Return of the King

Chapter 1956: No doubt about employing people


Li Qianqian looked at Fan Jianming with a stern face, and said to Fan Jianming through the airborne sound transmission: "You have no one. Even if you don't stand up to him, you can't give him the command of the entire army!"

Fan Jianming didn't explain anything to her, because Fan Jianming had other arrangements in the future. He didn't want the discussion with Li Qianqian or arrogance to interrupt his thoughts.

Seeing the lack of self-confidence of the Minister of National Defense, Nong Lie immediately said, “You don’t need to worry. As a commander-in-chief, it is for the purpose of giving orders in a unified way. Once the war starts, no matter if it is the Supreme Chief or the Speaker, and me, I will follow you Fighting."

At this time, Li Qianqian used airborne sound transmission to say to Fan Jianming: "Look, Nong Lie knows that Leah's air force cannot be captured, so he must try to capture the army. I suggest that if you really want the Minister of Defense to command For the army, then we must report the command of the helicopter and hand it over to Leah. In that case, we can at least contain Nong Lie and the Minister of Defense."

Fan Jianming didn't know that Li Qianqian's method would of course be feasible if it was only to guard against Peasants and the Minister of National Defense.

But Fan Jianming insisted that Nong Lie had absolutely no two minds, and his contact with Pierce was just to leave a way out.

As Fan Jianming himself said, once he and Norma, Leah, and Li Qianqian have troubles, the rest of the people will not have to resist. In order to preserve the lives and property of ordinary people, it is a truth that they can only choose to surrender. .

He did not know that Nonglie had reached a compromise with Pierce before the meeting. In his opinion, Nonglie has not reached an agreement with Pierce. Even if it is reached, it is to ensure that the **** country will not be due to this war. The failure completely ruined the entire country and people.

The most important point is that Fan Jianming is very clear that Nong Lie is preparing for defeat. If the war is won, even if he and Pierce reach an agreement, it will be a piece of waste paper.

Besides, the war is imminent. Suspicious people don’t need to use them. The basic principle is to employ people without doubt. The Minister of National Defense is in such an important position, and he is also from the army. If he does not hand over the command of the army to him, he obviously does not trust him.

Whether it’s the Minister of National Defense or Nong Lie, he will certainly feel resentful because of it.

Before the war started, internal divisions began. Isn't this what the people of country V wanted to do but were afraid to do, or even couldn't do it, did they help them to do it?

As for the deployment of helicopters to the Army, helicopters really cannot deal with carrier formations.

Secondly, in the seven-year bloody battle of S, Fan Jianming had a deep understanding that if the troops he led had air support, then dealing with mercenary regiments and old warlord armed forces would not seem so strenuous and sacrificed so much.

In order to resolve the attack on the front and back as soon as possible, and completely eliminate the enemy on the land with lightning speed, Fan Jianming determined that it is necessary to equip the army with helicopters.

So she said to Li Qianqian with a soundproof message: "The differences between us should be communicated after the meeting. At the meeting, you can express what you want to say, but you must not undermine the unity. As for the other, just Stop talking, lest it disrupt my thinking."

Li Qianqian glared at Fan Jianming dissatisfiedly.

But she also knew that Fan Jianming was definitely not dissatisfied with her.

After all, Fan Jianming didn’t read many books. Now he is commanding operations based on his seven years of combat experience in S, and he is very familiar with the army that S has worked in. His ideas are based on the needs of war and have a solid foundation. Military theory as the basis.

Therefore, his ideas and plans are more based on local conditions and on the spot. If Li Qianqian interrupts him so often, it may really disrupt his thinking.

So Li Qianqian stopped speaking.

The Secretary of Defense asked at this time: "Your Excellency, do you mean that, except for the air force commanded by Chief Leah, all other units are under the command of me?"

Fan Jianming asked back: "Do you think the pressure is too much?"

The Secretary of Defense said: "There is pressure, but I can overcome it, and I suggest that the Minister of Police be my deputy commander-in-chief. Together, we can command the armed forces of the two countries and eliminate the invaders who dare to come from land. place."

Fan Jianming shook his head: "This is impossible. The path is under your command. He does not intervene, but the burden on his shoulders is not light. The police force under his command must ensure the safety of our civilians and maintain what is needed in wartime. Logistics guarantee order, more important

Yes, he also has to guard against those refugees who have just returned to China. "

"Most of these refugees are pawns of the former warlord government, and there are also many former warlord armed forces who surrender in a false way, and they are likely to carry out sabotage in the territory of the Federation anytime and anywhere."

"So he must stay in the position of the Minister of Police, without the time and energy to assist you in commanding!"

Originally, Li Qianqian was worried that the power of the Minister of Defense was not monitored, and Nong Lie could easily intervene. If they had two hearts, the whole war would have failed before it even started.

Now that the Minister of National Defense himself proposes to let the Minister of Police be his deputy commander-in-chief, isn't it just right to supervise his farmer?

However, contrary to Li Qianqian's expectation, Fan Jianming actually rejected her suggestion.

Li Qianqian, who didn't want to disturb Fan Jianming anymore, couldn't help it. She first entered Nong Lie's consciousness, played back Nong Lie's memory storage, and immediately said to Fan Jianming, "Are you crazy? Why..."

Before she could finish speaking, Fan Jianming glared at her, and Li Qianqian felt a murderous look, and she trembled with fright.

This is the second time Li Qianqian saw this look.

The first time was at the gate of Jiangcheng First People's Hospital, when Fan Jianming threw their marriage certificate on Li Qianqian's face.

This is the second time.

This shows how angry Fan Jianmin should be at Li Qianqian's continuous use of airborne sound transmission to disturb him, so scared that Li Qianqian dare not say anything.

At this time, the Minister of National Defense said: "If this is the case, there is no other problem, but one thing is that the veterans from the Eastern Workers enter the army. I am confident in commanding them."

"But for the special forces from the West, I feel that they are not only not one thing with us, let alone our defeat in the war, even when the war enters a stalemate, I am worried that they will rebel and direct the enemy a little bit, and Originally, their true enemies are allies."

Fan Jianming glanced at Nong Lie at this time. Nong Lie frowned, and he muttered for a while and said, "The Minister of National Defense is not unreasonable. To be honest, I don't have any confidence in them either."

"Their fighting capacity is impeccable, but their emotions and loyalty are relative to our federation. They are definitely more biased towards country V."

(End of this chapter)