Return of the King

Chapter 1942: Keep a good attitude


Fan Jianming said: "Don't Elena know that you and I are all Orientals from the bottom of my heart. If the West really conflicts with the East, the Peace Oasis Federation will be put aside. Even if I return to the East to be ordinary people, I will do it. Take up weapons and do it with them."

"As the Secretary of State in the West, she is just doing business routinely. Then I must also have a clear attitude. In that case, she will be able to go home for business."

Li Qianqian nodded: "No matter what their ultimate goal is, at least from the current facts, the West can be regarded as secretly supporting us. It seems that my decision to sacrifice my husband is also right, and to accompany this excess energy. Secretary of State, when facing country V, we have enough cards to play."

Fan Jianming smiled bitterly: "You are here again, such a cute wife, why do you always pretend not to be cute?"

"Aren't I telling the truth?"

Fan Jianming sighed: "It doesn't matter whether it is fact or not. What is important is that in this war, we must get enough Western weapons and equipment, so for Melanie, you should not be too sensitive. In the future, we will have a relationship with the West. For communication, you will come forward to find her."

Li Qianqian said, "When should I invite him to our house?"

Fan Jianming replied, "Then you slept downstairs again and let the master bedroom out?"

Li Qianqian nodded and said: "That's it!"

"Don't make trouble." Fan Jianming said: "Now it's a cocktail party, let's not stay together. This kind of occasion should be when you show your skills. I have to talk to Nonglie and Norma's father. The results of my communication with Elena will be fed back to them."

Li Qianqian said, "You have to work hard with Nonglie."

"what's happenin?"

"From the beginning of the meeting until now, everyone is smiling and in high spirits. Only he is thinking about it." Li Qianqian explained: "I didn't mean to find out his thoughts, but his expression made me curious, so I Entering his consciousness, from the memory playback, I saw Pierce called him and asked him to meet in the small town on the border at night."

"Oh," Fan Jianming asked, "What else did they say?"

"Nong Lie didn't say anything, he didn't say go, and he didn't say nothing. After Pierce told him the time and place of the meeting, he hung up the phone. If you want to know more, enter into his consciousness. chant!"

Fan Jianming smiled: "Also

That’s the sentence, it’s not necessary to read mind, it’s better not to use mind reading. Although it can let us see through a person at a critical time, sometimes, including you and me, for a certain person or a certain thing. Strange thoughts may just pass by in an instant. "

"If we use this as a basis to judge whether this person is an enemy or a friend, it is easy to make errors."

Li Qianqian knows the truth that Fan Jianming said. It is like walking alone on the street and seeing others passing in front of her in a luxury car. Many people will have all kinds of thoughts in an instant, and even thoughts of crime.

But those are just thoughts that pass by in a flash, and most of the time they will not be put into action. If you use this thought to judge this person, you will obviously lose the scientific nature.

"I'm clear about what you said," Li Qianqian explained: "It's not that I have a prejudice against Nong Lie, I just saw that he was emotionally wrong, that's why I developed curiosity."

"Don't worry, I won't show vigilance or hostility towards him because of this."

Fan Jianming nodded and said, "This is the best. You know, even though we understand mind-reading, Nong Lie is also good at observing words and colors. I don't want our internal forces to be confused because of mutual suspicion before the war begins."

"If," Li Qianqian asked, "I mean if Nong Lie never tells us about it, and if he goes to see Pierce again at night, what do you think we should do?"

Fan Jianming said: "We can simply judge his mentality at this time. Judging from the current situation, whether it is for his personal purposes or for the benefit of the s country, he will be obliged to stand on the side of the Federation."

"But he must have a worry. It's easy to say anything if this war is won, but what if it fails?"

Li Qianqian nodded and said: "So even if Nong Lie wants to meet Pierce, it is just to leave a way for him, for the s country, or even for the Federation in case the war fails. We can't take him down. This behavior is betrayal, right?"

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "It's best if you can think so. In that case, you won't show dissatisfaction with him from your facial expressions, and he won't be aware of it. We know everything about his behavior."

"And to be fair, who in the world has no selfishness? It is normal for him to have this selfishness. As long as he doesn't actively betray, I don't think there is any problem."

Li Qianqian also said at this time: "Say

This event may still give us motivation. In order to prevent Nong Lie’s betrayal, we must win this war! "

"My wife is so right! Well, we are all busy with our own affairs."

Li Qianqian walked towards the wife who was attending the banquet, and Fan Jianming came to Nong Lie and Luo Ma's father, and explained the verbal agreement between him and Elena in detail.

Norma's father sneered: "It seems that the West has never given up the idea of hoping to get huge benefits from us. It is no wonder that they will disregard the friendship between allies and support us secretly. They are killing people with the help of a knife!"

Nong Lie said: "Since they want to lend us this knife, then we will take the opportunity to kill people. When we kill Country V, we will find out if we like it. They want to control our knife again. I'm afraid there is nothing. possibility."

Fan Jianming said: "This is exactly what I want to say. Since they want to use us, and we need their help, why not just use it?"

"If you have no objection, I will proceed in accordance with the agreement reached with Elena. From now on, they will use as much equipment as they can transport to us, and at the first time, they will be transferred to the base for special operations. Players, get them all?"

Nonglie and Norma's father agreed on the spot.

Fan Jianming immediately walked to Elena and asked her to transfer all the special forces over as soon as possible.

As for weapons and equipment, how to get them as convenient as possible, as much as you want, just hope the sooner the better.

Elena promised to arrange immediately.

Fan Jianming had hoped to end the reception early, but Elena said that Jean would continue, because it would be more cover-up.

Elena, on the grounds of accepting Tan Xiaomeng's interview, immediately left the scene. After arranging everything, she accepted Tan Xiaomeng's interview in her guest room.

Fan Jianming also found the Minister of National Defense and asked him to notify the generals on the scene to leave one after another, notify all the troops to enter a state of first-level combat readiness, while waiting for orders to accept equipment from the West anytime and anywhere.

This is where Nonglie and Norma’s father also left, leaving only the foreign minister and ordinary officials here, chatting and laughing with the entourage of the western embassy and Elena.

Seeing that Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian were not together, Melanie immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Fan Jianming: We will not go back to the embassy at night. Davis and I live on the second floor, but we sleep in separate rooms.

(End of this chapter)