Return of the King

Chapter 1953: Must act decisively


They came to the temporary headquarters, which was the second floor of the hotel where the General Intelligence Bureau was located.

Li Qianqian and Wu Wenli arrived early, Wu Wenli and the others arranged the scene, while Li Qianqian was waiting for Fan Jianming in the lobby on the first floor.

After Fan Jianming and other officials came in, they saw Li Qianqian sitting on the sofa next to him, and signaled everyone to go upstairs first, and then walk towards Li Qianqian.

Li Qianqian immediately got up from the sofa, met Fan Jianming and took his arm.

Fan Jianming smiled and said, "Wife, don't you bring such a show of affection? There are a lot of things today, why not wait for me in the meeting room?"

Li Qianqian explained: "Because I know that today's meeting is too important, I want to tell you something before the meeting."

"what's up?"

"When I saw Nong Lie in the morning, I couldn't help being curious. I didn't know what he was talking about after meeting Pierce yesterday, so it entered his brain."

Fan Jianming smiled: "Then what did you find?"

"Pierce found Nong Lie on behalf of Country V," Li Qianqian said: "He told us that the airborne troops of Country V had arrived at the border last night. There were about one brigade, and it is very likely that they would launch an offensive this evening. "

Fan Jianming frowned and thought: Nong Lie is quite calm. The enemy is going to attack tonight, but he wants to be okay.

Li Qianqian continued: "Pierce said to Nong Lie that they did not want to instigate Nong Lie, nor let Nong Lie do anything for them in this war, but hope that after the war is over, they will strive to become the supreme officer of the Peace Oasis Federation. Cooperate with them to manage the Peace Oasis Federation."

Fan Jianming nodded, this kind of transaction was completely in his expectation.

Pierce once countered Nong Lie on behalf of the West, but Nong Lie did not agree at the time. With lessons learned, Pierce could no longer make such an attempt.

However, his deal is considered to have hit Nong Lie's weakness. In any case, few sane people can see that the victory of this war must belong to Country V. It is only the length of time and the cost.

Under such circumstances, they did not allow Nonglie to betray, and at the same time promised that he would become the highest official after the war. For Nonglie, it was a completely profitless business, and Nonglie had no reason not to agree.

In Fan Jianming’s view, even if Nong Lie didn’t do it for himself,

It will also be an oasis of peace, or in other words, for the future of country s.

He promised that he would not only leave a retreat for himself, but also leave a retreat for the Oasis of Peace or Country S.

Of course, country V will not do business at a loss.

The reason why they chose Nong Lie is that they saw the current Peace Oasis Federal Cabinet. If you count Fan Jianming and Norma’s father, Country S was originally a big country, but it was a minority in the cabinet. They felt that this was a farmer. Lie is likely to shake the foundation of the future federation.

Secondly, they felt that Nong Lie ruled here after the war, and it was definitely better to deceive and urge the people of the Federation to submit than the military warlords who came back. They can complete control of the former Federation after the war as quickly as possible.

There is a more important point, that is, if Nonglie agrees to this condition, even if country V does not let him do anything, once the war is stalemate or the federation goes downhill, Nonglie will definitely retreat because he has a retreat. Give up resistance early.

His approach is tantamount to drawing a salary from the bottom of the pan. It can cause Fan Jianming and his federation by surprise, and is far better than their open betrayal.

Because the strength of the Federation is too far from the strength of Country V, they don't need the power of Nong Lie, as long as they can obey after the war.

Fan Jianming asked, "Did Nonglie agree?"

"No." Li Qianqian shook her head, and then emphasized: "Pierce is obviously instigating rebellion, although he did not agree, but he kept this secret from us, it still proves that he has two minds."

Fan Jianming asked again: "What does the wife mean?"

"Can you have a formality, and still make this kind of joke now?" Li Qianqian gave him a white look: "I think the Minister of National Defense should be taken overhead!"

Fan Jianming smiled slightly and felt that Li Qianqian was really okay, because the Minister of National Defense is a member of State S, and if the Minister of National Defense is emptied, it is equivalent to emptiness of Nong Lie.

Moreover, it is not difficult to fly the Secretary of Defense over the air. After all, what is going on immediately is a modern war, and the Secretary of Defense and other generals do not understand the characteristics of this war.

The war is really going to start, and the only way to direct the war is to rely on Fan Jianming, Li Qianqian, Norma, and Leah. Even if they do not deliberately go overhead, the Minister of National Defense actually has no real power.

Fan Jianming knew what Li Qianqian meant by overhead, which was to let Nong Lie and the Minister of National Defense completely separate from the army.

, Speaking more directly, in fact, I want to put the two of them under house arrest.

Fan Jianming asked: "My wife, have you figured out the purpose of this agreement between Country V and Nonglie? What is it?"

"Does this still need to be asked? Of course it is to disintegrate us!" Li Qianqian said: "For this war of disparity in strength, the important thing for our side is to unite and go all out. If there are two important people among us The heart, let alone betrayal, is a passive challenge, and it is also fatal to us."

Fan Jianming then asked: "Have you ever thought about Nong Lie or the Minister of National Defense? Although they don’t understand modern warfare, they know how to perceive people’s hearts. I noticed it for a while."

Of course, Li Qianqian took this issue into consideration. He said very firmly: "If there is continuous interruption, we will suffer from it. If they notice, we will directly showdown with them."

"Either honestly stay where we let them stay, and go into exile after the war, or put them in custody, or even shoot them directly for the safety of the war!"

Fan Jianming nodded: "Awesome, my wife, as a future supreme officer, you must have the courage of you!"

Li Qianqian felt that Fan Jianming was mocking herself. Just about to get angry, Fan Jianming said seriously: "Don't misunderstand what I mean. I'm telling the truth. During the war, as a supreme officer, other things are not important. The important thing is courage."

"If there is an accident in the war, I hope you can show such courage."

When Li Qianqian saw that Fan Jianming didn't mean to ridicule herself, her expression eased a lot.

"I said, my husband, can you just keep talking about the accident every day?" Li Qianqian said: "If there is an accident with your ability, do you think we still need to fight this war?"

"Furthermore, you and I, Shangguan Youran, are people who know the inner alchemy, and there are golden cores in their bodies. Although they are not gods, they are half gods, right?"

"Even though Country V is strong, aren't they all mortals? To be honest, I feel that if we want to win this war, we can only rely on the three of us. If the three of us can't help the enemy, this There is no need to persevere in the war!"

(End of this chapter)