Return of the King

Chapter 1872: The First Air Force


Next, Fan Jianming talked about many related details.

With regard to the details of the layout of the war, logistical support, arms distribution, and coordinated operations, everyone spoke freely and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.

For the two generals who joined the ***, this meeting is the highest level meeting they have participated in, and it is also the only meeting where they can fully listen to their expressions.

In the past, meetings were usually what the top officials said and what they did.

Sometimes they can also put forward their opinions, but in the end they are often rejected by the highest official.

But this time is different.

Fan Jianming fully listened to everyone's opinions, and made quite meticulous improvements to the entire combat deployment and arrangement.

For the sake of confidentiality, the final plan formed at the meeting will only be undertaken by the military committee and will not be issued in any written form.

The two main military leaders who joined the *** participated in the joint meeting today, and they could only put the entire plan into their minds and take it back.

Just as the meeting was about to end, Leah, who had been following the two cruisers of Country V, informed Fan Jianming and all the participants.

"Two American cruisers have arrived in the waters near our country. Our fishermen who are fishing on the high seas have found the other side's harassment."

Leah immediately turned on the big screen in the meeting room, then connected to her laptop, and played the video obtained from the Dark Lord A** on the spot.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially the generals on both sides, they never dreamed that Leah sitting here and turning on the computer would be able to see the sea situation hundreds of nautical miles away.

More people have not figured out, who is filming this and who is broadcasting it live?

They don't know that all this is the credit of the Western spy satellites. From the beginning, the Dark Domination system not only seamlessly connects with all the Western spy satellites, but also has a key unlocking program that automatically invades spy satellites of other countries.

Therefore, the Dark Domination System is a powerful and invincible spy system. Coupled with the Light Messenger project, the West is preparing to conquer the world with these two things. Unfortunately, they met Fan Jianming.

And now, this system, which was researched out by the Western Government with a huge investment, is being used by Fan Jianming.

Of course, Fan Jianming's search ability is far more powerful than this system, and it is precisely because of this that the Xi ** government decided to abandon this system.

Fan Jianming is now using this set

The system first confirmed Leah’s position in the ****, and then used this system to popularize high-tech knowledge to everyone, and at the same time boost everyone’s morale.

In the past wars, these generals made a bludgeon of the enemy's situation, and the most effective way is to send people out for reconnaissance.

Now they see the enemy situation hundreds of nautical miles away, everything is under Leah's control, not only convinced by the world's high-tech level, but also believe that Leah can definitely do well in strategizing and win thousands of miles away.

Facing an enemy whose weapons and equipment are tens of thousands of times stronger than their own, these generals can at least pass this point and establish a rare confidence.

Fan Jianming immediately drafted an announcement. It can be said that this is the first solemn statement made by the Peace Oasis ****, strongly condemning the warships of country V to expel the fishermen of the Peace Oasis on the high seas, and may launch a peace oasis at any time. The barbaric act of Oasis aggression.

At the same time, it is announced to the world that the newly born Peace Oasis Federation is capable of resisting all foreign enemies, protecting the integrity of its own airspace, territory, and territorial waters, and defending the peace and prosperity of its citizens.

Fan Jianming signed his name in the name of the Minister of National Defense and at the same time broadcast it to the world on television and radio stations in the name of the Minister of National Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

And at the first time, he asked Leah to dominate A** through the dark, and sent this statement from the Internet to the world.

In order to show his determination to defend the sovereignty and territory of the military, Fan Jianming asked the Minister of National Defense to issue an order to immediately dispatch three helicopter gunships, equipped with air-to-surface missiles, and immediately proceed to the sea where the fishermen were driven out.

This is the first time in the history of country s and country n that they have given their own air force an order to prepare for combat.

The feelings of other officials seemed a little flat, but the generals held their breath. In their opinion, this moment was simply epoch-making for the soldiers of the Union.

The Minister of National Defense was even more enthusiastic, and he seemed particularly solemnly announcing: "I order the three-plane formation of armed helicopters of the Air Force to hang up and take off immediately!"

As the Air Force Command has not yet been established, ten helicopter gunships are temporarily under the management of the General Information Administration. This order must be communicated through the command system set up by Leah, but she hesitated to glance at Fan Jianming.

Fan Jianming understood that Leah didn't have to obtain Fan Jianming's consent to deliver the Secretary of Defense's order.

The reality is that there is an extreme shortage of **** pilots, although there are

A group of pilots are undergoing training, but it hasn't been three or five days in total. How can they perform such a mission?

Leaving aside the missile's operating system, I am afraid that even normal driving cannot be achieved.

Fan Jianming told Leah with a soundproof message: "Issue the order immediately!"

At the same time, Fan Jianming took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Wellington's number, asking him to give orders to those who sent the plane to the scene.

When Wellington heard it, he was a little confused.

"Your Excellency, they are all Western Air Force pilots. You let them participate in the battle against Country V?"

Fan Jianming said: "You have two choices, either let them go, or you can fly me to the sky by yourself!"

"Your Excellency," Wellington said dubiously, "I am the director of the Western Intelligence Agency in Africa, not the director of your federal government. I have to listen to my superiors."

Fan Jianming said coldly: "Do you want me to call Elena or Old Davis?"

Wellington said: "No. I can't command these Air Force pilots, but I can command my own agents. I will immediately bring agents who know how to fly. Can you give me a clear instruction?"


"Once the opponent fires, can we fight back?"

"Nonsense, I can't fight back. Why do you hang up?"

Wellington said: "I really want to fight, don't you guys tell us the news of our agents' participation in the war?"

Fan Jianming asked, "When did your agents join the war? When did you become the head of the Western Intelligence Agency in Africa? I only know that you are a mercenary king. The Peace Oasis Federation is now spending money to invite your mercenaries to join the war. , That's it!"


After hanging up the phone, Fan Jianming immediately said to everyone: "Because of the urgency and importance of this war, I will not conceal anything about the entire deployment and process of the war, at least for the people attending the meeting today."

"But I have to reiterate that what everyone hears and sees here is best left in their brains forever. If anyone leaks the secrets, they will be punished as treason, and I, Fan Jianming, will execute it personally. Anyone can intercede for any reason. Understand?"

Fan Jianming said these words in response to the soldiers. Unexpectedly, Norma's father and Nong Lie took the lead to stand up. Everyone stood up with a crash and replied in unison: "Understood!"

(End of this chapter)