Return of the King

Chapter 1936: Never shrink back


Qin Tian said: "In the past, a construction company in the province was restructured. I found that among the retained workers, veterans have strong sense of responsibility, good organizational discipline, and particularly energetic."

"The first time our group went overseas to undertake a project, I brought all the company's veterans over."

"Moreover, when organizing the engineering team, I also told the subcontractor that every construction team must have 10% veterans. One is to give such soldiers who have guarded the country a chance. In addition, I think, Even if we are migrant workers, we can't embarrass the country overseas!"

"These are still on this construction site. There are at least thirty veterans on the site of your mansion."

Upon hearing this, Fan Jianming glanced at Li Qianqian, and then asked Qin Tian, "Didn't I say to stop there and go all out to build the government building first?"

Knowing that Qin Tian had made a mistake, he quickly changed his words and said: "There was a stop, but the skills of the local workers were too poor. We arranged a training center over there, where they were all training local workers."

Only then did Fan Jianming nod his head, and then said to the veterans: "Comrades, whether it is the highest official of the federation or ordinary citizens of Jiangcheng, I would like to thank you again, Fan Jianming."

"I think you have contributed your youth and enthusiasm to the country at the beginning. Now everyone has a family and a family. There is no need to stay in this war that has nothing to do with the East. "

"You have to know, let alone the outbreak of war, there may be bloodshed and sacrifice anytime and anywhere. Once your family knows that you are now in the midst of war, I am afraid that you will have to worry all day..."

This is a worker who raised his hand, apparently about to speak.

Fan Jianming stopped immediately and smiled and asked him to speak.

The worker said: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Gong Jianguo. I am a battalion-level cadre in the army. The government originally assigned me to work in the county government. But my hometown is a mountainous area, and I'm in a poor county. I voluntarily asked to return to my hometown to be the village head, determined to lead my hometown fathers and elders out of poverty and become rich."

"Three years ago, I went to the county town to find the Qin Group alone, hoping that Mr. Qin would give us a chance. At that time, we were really ignorant mountain farmers, but Mr. Qin did not dislike him, not only took us in.

, It also spent a lot of manpower and material resources to train us. "

"In the three years of working in the Qin Group, our villagers have the lowest income in the county and become the richest village in the county. Here, I want to thank Qin and the Qin Group in particular!"

No wonder the younger brother Qin Tian, who seems to be a dandy boy, was able to take over the Qin Group from his father. Not only did he not lose out, he even further developed the Qin Group. It seems that there is indeed a Chinese talent in terms of employment.

After Gong Jianguo finished speaking, Fan Jianming took the lead and applauded, and the audience suddenly burst into applause.

Qin Tian smiled embarrassedly, motioned everyone to calm down and listened to Gong Jianguo to continue.

Gong Jianguo said: "From this point, it is not difficult to see how important the help from the outside world is to anyone who is in a difficult or even desperate situation at a critical moment!"

Having said that, even if he doesn't go on, everyone knows what he wants to say.

Fan Jianming wanted to stop him.

To be honest, the purpose of Fan Jianming's trip is definitely not to fan the love, let alone to use any aggressive method. He sincerely hopes that the workers from the motherland will return home safely.

Gong Jianguo continued: "I just talked about the little things in our Murakami. Going further, Country V is not a good thing. More than a hundred years ago, they used the two Opium Wars to pry us away. Door."

"In other words, before the outbreak of the Second World War, all Western powers' aggression against our east was dominated by country V. At that time, how we wished for a country to help us!"

At the beginning, some workers who wanted to return to China as soon as possible, heard him say this, all of them were filled with righteous indignation.

Gong Jianguo continued: "Today we are stronger in the East. Country V does not dare to go wild, but it encourages some ignorant young people who have been accustomed to colonization. It is tolerable or unbearable to make trouble in a small port of ours!"

"Look at the oasis of peace again, such a poor and backward country, such a kind and industrious people, they still don't let go, and they want to use this war to retrieve their former glory."

"We in the East pay attention to peaceful coexistence and non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, but we are workers and ordinary people. We are here to support the oasis of peace and to support our families. They want to grab our food.

Bowl, you guys who have served as soldiers, can we agree? "

Those veterans are really well-trained, uniformly and unanimously, and replied with a sonorous force: "No-yes-yes -!"

Other workers who had never been soldiers also answered one after another: "No!"


Gong Jianguo stepped forward from the workers’ ranks and said to Fan Jianming, “Mr. In front of the people, we represent the East!"

"People have given us the hope of rebuilding the country. Now when they hear that there is going to be a war, we Orientals flee with our tails between our tails. What would the people of Peace Oasis think of us, and how would they think of you, the highest official from the East?"

Li Qianqian and Wu Wenli were both excited by what he said.

Wu Wenli was okay. Although her heart was ups and downs, she showed a blank expression.

Li Qianqian trembled slightly with excitement, her hands clenched her small pink fist involuntarily.

Fan Jianming endured the excitement in his heart and said to Gong Jianguo with a smile on his face: "Mr. Gong, what you said is both reasonable and a bit unreasonable."

Gong Jianguo gave a puzzled "Oh".

Fan Jianming explained: "Your evaluation of Country V is indeed a three-pointer, and you are talking about historical facts. This is reasonable. The reason why I say you are unreasonable is because you, including you, are now all of you. Workers are not soldiers."

"You are here indeed to work and to support your family, but more importantly, you represent the Qin Group and the people of the East, and you have brought the deep friendship and engineering skills of the people of the East to the people of Oasis of Peace. "

"The people here will always remember you. But I want to reiterate that I remember you because you represent the working class of the East, not the soldiers."

"War is a matter for the soldiers, and it has nothing to do with your workers. Before the war started, it was not just me. I think every citizen of the Oasis of Peace will hope from the heart that you will leave the land of right and wrong."

"So, you are leaving this time with your heads high, not running away with your tail between your tails. When the war is over, the people of the Oasis of Peace will welcome you back with singing and dancing to build a future **** country with us."

(End of this chapter)