Return of the King

Chapter 1947: A profound lesson


Little Davis heard the words, completely speechless.

He had to admit that compared with Westerners, the sincerity and kindness of Easterners originated from the culture and tradition of their nation, and could not be disguised at all.

Westerners are full of pride and complacency in themselves, disdain and arrogance towards others.

The so-called friendship is hidden behind a plundering knife.

The so-called democratic export is actually trying to mess up other countries and profit from it.

Even if it’s weapon and equipment support, don’t sell your own products, but are eliminated from your own standing equipment, and use this to make huge profits.

Just as the West supported the East’s war of resistance in those days, if neighboring countries do not go south to seize the territory of Western powers in Southeast Asia and harm their interests, they will always resort to **** and sit back and watch the Eastern people in dire straits.

If it weren't for neighboring countries to launch attacks on the Western mainland, they would never join the war, let alone support the East.

Their original intention of choosing to support the East was actually to reduce their own sacrifices, so that most of the army of the neighboring countries was dragged down by the East's anti-Japanese armed forces.

Just as they now support the Peace Oasis Federation for a reason, they have never thought that they want to become stronger, just to weaken the national power of country V, and at the same time through a large number of arms sales to revitalize their stagnant economy.

All in all, compared with the Easterners, whether it is from the government or the private level, what the West does is too hypocritical and too selfish.

And the selfless support from the East, even if it is only moral support, will definitely boost the confidence of all the people in the peace oasis. This is the basis for their possibility of victory in the upcoming war.

For a country lacking in materials, a full spirit and a hundredfold self-confidence are truly commendable.

It is conceivable that the people of the Peace Oasis will become more and more confident, and the confident people of the Peace Oasis will still bow to the West and face him, the Western ambassador to the Federation?

Little Davis suddenly felt that compared with weakening his own allied country V, it is probably more important for the West to completely obliterate the revitalization and development of the Peace Oasis Federation in the cradle.

Little Davis actually took out his cell phone and sent a text message to his uncle, the old Davis, hoping that Xi'an government would immediately stop supporting the Oasis of Peace.

Even if the profits of the arms sold to them are high, they must be given up.

Little Davis finally entered the word: from strong

The coming Peace Oasis Federation will definitely threaten the security of the Western mainland!

Old Davis almost broke down after seeing his text message.

He immediately sent a message to Little Davis: In this world, which country has the ability to threaten the security of the West? We are high-profile every day, advocating the threat theory of the East and another big country, just to put other countries in the world under the protection of our West.

Only in this way can our arms have a market.

The policies of our people and parliament will not obstruct and limit the annual increase in our military budget.

These are political lies, and you didn't expect you to believe them.

Do you think that even Fan Jianming’s peaceful oasis country will one day become a powerful country in this world, do they have territorial claims against us in the West?

Little Davis looked at this text message and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Lies are usually used to deceive others. He, the ambassador of the West, is likely to become the highest official of the West in the future. He was actually deceived by the lies woven by his own country, and he believed it to be true.

Little Davis sent another message: Your Excellency meant that in this war, we must stand firmly on the side of the oasis of peace?

After seeing this message, Old Davis almost overturned the table in anger.

He returned a message: You can treat yourself as if you are traveling in a peaceful oasis. You can eat, drink, or bet and smoke. As for other things, leave it to your wife Melanie!

Old Davis then called the little Davis' father Davis: "You dear son, do you have the sequelae of a family history? It's just a lack of brain strings!"

Davis was blindfolded and asked inexplicably, "Your Excellency, what happened?"

Old Davis was not even in the mood to explain, and said angrily: "He is only suitable for being a soldier, and he will never be a political expert!"

After speaking, Old Davis directly hung up the phone.

Davis called little Davis immediately. After learning about the situation, he reminded little Davis that as an ambassador to the West, he must not put his position on his face.

Especially for small and weak countries, we must be cautious. Even if we want to launch a war against this country tomorrow, we must smile at their *** today.

Regarding civil wars in other countries, or wars between other countries and another country, the West’s policy is always to support the weak. This is why there is a shadow of the West behind the opposition in all countries.

The reason why the West supports anti-

The opposite faction has nothing to do with belief and social ideology. Their purpose of supporting the weak is to enable the weak to compete with the strong. In that case, the national power of other countries will be weakened in endless wars.

Just like the current war between Country V and the Peace Oasis Federation, the West’s support for the Peace Oasis Federation is definitely not based on morality and common beliefs, just because the Federation is only the weak.

For their support, it can clean up Western arms stocks, and at the same time it is not a threat to country V. After all, the West and country V have the same roots. If country V is really threatened, the West will still be obliged to stand on the side of country V.

This is why once their allies have something to do with weak countries, the attitude shown by the West is extremely ignorant, and once their allies are threatened by powerful enemies, they will stand up and stand firmly. The reason on the side of the Allies.

Little Davis was still politically immature, and he could even say nothing. So Davis warned him that in this war between State V and the Confederation, although the West secretly supports the Confederation, it does not mean that it must stand with the Confederation. Together, we will not put Country V to death.

To put it bluntly, whether it is to revitalize the economy or make its country great again, the West needs war to achieve its goals through various forms of war.

Only when Jr. Davis understands this can he become a qualified Westminster.

Although little Davis is quite paranoid, he is not stupid.

Through the words of his father Davis, he finally understood that the West has two attitudes towards the whole world. One is that it hopes that other countries except the West will become as chaotic as possible. As long as there is a war, it will be at all costs. , Or even betray the interests of friends, in order to allow the war to continue endlessly, so that they can continue to profit from it.

The other is that once the world is calm, we must continue to promote the threat theory and continuously export the so-called democracy and ****, which must cause chaos in the world.

There is no threat. When the national economy is in recession, what reason is there to increase military expenditure?

Without the support of strong military expenditures, how can the Western military upgrade its weapons and equipment to ensure that it is always at the forefront of the world?

Without chaos, what can the West do with so many advanced weapons? Will the eliminated equipment really be thrown into the Atlantic Ocean?

Therefore, when it is critical, in order to ensure that the West always guarantees the status of world hegemony, everything can be used, including so-called beliefs, ideologies, and even the sacrifice of the interests of allies.

(End of this chapter)