Return of the King

Chapter 1878: Stern warning


For many years, the fishermen of the Federation have been subjected to various oppression and plunder, and have never been truly protected by the state and the army.

Today is an epoch-making day for them.

They finally heard the voice of the country and uttered a shocking roar above their heads.

Those arrogant sailors of Country V, instantly holding their heads and scurrying, made them feel proud for the first time!

They fished in this sea area and never dared to raise their national flag.

Seeing three helicopter gunships flying by with their national flags whizzing by, they rushed into the cabin, raised their national flags one after another, and sang their national anthem loudly.

In the meeting room, everyone witnessed this scene, tears filled their eyes.

Some older officials were so moved and wept bitterly.

The flagships of the two cruisers actually discovered three helicopter gunships very early. Judging from the models, these three aircraft are relatively advanced models in the West, and they thought they were aircraft from Western bases.

It was only when it approached that it was discovered that the national flags of country n were all flying on the three planes. Only then did the alarm hurriedly sounded.

"Damn it!" The captain sipped, "Where did they get these guys?"

Others are also blindfolded.

The captain immediately ordered to enter a state of combat readiness, and at the same time activated the weapon system. The missiles on the two warships immediately locked three helicopters.

"Oasis, Black Hawk calling," the lead pilot's voice passed to Leah's computer: "We have been locked by the enemy, and we have also locked the enemy, over!"

Li Qianqian glanced at Norma at this time, her eyes full of encouragement.

Norma understood that Li Qianqian asked her to direct.

Norma took a deep breath and was about to issue commands to the laptop. Leah immediately handed her a Bluetooth wireless microphone, which was very small and the size of a disposable lighter.

Many people present have never seen such a small microphone, and it feels very fresh and novel.

Norma glanced at Li Qianqian again, and after receiving full trust and encouragement, said to the lead pilot: "Black Hawk, Oasis has been received, if the enemy dares to open fire, immediately destroy them!"

When the driver heard this, he said to the co-pilot next to him: "Damn it, isn't it Fan, why is it a woman?"

The first officer shrugged.


Black Hawk received. "

Norma then asked Leah: "Is there an amplifier on the plane?"

"of course!"

Norma immediately said to the lead plane: "Black Hawk, turn on your PA equipment, and at the same time pass the voice through. I want to speak to enemy ships and fishing boats. Over!"

"Black Hawk 1 has been turned on. Over!"

"Black Hawk 2 has been turned on. Over!"

"Black Hawk 3 has been turned on. Over!"

"Black Hawk, you fly around the top of the fishing boat first. Over!"

Seeing three planes circling the sky over dozens of fishing boats, Norma immediately said: "Citizens of the Peace Oasis **** country, now in the sky above you, it is the Peace Oasis **** country to protect your safety. Air force!"

After hearing her voice, the people on the fishing boat boiled again, but the expression on their faces was also very strange: Is it a woman how to fly the plane?

This discovery is nothing short of a miracle to them!

Seeing the cheers of the fishermen, everyone in the conference room subconsciously straightened their waists, held their heads high, full of pride and self-confidence, but could not conceal their regrets.

Because they all know that none of the pilots on the plane is the Air Force of the Peace Oasis Federation.

They all look forward to the day when their pilots can fly these planes and soar in the blue sky of the motherland. That will be the real elation.

Some fishermen have heard of the Peace Oasis Federation, and some fishermen have not heard of it, so while cheering, they asked their friends around them, and after figuring out what was going on, they cheered again.

Norma went on to say: "This is the international public waters, and your fishing operations here are completely legal. Starting today, any army or mercenary organized by any country will dare to harass or plunder you, the air force of the **** country, We will resolutely fight back to ensure your personal safety!"

The fishermen on dozens of fishing boats sang and danced, desperately waving their arms at the three helicopter gunships.

The officers and soldiers of State V on the two warships were a little confused when they saw this scene.

"What are they doing?"

"Are you letting your fishing boat leave?"

"Isn't it?"

A commander on the flagship asked the captain if he wanted to fire?

The captain received feedback before, and the weapon systems of the three helicopters also locked them.

The order he received was to come and clear

Regarding this sea area, no ships belonging to the Peace Oasis Federation are allowed to appear here.

But the order never mentioned what to do if you encounter an enemy plane?

Because of country V, no one would have thought that the Peace Oasis Federation would send a plane to protect their fishing boats in this sea area.

The captain dared not call the shots without authorization, so he immediately asked the navy headquarters for instructions.

After receiving the report, the navy headquarters felt incredible one by one, but smiled contemptuously.

"They actually sent three helicopters?"

"I'm afraid it's all the belongings of their country?"

"And it's still an obsolete model."

The Secretary of the Navy gave an order in a dismissive tone: "Isn't it just the three little birds? You can blast them down with your main gun. You still have to report this kind of thing?"

"Sir, they are not three little birds, but the most advanced black hawks with air-to-surface missiles!"

"What are you talking about?" The Secretary of the Navy ridiculed: "Did you drink early in the morning and drink too much?"

At this moment, the captain said again: "No, there are three more, all the most advanced Black Hawks, and they are full of missiles."

The Secretary of the Navy took a breath: "Hurry up and pass the video of the scene!"

After a while, six helicopter gunships appeared on the big screen in the naval headquarters war room.

Three surrounded the flagship, and three surrounded another warship.

"What are they doing?" A cold sweat broke out on the admiral's back.

"They are shouting!"

After speaking, the captain used the voice receiver to transmit Norma's voice to the navy headquarters.

Norma is also great. She shouted to the two warships of country V in the five languages commonly used by the United Nations: "This is an international sea area where resources are shared. The fishermen of the Peace Oasis Federation have the right to fish in this area."

"The Federal Air Force of the Oasis of Peace, expresses its strongest protest against your gross harassment of our fishermen."

"Here, I warn you in the name of the **** and the Supreme Chief Fan Jianming, please leave this sea area immediately and revoke your lock on our fighters, and give you ten minutes to consider."

"If you refuse to evacuate and continue to interfere with the normal operations of our fishermen, in order to protect the personal safety of our fishermen, we will preemptive actions!"

I go!

The Secretary of the Navy was shocked.


(End of this chapter)