Return of the King

Chapter 1941: Weasel Gives New Year to Rooster


Fan Jianming smiled and said: "You think too much. If they are willing to become our third ***, then they will not send an ambassador to our country now."

Elena stopped and looked at Fan Jianming and said: "If they want to join, there is no problem, but they cannot infringe upon our country's vested interests in State W. And I also want to give you a kind reminder that only by becoming our ally, Your federation may develop rapidly."

Fan Jianming nodded and said: "I don't deny this, but I think if this is the case, the price we pay is far greater than the benefits of rapid development."

Elena shook her head and said: "It seems that you always don't trust the West?"

Fan Jianming smiled reluctantly: "It's your behavior in the West, you can't win the trust of the world, or you just think about your own greatness again, and everything will be your country first. I didn't think about it at all, and didn't care about winning the trust of others. "

Elena said very arrogantly: "We in the West only talk to the strong. If you want your federation to sit on the opposite side of the western government and have a dialogue as an equal country, then try to make your federation as soon as possible. Be strong!"

Fan Jianming said with a smile on her face: "Your Excellency, your shortest term is only two years. If Davis can be re-elected, maybe it can be extended for another four years."

"For us, development requires a process. I am worried that when our federation is strong enough, you will no longer have your place in the Western government."

Elena glanced at Fan Jianming and said, "Then you will work hard to make your federation stronger before I step down! If you can't do it, don't hold on, join our leading allies, and we can do it for you. Do it!"

Fan Jianming replied: "It's like a neighboring country after World War II? Indeed, in your West, you risk the world and wantonly support an invading country in the past. With your national strength, you can really help them get a certain period of time economically. Revitalization."

"However, it has been almost a hundred years. They have been raised by you like a domestic dog. On the international stage, apart from parroting you, it seems that there has never been a real voice that belongs to them."

Elena said with disdain: "

As you said, a domestic dog is a dog. Does it still have bones to chew regardless of the face of the owner? "

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Our federation will not compete with a dog for food. No matter how poor, we must have human dignity!"

Elena shook her head and said, "You are not friendly at all. It seems that the atmosphere of today's reception dinner and thank you reception will not be too good."

After speaking, Irene walked down with her head held high.

"Stop making trouble," Fan Jianming followed up and said, "Please accept an interview with our TV station later."

"Say what?" Elena asked: "Let me tell the world, you are full of first to us, and we provide you with selfless help?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said: "Delete the word'selfless', otherwise, we will not pay a cent for the weapons and equipment we import from you."

The family affection between Fan Jianming and Elena can be said to be a miracle in the history of world diplomacy.

They actually used the way of flirting with Qingren to complete the topic that should be their serious negotiation.

After the two arrived in the hall, the reception banquet began.

Fan Jianming first gave a welcome speech, and Elena then gave a thank-you speech.

After finishing, immediately switch to the thank-you reception mode.

Elena and Little Davis respectively gave thanks. Everyone raised their wine glasses, and after finishing the shooting, the food was pushed up.

Fan Jianming took advantage of his free time to ask Li Qianqian what was going on with Melanie. Li Qianqian told him that Davis estimated that Fan Jianming would make a request, so except for those special forces who arrived randomly with Melanie. , And nearly three hundred other special forces have arrived.

Originally, they could enter the W country directly, but considering confidentiality, those special forces were arranged in military bases in other countries in Africa.

Melanie also told Li Qianqian that the West not only prepared a lot of weapons and equipment to fly from the mainland to the Peace Oasis Federation at any time, but also prepared considerable weapons and equipment at various military bases in Africa.

As long as Fan Jianming needs them, they can be transported to the Federation in the shortest possible time.

Afterwards, Li Qianqian said again: "It can be seen that this ambassador's wife is very enthusiastic. Others say that she is responsive, but before I ask, she can't wait to move all the weapons and ammunition depots in the West.

You said, is she full of kindness to our federal police, or is she full of affection for you, the highest officer? "

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "Although his wife is very jealous, and I like it very much, that's fine for today's occasion. You know, the reason why Melanie is so generous, everything is the meaning of Xi'an."

"The reason why the Western government did this is not for us sincerely, but to use us as cannon fodder throughout the war, to plunge country V into the quagmire of war, and to weaken country V's national power as much as possible."

"After the war is over, they can use the support they gave us in this war to completely control our federation. Elena just told me that they will not even stop the w country and become our third to join** *."

Li Qianqian was very surprised: "This is a good thing! The highest official of the W country is also worried that the West and the forces cultivated by them will oppose... Oh, I see!"

"What do you understand?" Fan Jianming asked.

"You have been obstructing the entry of Western forces into country s and country n. In country W, Western forces have penetrated deeply. If country W can become our franchise, then they can use country w as As a springboard, continue to penetrate into country s and country n!"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "It seems that my wife has the brain and wisdom of a politician more and more."

"Cut," Li Qianqian said with disdain: "How can I say that I am four years older than you. In your mind, am I always stupid?"

Fan Jianming shook his head and said: "I mean, even you can see the trick, Elena just wanted to use this to negotiate terms with me, asking me to promise that after the war, the Peace Oasis Federation will become their ally."

"Go and do her daydreaming!"

Fan Jianming continued: "At the beginning, she also said that once the West and the East conflict in international affairs, I hope we can stand by them."

Li Qianqian rolled her eyes: "Ha ha ha -"

"But after being rejected by me, she made a concession in the hope that we will remain neutral in the future, and I agreed."

"Why?" Li Qianqian glared at Fan Jianming: "At any time, as long as the West and the East conflict, we must stand together with the East!"

(End of this chapter)