Return of the King

Chapter 1881: Secret Weapon


After seeing the two cruisers turn around and evacuate, the fishermen on the scene cheered again, and all the people in the meeting room embraced excitedly.

Once upon a time, the armies of either country s or country n had never been so powerful in the face of powerful foreign invaders.

The whole meeting room was boiling.

Although Nonglie and Norma's father were not so excited, they were always in tears.

In particular, the conversation between the flagship captain and the minister of the navy was captured by the Dark Domination System and played by Leah. Everyone felt very relieved.

Facts have proved that Li Qianqian asked the national flag of N to fly, and the other seven planes entered the standby state, but Norma finally decided that all the planes were right to take off.

From the dialogue between the flagship captain and the Secretary of the Navy, it can be completely seen that if there were only three helicopters in the first batch, I am afraid that the two warships would not be withdrawn.

Even if they don’t fire first, they may end up in a deadlock.

The five planes on a warship, the Secretary of the Navy and the captain of the flagship, as well as all the officers and soldiers on the two cruisers, have caused tremendous ideological pressure.

In particular, Norma's warning not only left the Secretary of the Navy and the flagship captain at a loss, but the hearts of everyone in the conference room were hanging up.

They didn't know if the two warships did not evacuate, after the final time limit was reached, would Norma give an order to fire?

When Norma gave the last warning, not only the Minister of the Navy and the flagship captain of country V, but everyone in the meeting room, including Nonglie and Norma's father, had cold sweat in their palms.

Only Fan Jian was obviously very calm.

Although he does not advocate shooting the first shot, since Norma has issued a warning, and after the enemy provokes the fishermen, Fan Jianming feels that it does not matter even if he fires first.

Fortunately, the enemy slipped away.

This brief confrontation, the first action taken in the name of the Federal Air Force, can be said to have achieved a complete victory, giving everyone present a shot in the heart.

The enemy is just so!

"Oasis, Black Hawk calling," Wellington's voice came from Leah's laptop: "The target has left the waters where the fishermen are working, requesting instructions for the next step, that's it."

Norma glanced at Li Qianqian again, and Li Qianqian nodded trustingly at her again.

"Oasis calls Black Hawk, congratulations

You won the first action. Please form a line and fly around all the fishing boats in a circle for a week, then return to the voyage immediately, and it is over. "

"Black Hawk understands!"

Ten helicopter gunships, painted beautiful arcs, circled over dozens of fishing boats for a week, and then triumphantly triumphed amidst the cheers of the fishermen.

Li Qianqian asked quietly at this moment: "Norma, if the enemy didn't evacuate just now, would you give an order to fire?"

Norma breathed a long sigh of relief and told the truth: "Madam, I don't know, my mind was blank just now, and I blurted it out entirely with blood."

"But at that moment, I really kept paying attention to time, with only one thought in my heart. I would fire as soon as the time is up, but if you want to stop it, I'm afraid I will change my decision."

Li Qianqian smiled awkwardly: "To be honest, I was blank at the time. I didn't know if I should support you or stop you. Fortunately, the battle did not break out, and we won the battle."

Li Qianqian stretched out her hand and shook Norma tightly.

Norma hugged Li Qianqian. At this moment, they realized that the other party was already sweating profusely.

Norma and Li Qianqian found out that Fan Jianming was sitting there early, and they were about to ask Fan Jianming if there was any mistake in the command this time.

Fan Jianming stood up and clapped silently. Everyone in the conference room responded immediately, with thunderous applause instantly.

Li Qianqian hurriedly grabbed Leah, and Norma also pulled Huang Yaowu. The four of them faced everyone, and they all accepted the applause of the audience.

After a long time, Fan Jianming motioned everyone to calm down.

"A great man in the East said that all opposition parties are paper tigers, and our current encounters and dangers are so similar to those in the East."

"When we are facing a powerful enemy armed to the teeth, what we need more is spiritual strength and national self-confidence."

"There is also a saying in the East, which is called more help than others, less help than others. Looking at today's confrontation, the opponent is just a group of aggressors relying on advanced weapons, and their hearts are not strong."

"Look at us again. The three beauties who commanded the scene, one from the mainland, one from the East, and one from Africa and the West, and our pilots are all Westerners who are allies of country V, and the other

Soldiers from a major country are still helping us build an air defense system. "

"It's not an exaggeration to say that we are as weak as the Peace Oasis Federation. At this moment, we are gathering people of all colors and justice and peace all over the world, no less than a small United Nations."

"What we are going to wage is a just war to defend our home and the country. Perhaps in the course of the war, we will face many unexpected difficulties and ups and downs, and bloodshed and sacrifice are also indispensable."

"But as long as we are united and work together in national disasters, the ultimate victory must belong to us, to our peaceful oasis country, and to the justice and peace-loving people of the world!"

Fan Jianming spoke loudly, and once again won thunderous applause from the audience, which lasted for a long time.

After that, Fan Jianming once again asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of National Defense, in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of National Defense, to lodge strong protests and warnings in country V, mainly referring to the other side's harassment of fishermen.

As for the Federal Air Force dispatching and driving them away without mentioning a word, everyone was a little puzzled.

The Minister of National Defense asked: "Your Excellency, why didn't we mention that in the end our heroic air force drove the enemy away? I mean, we should post the video just now through the media to improve the people's affairs. , And can hit V in the face in front of the whole world."

Almost everyone present agreed with his opinion.

Fan Jianming explained: "The images we just captured were captured by the command system and using Western spy satellites. For us, this is our secret weapon in future wars, and we must not expose it at this time. "

When he said this, everyone understands that as long as the video just now is broadcast through the media, everyone in the world knows that it was shot by a satellite spy.

With the backward technological level of the Peace Oasis Federation, how could they have their own spy satellites?

More importantly, Leah used the Dark Domination System to crack the encryption system of Western spy satellites and obtained these images.

Once this matter is exposed, the Western Military Commission can easily find out that the Peace Oasis Federation is using the dark dominance system that they did not use. Just do some tricks on the host or turn off the spy satellite system. Once a war breaks out, Peace Oasis When facing country V, there are no more secret weapons.

(End of this chapter)