Return of the King

Chapter 1950: Competing for the first time


As soon as the grandmother's voice fell, the audience boiled, and the cheers came and went one after another, wave after wave.

Fan Jianming blinked his eyes and looked at Li Qianqian, and said to her through the airborne voice transmission: "What does grandma mean, why I don't understand now, is she letting everyone stay or letting everyone go?"

Li Qianqian smiled and said through the airborne voice: "Even you don't understand the meaning of her old man, who else can figure it out?"

Fan Jianming sighed, and it was not easy to interrupt grandma, so he had to stand on the side and continue to wait for grandma to talk down.

Grandma said again: "I have said so much now, I think everyone understands what I mean. If there is a burden in the family, you go back with your heads up. No one says you are cowards, because you are also a representative of your loved ones. All those who stayed go home to fulfill their filial piety."

"And if you can go home, you can prove to the world that we Orientals are not militants, and we are more obsessed with our homeland."

"If there is no burden at home, the children who want to stay should stay. Although they are not soldiers and cannot resist the aggression of Western powers with guns, you are workers. You can use your own hands to help the African people build them up. Beautiful home."

"Even if those Western devils come in, they won't dare to do anything to you, otherwise, besides they will be condemned by the whole world, don't forget that behind us, there is a great and powerful motherland!"

The audience broke out again with shocking applause and cheers.

The ambassador quietly communicated with the leader Dong: "It seems that the level of the elderly is not bad. When he was young, he was either a teacher or a cadre. With an elder like him, it is no wonder that Mr. Fan Jianming's behavior here can win The welcome and heartfelt love of the local people."

Leader Dong said with deep feeling: "It's a pity that I have a position now. If I retire, I will stay and carry a gun to resist the enemy's aggression with the soldiers and civilians of the Union."

Dong Mingxia immediately took Leader Dong's arm and asked: "Dad, do you mean that you agree to stay with me?"

The senior leader smiled and said, "Is it useful if the leader disagrees?"

Dong Mingxia shook her head and said: "No!"

Leader Dong said to Dong Mingxia very solemnly at this time: "You have to figure out that your current identity is not my daughter, but the deputy director of the office. What I want to say to you now is not as a father to my daughter, but It is a request made by a provincial leader to your deputy director of the office."

Dong Mingxia immediately retracted her hand and maintained a standing posture

Said: "Please give instructions from the chief!"

"Remember," Leader Dong said, "No matter how tragic the war is, and regardless of the outcome of the war, as long as there is an Eastern citizen here, as the deputy director of the office, you are not allowed to leave here!"

Dong Mingxia answered very seriously: "Yes, please don't worry, the head, even if you want to evacuate, the last oriental person to leave here must be me!"

The director of the office smiled at this time: "Deputy director Dong, you are taking my power! I am the director of the office, how could I let you leave the last?"

Dong Mingxia's face blushed. Although she knew he was joking, it was a bit heavy, so Dong Mingxia didn't know what to say.

At this time, the leader of Dong said to the director of the office: "He really hasn't seized your power. The province has made a decision to let you return to the country with the workers who have returned this time. The main task is to visit all of them on behalf of the province The remaining workers’ families will truthfully introduce them to the situation here."

"Once the war breaks out, I am afraid that normal communications will be interrupted. In order to ensure that the remaining workers' families will not worry too much, your future job is to establish a communication guarantee between the workers' families and the workers."

"In order to ensure that communication is not interrupted, the leaders of Jingcheng have made a decision. When it is critical, we can use our communication satellite to ensure smooth communication between you."

Upon hearing this, the director of the office immediately said: "Leader Dong, I have an opinion on this decision in the province. Comrade Dong Mingxia doesn't understand foreign affairs work at all. It should be me who stayed. She is more suitable for visiting workers' families."

Leader Dong said: "The situation is different now. Before the embassy was established, the office was mainly responsible for a lot of foreign affairs. Now there are ambassadors here. The task of the office is to ensure the safety of our workers and overseas Chinese."

The office director argued: "Even so, I have more work experience than Comrade Dong Mingxia."

Leader Dong said: "On behalf of the province, I am here to announce the work arrangements to you, not to solicit your opinions. If you have any opinions, go back to your country and raise them!"


"But what?" Leader Dong interrupted him directly: "Yes, Dong Mingxia is inferior to you in all aspects, but one is better than you. You have never been a soldier. She is the captain of the women's anti-riot team of the armed police special police team. You can't replace her role in the war!"

The director wanted to argue, the ambassador pulled him aside and whispered: "Leader Dong is also a well-tested national cadre, and

He is one of the main leaders of the province. If the province decides to transfer Dong Mingxia back, he will definitely not be sent, so stop fighting. "

Only then did the director react.

Indeed, if the province decides to transfer Dong Mingxia back, no matter who is sent, it will not send the leader of Dong, and he will not come himself.

Otherwise, others will definitely say that as the leader of a province, the reason why he came here to participate in the first ceremony is actually to bring his daughter back to the country.

With Dong's leadership and work style, how could it be possible to do such things that damage the image of the country's cadres?

The director sighed: "The problem is, Dong Mingxia is still a child."

"Don't worry," the ambassador said: "Aren't all the staff of our embassy still here? Our superiors ordered us that no matter how far the war progresses, our embassy will never leave. If we encounter danger, we will let Dong Mingxia enter the ambassador. Pavilion."

The director bowed deeply to the ambassador: "Then please!"

Leader Dong, Dong Mingxia called to the side and asked her to take out her mobile phone.

Dong Mingxia went inside without knowing, but still took out her mobile phone and handed it to her father.

Leader Dong sighed, put his mobile phone in his pocket and said: "Once the war starts, your mother will definitely be very worried. She will keep calling you on the phone."

"When I look back, I will tell her that the communication here is not good, and the call is not possible. I can only send text messages. After that, I will arrange for someone to exchange text messages with her in your name, so that she can feel at ease."

Thinking of her mother, Dong Mingxia couldn't help crying, "Thank you Dad!"

Leader Dong patted her shoulder and said: "Child, we are all soldiers. Although this is not the time when the country is in distress, when our workers and expatriates may be in danger here, it is the country to ensure their safety. In the highest interest."

"So you have to make all preparations. For our workers and overseas Chinese, you are here to represent the motherland. For things that you can't grasp, or policies that you can't grasp, you should ask the ambassador more for advice. Don't be impulsive. Can't be willful!"

Dong Mingxia wiped her tears and nodded: "Don't worry, Dad, I won't let you down!"

Leader Dong sighed: "Do I still understand my own daughter? Your work will never disappoint me, but your life... My child, I won't talk about anything else. After the war is over, I hope you will be the first What is considered is personal life-long events."

Dong Mingxia nodded and said: "I see, Dad, I won't let you and mom worry about my personal problems again."

(End of this chapter)