Return of the King

Chapter 1949: Vibrating the deaf


At this time, Leah and Norma came to grandma and Fan Hongsheng. Leah first called her grandma, and then introduced Norma to her grandma.

Norma called grandma and uncle in very standard Chinese, which surprised grandma and Fan Hongsheng.

"How does this girl say so good in Chinese?" Grandma sighed: "It's just like the voice of the announcer on our TV. It's so nice."

Fan Hongsheng felt the same way, and felt that Norma was quite beautiful, but the skin tone made them feel uncomfortable.

Leah smiled and said, "Norma is my sister and Fan Jianming's fiancée. In the future, my sister will be able to broadcast to you two elderly people at home every day."

Grandma and Fan Hongsheng looked at Li Qianqian standing next to them in surprise.

But grandmother's brain is quite bright, she gently patted Leah's arm and said: "This girl, must be Chinese, what fiancée, are you trying to say that Norma is a good friend of Jianming?"

Li Qianqian immediately smiled and said: "Grandma, Dad, Leah is right, polygamy is allowed here, not only Norma, Leah is also Jianming's fiancée now!"

"Huh?" Grandma and Fan Hongsheng felt incredible.

Li Qianqian hurriedly introduced Norma's father to her grandmother. Norma's father didn't know how to call them, so he just called them in-laws.

After hearing the translation, grandma and Fan Hongsheng looked embarrassed, and they agreed no, nor did they not agree. They could only grin at Norma's father extremely reluctantly.

At this time, Qin Tian, Ambassador Dongfang and the director of the office, including Dong Mingxia, walked in front of Fan Jianming, Dong leaders, and senior leaders.

Qin Tian said to Fan Jianming: "Your Excellency, I'm a little troublesome now. Seeing that your grandmother and father are here, the workers don't want to go back to China."

Fan Jianming said: "This is not a question of wanting or thinking, we must arrange for them to return to China, even if it is mandatory, we must let them board the plane!"

The ambassador said: "I mean the same thing as the Chief Executive. The problem is that with the current situation and atmosphere, I am afraid that no one can convince the workers unless..."

Fan Jianming thought that the ambassador was asking him to do the work, so he nodded immediately, turned and walked over, and the ambassador stopped him.

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid you can't do it unless you ask your grandmother to speak."

Fan Jianming felt that the ambassador’s opinion was right, and through the grandmother’s work, grandma and father could return home on the same plane.

Fan Jianming walked over immediately, and the people surrounding his grandmother quickly gave way.

"Grandma," said Fan Jianming, "Thank you and Dad for coming to see me, but war is not a trifle. Look at the workers from our province. They were originally not willing to go back to China. Work well."

"It’s fine now. Your arrival has made them give up the idea of returning to China again. This is not okay.

Yeah. The war is cruel, and it is fatal. If they have a long history and two shortcomings, we can't explain to their families. "

Grandma didn't understand Fan Jianming's meaning, and asked, "Then you go to work with them again, tell me what this is for?"

Leader Dong said at this time: "Old man, what the highest officer meant is that you'd better take the lead. If you say something to the big guy and say that you also return on the same plane, the work of these workers will be easy to do."

Li Qianqian also persuaded at this time: "Grandma, you should go back to China. I and Jianming understand your kindness, but if you want to stay, you can only distract everyone, and in order to cooperate with our work, we sincerely hope that you can return to China. ."

Grandma glared at Li Qianqian, pulled her aside, and asked in a low voice: "Girl, have you been unable to have a baby?"

Li Qianqian's face blushed: "The question has been made, it has been almost two months."

The grandmother showed joy: "Silly girl, I can have a baby, and let him go, what are so many wives doing?"

Li Qianqian smiled and said: "This is their custom here..."

"What customs are not custom, we are still oriental." Grandma said: "Silly girl, why are you coaxing me away? Don't worry, if I sit here, I see who he dares to marry and take back!"


"Stop talking, my old woman only recognizes you as a granddaughter-in-law!"

Grandma turned to Fan Jianming and asked, "Jianming, then go and talk to the workers now?"

Fan Jianming nodded his head, and walked over to help his grandmother towards the workers.

The people present, including members of the Federal Cabinet, also walked past in a crowd.

Seeing that there are a large number of people, and the people of the Federation have been singing and dancing non-stop, Sutu signaled Fan Jianming to help his grandmother up. The small table originally built for the maiden voyage had a floor microphone on it.

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian helped their grandmother walk up to her son, and the others were standing beside the stage.

When everyone present saw this, they calmed down immediately.

Upon seeing Elena in the prefabricated room, they all stood at the window and looked at the situation outside.

Grandma said, "Children, I heard that you are all from the East, from Jiangcheng?"

Hundreds of workers, including the veterans who have decided to stay and are now seeing off, replied in unison: "Yes!"

Grandma asked again: "I heard that you still have many people in public who don't want to return to China?"


Grandma suddenly said: "Well, you are just like my grandson. When other countries are invaded and oppressed, you can stand up and you deserve to be the outstanding grandchildren of the Eastern nation!"

The workers present immediately cheered upon hearing this.

Fan Jianming and Li Qianqian were dumbfounded: What is grandma doing? Is this persuading people to return to China or to persuade people to stay?

The local people present could not understand what the grandmother said, but saw the workers in the east

Cheering, they also sang and danced.

At present, cabinet members and military committee members are basically equipped with a mobile phone, and they are all equipped with the command system that Huang Yaowu imitates the dominance of darkness, which has a direct voice conversion function.

After hearing the content of the converted grandmother's speech, they nodded one after another. They felt that even though grandmother was older, she was a sensible old lady.

The grandmother continued: "Western powers, including Country V, in the past few hundred years, their development history is a history of aggression, and also a history of blood and tears of the enslaved people of other countries."

"Their ancestors discovered the African continent, but they have brought suffering to the African people for hundreds of years. Their ancestors have been to our East, but they have suffered more than a hundred years of shame in the East."

"We have a saying in Jiangcheng, called fish to help fish, water to help water, our East is now developed, wealthy, and strong, but we must not tolerate the former Western powers, once again spread their teeth and claws, bullying the same as the Easterners we used to be. The kind-hearted people of the African continent who live in misery and poverty!"

The audience burst into applause again.

Some government officials who heard the voice conversion had tears in their eyes.

Even the ambassador to the East, the leader of Dong, and the leader of them were enthusiastic about what the grandmother said.

"Children," the grandmother continued: "If you have young and old in your family, I advise you to go home as soon as possible. Our East is a country where filial piety is very important. It is the best filial piety for you to keep your own lives. I don’t want you to do it for them, but your family is living in the pain of losing a child."

The grandmother's remarks were loud and loud, and the workers of the Qin Group fell into silence, while the officials of the Peace Oasis Federation took the lead and applauded, feeling that grandmother's words were reasonable.

Fan Jianming breathed a long sigh of relief and thought: I didn't expect my grandmother to be so old and still have such a clear mind. She deserves to be a teacher and a cadre when she was young.

Unexpectedly, my grandmother's conversation changed: "Of course, war is evil and dangerous, but it is not terrible. Especially the aggressive war launched by the imperialists is doomed to failure."

"They Western powers, don't they keep advertised democracy and human rights? Some people worry that my life will be in danger when I come here. I just want to ask, is their purpose of starting this war to slaughter innocent civilians?"

"I saw a lot of photography machines on the scene. You aimed at me to take pictures, leaving behind the shadow of my old woman. If I die here in this war, you can take these materials to the United Nations to sue them. "

"They don't even let me go, this old lady of seven old eighties, what democracy is there to speak of? What human rights are there to speak of? They are just a bunch of robbers!"

(End of this chapter)