan Jianming asked Nong Lie calmly: "Your Excellency, do you have any comments?"

The angry return was just a word from Norma's father, which had already smoothed Nong Lie's anger.

In addition, he quickly realized that after having known Fan Jianming for so many years, Fan Jianming was definitely not a power-greedy person, let alone a nepotism.

Compared to what he knows about Fan Jianming, trust is one aspect of those who are more capable and closer to him. He will never give them greater rights, because he is good at uniting all forces and not because of reuse. Own people caused public outrage.

This was the case in Country S in the past, and now it has formed a **** country. Nong Lie believes that he must also be like this.

The reason why his arrangement just aroused everyone’s anger but did not dare to speak, Nong Lie felt that Fan Jianming must have his own very mature ideas.

But everyone doesn't understand, that's why they don't understand.

Now that Norma's father has said all the ugly things, Nong Lie feels that he is going to make a round of it. If he adds more energy and jealousy, it may cause everyone to agree. The first joint meeting held by ****, I am afraid it will be Will collapse because of this.

"Your Excellency," Nong Lie said, "I believe that the doubts of the Speaker just now are also the doubts of others in this room. But I believe even more that this arrangement of your Excellency must have its own deep meaning, but we don't understand it. ."

"So now I want to hear your answer to your questions raised by the speaker."

Fan Jianming nodded, thanking Nong Lie from the bottom of his heart.

Nong Lie’s violent temper is notorious. In this kind of occasion, his heart is burning and holding his breath, and he can speak so peacefully. It can be said that he has given Fan Jianming great respect and trust, and has also established him for everyone. Set a good example.

At this time, Fan Jianming asked everyone: "Other people in this room, who else do you want to say?"

Sutu said at this time: "I can understand the general intention of the Supreme Chief. After we **** out of the monarchy, what path should we choose next? The Supreme Chief has combined the characteristics of the East and the West. , Formulated the existing system."

"In addition to the government, we have now established the National Congress and the Supreme Court, but we are not a separation of powers. We do supervise and restrict each other. Because of this, our speaker and police officer serve as the highest deputy chief at the same time. "

"My understanding is that although the speaker and the police are both the highest deputy chiefs, their positions, and their positions in their own governing bodies, have power parallel to the highest officials, so there is no one of them. , To take over the post of the highest officer. I wonder if my understanding is correct?

Fan Jianming nodded and said: "Your understanding is very correct. Although I am the highest official, I have no right to interfere with the decision made by the speaker at the National Congress, and at the legal level, I cannot interfere with the decision made by the official. Any decision."

"In other words, I and the speaker and police officer are actually equal, and there is no one who inherits the position of each other. Whether it is me or not, there will be no speaker or police officer in the future if any of the highest officials is incumbent. Take over his position!"

(End of this chapter)